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FB Velocities
Ohio Warhawks Cory Rasmus R97
Braves Scout Team Robert Stock R95
Braves Scout Team Jacob Brigham R94
Chet Lemon's Juice Michael Burgess L94
East Coast Grays Matt Harvey R94
Farrah 9 Rick Porcello R94
Reds Scout Team Josh Thrailkill R94
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Tyler Blandford R93
Farrah 9 Jeffrey Locke L93
Reds Scout Team Andrew Oliver L93
Tidewater White Sox Kody Paul R93
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Hassan Pena  93
Neil Ramierez R93
Braves Scout Team Josh Ravin R93
Baseball America Sam Sharpe R93
Baseball America Kyle Smit R93
Columbia Angels White John Touchton R93
Columbia Angels White Norman Whittkamp R93
Columbia Angels White Norman Wittkamp R93
Jared Bard R92
Blake Beavan R92
Braves Scout Team Zach Britton L92
Baseball America Yasser Clor R92
Ohio Warhawks Evan Cox R92
Florida Pokers (inactive) Chris Cyr R92
East Coast Grays Brian Dupra R92
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple Steven Figueroa R92
Ohio Warhawks Robert Fish L92
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple John Gast L92
Chet Lemon's Juice Carmine Giardina L92
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Kyle Greenwalt R92
Bellaire Offseason Cards Michael Johnson R92
Florida Bombers Alex Koronis R92
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Nick McCalley R92
ABD Bulldogs Thomas Pham R92
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Graham Stoneburner R92
Columbia Angels White Jeremy Toole R92
Braves Scout Team Chase Anderson R91
Braves Scout Team Ryan Butner R91
Team PR - YBC Hector J. Correa R91
Baseball America Gedron Fabian L91
Louisiana All Stars 17s Blue T.J. Forrest R91
Baseball America Zackary Harwood R91
Mid Atlantic All Stars Connor Hoehn R91
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Greg Holt R91
Ohio Warhawks Travis Kelly R91
Reds Scout Team Walker Kelly L91
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Derrick Lowery L91
Puerto Rico Burger King Rigoberto Lugo R91
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Ryan Morris L91
Louisiana All Stars 17s Blue Jordy Poche R91
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Gaspar Santiago L91
Braves Scout Team Kyle Snyder R91
Josh Stinson R91
Baseball America Stephen Strasburg R91
South Florida Bandits Nathan Striz R91
Baseball America Michael Anderson R90
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Chris Andujar R90
Anthony Butler L90
Texas Sun Devils Hunter Cervenka L90
Central FL Renegades David Edwards R90
Mid Atlantic All Stars Gabriel Feldman R90
Mid Atlantic All Stars Eric Fornataro R90
College Select Cameron Gray R90
Braves Scout Team Tyree Hayes R90
PG USA/GA Stars John Housey R90
Champions Baseball Academy Nick Maronde L90
Houston Heat Black Aaron Miller L90
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Casey Mulligan R90
Florida Bombers Iden Nazario B90
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Geoff Oxley R90
Evan Parrish R90
Seattle A's Brian Pearl R90
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Jon Michael Redding R90
Reds Midwest Scout Team Tony Sedlmeyer R90
Chet Lemon's Juice Brian Sustersic R90
Braves Scout Team Shawn Tolleson R90
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Ryan Woolley R90
Bellaire Offseason Cards Drew Zizinia R90
Boomtown Prospects Ryan Allen R89
Slammers Black Evan Anundsen R89
All American Prospects 17U Chris Armstrong L89
Reds Scout Team Reece Asbury R89
Florida Hitmen Orlando Bacon L89
PG USA Crimson Michael Bilicki R89
Chet Lemon's Juice Billy Bullock R89
Major League Beginnings Gary Bulman R89
Boomtown Prospects Tanner Chitwood L89
PG USA/GA Stars Trevor Clausen R89
Mid Atlantic All Stars Michael Click R89
Houston Heat Black Frank Corolla R89
DJ Ferguson R89
PG USA Navy Cole Franklin R89
Mid Atlantic All Stars Gabe Gallagher R89
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Rob Gilliam R89
Cole Green R89
Braves Scout Team Joe Hatasaki L89
College Select Hugh Henry R89
Florida Hitmen William Hirsch R89
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Blaine Howell L89
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Michael Hur R89
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Michael Imbriale R89
ABD Bulldogs Matthew Jaimes R89
Baseball America Daniel Jones R89
PG USA/GA Stars Kevin Kreier R89
PG USA/GA Stars Kevin Krier R89
Matt Layman R89
Tidewater White Sox Matthew Little R89
Boomtown Prospects Tommy Luce R89
Major League Beginnings Justin Marks L89
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Andres Marrero R89
Chet Lemon's Juice Perlman Max R89
Houston Heat Black Steven Maxwell R89
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Joe Miller R89
Braves Scout Team Bryan Morgado L89
Florida Bombers Anthony Nalepa R89
Joe O'Malley R89
East Cobb Astros Gray Michael Palazzone R89
PG USA/GA Stars Drew Parker R89
Chet Lemon's Juice Maxwell Perlman R89
All American Prospects 17U Mark Peterson L89
Ohio Warhawks Casey Rasmus R89
Boomtown Prospects Garrett Richards R89
PG USA Royal 09 David Rivas R89
East Cobb Astros Gray Josh Smoker L89
PG USA Black Matt Sommo R89
Reds Scout Team Brad Stillings R89
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Jason Stoermer R89
Florida Bombers D.J. Swatscheno L89
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Jarred Thompson R89
Reds Scout Team Tommy Toledo R89
Alex Venegas L89
Crusader Baseball 18U Jarrad Watkins R89
Tidewater White Sox Rob Whitley R89
Matthew Zoltak L89
Matt Andress R88
Ohio Warhawks Paul Applebee L88
Deep South PG White Santi Arencibia R88
Slammers Black Eric Baalman R88
All American Prospects 17U Kyle Bellamy R88
Puerto Rico Burger King Jesus A. Cebollero R88
Braves Scout Team Kevin Chapman L88
College Select Dane Clemens R88
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Arthur Clyde R88
PG USA Black Richard Curylo R88
All American Prospects 17U Tony Davis L88
St. Louis Pirates 2010 Mattson Patrick Doyle R88
Chet Lemon's Juice Justin Edwards L88
All American Prospects 17U William Ellis R88
Ohio Warhawks Daniel Esparza R88
Houston Heat Black Brandon Finken R88
East Cobb Astros Gray James Gillheeney L88
PG USA Green Tim Griffin R88
All American Prospects 17U Chad Hardison R88
Boomtown Prospects Ben Hayes R88
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Brent Haynes R88
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple Jose Hernandez R88
ABD Bulldogs Eric Hillenbrand R88
PG USA/GA Stars Austin Hudson R88
Houston Heat Black Justin Jackson R88
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Chad Jenkins R88
Jeff Lorick L88
Boomtown Prospects Corey Maines R88
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Jack McGeary L88
College Select Brandon McNelis R88
PG USA Gold Andrew Mee R88
Columbia Angels White Shane Minks R88
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Andy Moye R88
James Parsons R88
Tidewater White Sox Jason Pierce R88
Louisiana All Stars 17s Blue John Pivach R88
PG USA Royal 09 Adrian Puig R88
All American Prospects 17U Kevin Quackenbush R88
Taylor Reeves R88
PG USA Black Scott Rembisz R88
Nick Rice L88
Dan Rosenbaum L88
Baseball America Dugahuery Sanchez R88
Florida Bombers Frank Santos R88
Mattison Smith R88
PG USA Black Brian Streilein R88
Justin Walker R88
Florida Magic Ricky Anaya R87
Deep South PG White George Bahadue R87
Greg Ball R87
Houston Heat Black Chris Bergmann L87
Columbia Angels White Drake Britton L87
David Buchanan R87
PG USA Navy Brando Casalicchio R87
Florida Pokers (inactive) Wills Clemente R87
Florida Pokers (inactive) Gregory Conver R87
Florida Pokers (inactive) Chase Cooney R87
Ohio Warhawks Danny Danielson R87
Florida Pokers (inactive) Marc DeDecker R87
PG USA Orange Ryan Delgado R87
Isaih Froneburger L87
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Kevin Gaid R87
Florida Magic Michael Gipson R87
PG USA Crimson Bryce Jenney R87
PG USA Purple 09 Brian Johnson R87
Baseball America Bruce Kern R87
Florida Pokers (inactive) Danny Kern R87
Crusader Baseball 18U Zack Levitt R87
Columbia Angels White Bobby Loveless R87
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Jordan Lucas R87
Farrah 9 B.J. Martin R87
Robert Matthews R87
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Jesus Pabellon R87
Spencer Patton R87
East Cobb Astros Gray Kyle Regnault L87
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple Dean Reinke R87
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Ricardo Rivera R87
Florida Bombers Micheal Rodriguez R87
Team PR - YBC Wilfredo Segarra R87
Jeff Stanley L87
PG USA Green Marcus Taylor L87
Everett Thomas R87
Doug Wagner R87
Baseball Northwest Ian Waldron R87
Tidewater White Sox Robbie Watkins R87
Ryan Whelan R87
Braves Scout Team Brian Wilkerson R87
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Justin Williams L87
Zach Woods R87
PG USA Purple 09 Joseph Yermal R87
Powerhouse Konrad Zeilonka R87
PG USA Columbia Blue Eric Alessio R86
PG USA Navy John Amore R86
Chet Lemon's Juice John Bachanov R86
Crusader Baseball 18U Dave Basham L86
Hamilton Bennett L86
PG USA Navy Brian Bodjiak R86
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple Eric Broberg R86
Florida Hitmen David Burns L86
Columbia Angels White Andrew Clarke R86
Texas Sun Devils Jonathan Conrad R86
Team PR - YBC Luis G. Cruz R86
Team PR - YBC Carlos A. Davila R86
Brennan Dobbins R86
Robert Donovan R86
PG USA Orange Brian Ellington R86
ABD Bulldogs Tom Filip R86
Slammers Black Chris Fuchs R86
Major League Beginnings Richie Goodenow L86
Florida Bombers Nicholas Hernandez L86
Keith Hessler L86
Reds Midwest Scout Team Chris Hoerter R86
Robert Hubbard R86
Boomtown Prospects Garrett Johnson L86
St. Louis Pirates 2010 Mattson Steve Johnson R86
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Chase Joiner R86
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Felix Machado R86
Houston Heat Black Daniel Meadows L86
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Miguel Mejias R86
Slammers Black Bobby Moller R86
Puerto Rico Burger King Jonathan Negron R86
Farrah 9 Michael Ness R86
Baseball Northwest Aaron Parente R86
ABD Bulldogs Ryan Pineda R86
Florida Hitmen Justin Preckajlo R86
PG USA Gold Corey Procopio R86
Farrah 9 Trevor Reckling L86
PG USA Royal 09 James Reyes L86
Powerhouse Anthony Rodriguez L86
Central FL Renegades Michael Rudman R86
Florida Magic Derek Sejnoha R86
Ohio Warhawks Matthew Singer R86
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Chas Skees R86
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Tim Smalling R86
PG USA Black Gregory Spatz R86
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Todd Waller R86
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple John Wiedenbauer L86
Chet Lemon's Juice Jason Wonn R86
Deep South PG White Kevin Youst R86
Seattle A's David Amberson R85
PG USA/Team Connecticut Gregory Annarummo R85
Baseball America Domonic Brown L85
Dirtbags/Hooters Scout Team Ben Bunting L85
Indiana Mustangs Jon Clarence L85
PG USA Crimson Kris Cole R85
PG USA Crimson Matthew Collins R85
Crusader Baseball 18U Justin Colvenback R85
Jake Cowan R85
Houston Heat Black Aaron Daab L85
Justin Dahl L85
Powerhouse Matt den Dekker L85
Florida Magic Richard Erath R85
Homeplate Baseball Joah Evans L85
Central FL Renegades Taylor Everist R85
PG USA Orange Grayson Garvin L85
PG USA Teal Tim Hannes R85
PG USA Crimson Ryan Hendrickson R85
Brian Jones R85
Reds Scout Team Ryan Kroko R85
James Lamourt R85
Florida Magic Danny LaPerna R85
Houston Heat Black Barret Loux R85
PG USA Purple 09 Aaron Lowery R85
Winning Inning Jeff Ludlow R85
Winning Inning Travis McSweeney R85
PG USA Navy John Mitchell R85
Bellaire Offseason Cards Patrick Moffitt R85
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Joel Morales R85
Central FL Renegades Chaz Mye L85
Central FL Renegades Brandon Neff R85
Florida Bombers Joel Palacios R85
Team PR - YBC Alvin Perez R85
PG USA Black Sean Peterson R85
PG USA Teal Brett Petigrow R85
Deep South PG White Corey Polizzano L85
PG USA Columbia Blue Jason Posner R85
Sean Ray L85
East Cobb Cardinals 18 David Ricker B85
Puerto Rico Burger King Ivan Rodriguez R85
Tommy Roebuck R85
Long Island Titans 08's Frank Ryan R85
Baseball Northwest Jason Salers L85
East Coast Grays Tom Schiller R85
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Ryan Shook L85
Indiana Mustangs Matt Speckman R85
Houston Heat Black Jerad Stevens R85
Columbia Angels White Garrett Steward R85
Winning Inning Travis Stortz L85
East Cobb Astros Gray Charlie Strohecker R85
PG USA Orange Brandon Swann R85
Central FL Renegades Scott Thorson L85
PG USA Navy Jason Walls R85
Crusader Baseball 18U Zack Ward R85
PG USA Purple 09 Ryan Wolfe L85
Florida Hitmen Peter Woodworth R85
Florida Pokers (inactive) Ronald Wysocky R85
Seattle A's Robert Young R85
Florida Hitmen Jeff Younger R85
Prime Time Prospects Alex Benson R84
Robby Bray R84
Tidewater White Sox Bryan Breedlove R84
PG USA Green Jameil Chambers R84
PG USA Teal Jonathan Conklin R84
Prime Time Prospects Joseph Costaldi R84
St. Louis Pirates 2010 Mattson Matt Daniels R84
Florida Pokers (inactive) Michael Demma R84
Champions Baseball Academy Brian Edelen R84
PG USA Gold Jason Felix R84
PG USA/Team Connecticut Daniel Franchois R84
Roman Grimaldi R84
PG USA Navy Collin Harlow L84
Andy Horton L84
Mid Atlantic All Stars Jay Tyler Joines R84
Louisiana All Stars 17s Blue Patrick Juban R84
Florida Hitmen Matt Laney L84
All American Prospects 17U Jeff Lara R84
Team PR - YBC Xavier Lebron L84
Mid Atlantic All Stars Ian Lenda R84
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Jose Marin R84
Indiana Mustangs Shawn Marquardt L84
PG USA/Team Connecticut Anthony Marra R84
Bellaire Offseason Cards Jim McGonigle R84
PG USA Teal Justin Moore R84
Powerhouse Reinaldo Padial R84
Central FL Renegades Ian Parry R84
Brad Peacock R84
PG USA Navy Nicholas Pisula R84
Boomtown Prospects Brandon Powell R84
Long Island Titans 08's Matthew Prokopowicz R84
Major League Beginnings Ryan Radke R84
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Joe Rodriguez L84
Deep South PG White Ralph Rodriguez L84
Brown Rogers R84
PG USA Royal 09 Felix Roque R84
PG USA Crimson Jim Schult R84
Texas Sun Devils Mark Serna L84
Homeplate Baseball Spencer Shelton R84
PG USA Teal Arik Sikula R84
Florida Bombers Kenny Socorro R84
Champions Baseball Academy Charles Stallings R84
John Stavola R84
Reds Midwest Scout Team Robert Strecker R84
South Florida Bandits Matthew Tomshaw L84
Crusader Baseball 18U Jesse Vermeersch R84
PG USA Teal Ariel Vidal Rey R84
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Jason Wright R84
Powerhouse Ryan Abreu R83
Prime Time Prospects Nicholas Additon L83
Nicholas Ayers R83
Baseball Northwest Derik Ballard R83
Long Island Titans 08's Michael Belfiore L83
Baseball Northwest Ian Bolliger R83
All American Prospects 17U Fernando Canas R83
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Will Casey L83
Central FL Renegades Ryan Cox R83
PG USA Green Caleb Cuevas R83
PG USA Gold Matt Davis L83
PG USA Green Dennis Duffy R83
Central FL Renegades Brett Eckler R83
Major League Beginnings Max Friedman R83
Winning Inning Caleb Fuddy L83
Powerhouse Andrew Garcia R83
Chet Lemon's Juice Antonio Garcia R83
All American Prospects 17U Matt Greener R83
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Scott Gussaroff R83
Baseball Northwest CJ Hall R83
Eric Harrington R83
All American Prospects 17U Chris Hernandez L83
Champions Baseball Academy Colton Highlander R83
Powerhouse Luke Holmes R83
PG USA Columbia Blue Boomer Hudson R83
South Florida Bandits Corey Jeffers R83
Homeplate Baseball Lee Jones R83
Winning Inning Tim Kiley R83
Farrah 9 Jayson Krautwald R83
Team PR - YBC Johnathan L. Ledee R83
College Select Vincent Lehman R83
PG USA Crimson Geoff Martone R83
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Chris Masters L83
James Maule R83
Randall Mower L83
Long Island Titans 08's Chris Nieves L83
South Florida Bandits Joey O'Donnell R83
East Coast Grays Greg Pellici R83
Major League Beginnings Craig Peters R83
College Select Nick Polsinelli R83
Knoxville Yard Dylan Pratt R83
Bobby Pritchett R83
Nicholas Punal L83
Nick Riganti L83
PG USA/GA Stars Roberto Rosado R83
Farrah 9 Hector Santiago L83
Florida Hitmen Drew Scheerhorn R83
Knoxville Yard Zack Schultz R83
Knoxville Yard Kyle Smith L83
Winning Inning Ian Thompson L83
Crusader Baseball 18U Chase Vaden L83
College Select Suriel Vargas R83
Pepsi Puerto Rico Alex Aguirre R82
South Florida Bandits Ryan Arnold R82
PG USA Gold Brandt Barnes R82
Deep South PG White Logan Billbrough R82
East Cobb Cardinals 18 Ben Blanton L82
Tidewater White Sox Michael Brogan L82
East Coast Grays Mark Brunette R82
Long Island Titans 08's Jesse Cardenas R82
Seattle A's Mathew Christie R82
PJ Davies R82
PG USA Royal 09 Daniel DeSimone R82
PG USA Columbia Blue Kyle Dreger R82
Puerto Rico Baseball Academy Nelvin Fuentes L82
Slammers Black Milan Gutesha L82
PG USA/Team Connecticut Taylor Harrington R82
PG USA Orange Joey Henshaw L82
Seattle A's Mark Hewitt L82
Boomtown Prospects Brandon Hey R82
Diamond King Baseball/Team Victory USA Grady Ihnat L82
Slammers Black Brian Land R82
Central FL Renegades David Langley R82
Florida Magic Nico Leiva R82
PG USA Green Dan Marcacci R82
PG USA Purple 09 Cody Mire R82
Homeplate Baseball Tyler Moffitt L82
Knoxville Yard Dustin Moneymaker R82
South Florida Bandits John Moreland L82
Puerto Rico Burger King Javier Pagan R82
Ohio Warhawks Landon Patterson R82
College Select Mike Perry R82
Mike Peters R82
Justin Pritchett  82
Crusader Baseball 18U Chris Santiago R82
Major League Beginnings Andrew Scolaro R82
Baseball Northwest Andy Seaman R82
Puerto Rico Burger King Juan Soto R82
ABD Bulldogs Sam Spangler L82
St. Louis Pirates 2010 Mattson Josh Syberg L82
East Coast Grays Bryan Thyroff L82
East Coast Grays Mike Weingarten L82
Florida Magic Johnny Atteo L81
Columbia Angels White Blake Bradbury R81
Seattle A's Michael Chiarelli R81
Pepsi Puerto Rico Luis Cintron L81
Long Island Titans 08's Bud Cipoletti L81
PG USA Orange Jonathan Colao L81
Puerto Rico Burger King Henry Cotto R81
James Daniel L81
Champions Baseball Academy Nick DeWees R81
PG USA Black Jerry Di Maso L81
Champions Baseball Academy Stuart Dill R81
Boomtown Prospects Taylor Field R81
Homeplate Baseball David Floyd R81
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Nathan Humphrey R81
ABD Bulldogs Jared Jordan R81
PG USA Gold John Little R81
PG USA Green Michael Martinez L81
Travis McConnell R81
Puerto Rico Burger King Gamalier Morales L81
PG USA Green Brian Multack R81
Pepsi Puerto Rico Alex Ocasio R81
Slammers Black Shawn Pachl R81
Akadema IN Yankees 17U Trey Ripley L81
Bellaire Offseason Cards Jeffrey Rohrbach R81
Bellaire Offseason Cards Daniel Rothenberg L81
East Cobb Astros Gray J.B. Skees R81
Texas Sun Devils Mitchell Todd R81
Slammers Black Daniel Turre R81
Mid Atlantic All Stars Chris Vargas L81
Seattle A's Charlie Webb R81
Prime Time Prospects Cory Weech R81
Slammers Black Nathaniel Weems L81
PG USA Crimson Trent Williams R81
PG USA/GA Stars David Williamson R81
Pepsi Puerto Rico Juan Beltran L80
Ryan Bernal R80
Central FL Renegades Raymond Copenhaver R80
PG USA Royal 09 Manny Fernandez R80
Prime Time Prospects Roman Fondon L80
Pepsi Puerto Rico Fernando Gonzalez R80
PG USA Gold Anthony Maziur L80
Slammers Black Derek McBride L80
ABD Bulldogs Dan McDonald L80
Winning Inning Charley Olson R80
N.Y./S.F. Bandit Stars Dagoberto Pena R80
Powerhouse Peter A Rodriguez R80
Powerhouse Andrew Webster R80
Keith Carrigan L79
PG USA Orange Christopher Davis R79
Powerhouse Andrew Eiriz R79
Team PR - YBC Pedro R. Feliciano R79
St. Louis Pirates 2010 Mattson Eric Heimbach L79
Harrison Helms L79
College Select Philip Jennette R79
Crusader Baseball 18U Justin Leith L79
Seattle A's Josh Lindblade R79
Powerhouse James Lopez R79
College Select Alexander Mason L79
Florida Magic Miles Mikolas R79
PG USA/Team Connecticut Nolan Murphy L79
PG USA/GA Stars Elliott Ogawa L79
Slammers Black Bradley Dresler R78
College Select Matthew Dubord R78
St. Louis Pirates 2010 Mattson Michael Fields L78
PG USA Teal Stephen Fuchs R78
Indiana Mustangs David Geiger R78
Winning Inning Anthony Katchuk R78
Thomas Lucchese R78
PG USA Columbia Blue Ian Solomon L78
Bellaire Offseason Cards Brandon Wuntch R78
Puerto Rico Burger King Yamil Ares L77
Pepsi Puerto Rico Christian Borquez L77
College Select Frank Cebek R77
Pepsi Puerto Rico Edward Colon R77
Pepsi Puerto Rico Jose A. Eusebio L77
PG USA Purple 09 Jason May R77
PG USA Royal 09 Nick Moss L77
PG USA Orange John Rodriguez L77
ABD Bulldogs Jerrud Sabourin L77
Indiana Mustangs Matthew Wall R77
PG USA Gold Ryan Kahn L76
Indiana Mustangs Peter Kassing L76
Kyle Miller R76
Puerto Rico Burger King Orlando Rivera R76
South Florida Bandits CJ Arconti L75
Homeplate Baseball Zach Smith L75
Prime Time Prospects Brett Heil L74
PG USA Navy Robert LaColla R73
PG USA Columbia Blue Kevin Lupo R73
Pepsi Puerto Rico Victor Palacios R67
Seattle A's Cole Wagoner L64
Homeplate Baseball Shawn Swaringen R60