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Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Seth Blair R95
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Matt Harvey R94
Team Adidas Keyvius Sampson R93
Savannah Chain Brandon Cumpton R92
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Alex Panteliodis L92
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Ray Hanson R91
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Chris Jones L91
East Cobb Braves 17U Michael Palazzone R91
East Cobb Braves 17U Mark Pope R91
Naples Slammers Zach See R91
Florida Hardballers 17U Luke Smierciak R91
Savannah Chain Gary Smith R91
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Brett Zawacki R91
East Cobb Braves 17U Brett DeVall L90
East Cobb Braves 17U Ethan Martin R90
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Ryan Sharpley R90
East Cobb Braves 17U Ezekiel Spruill R90
Florida Hardballers 17U Carrick Tuck R90
Team Adidas Alberto Cardenas R89
Southwest Florida Baseball 17U Leo Chang R89
Savannah Chain Tony Chisman R89
Baseball U Prospects Mike Dennhardt R89
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Mike Nastold R89
Florida Legends Matt Sergay R89
Florida Bandits South Greg Smith R89
Southwest Florida Baseball 17U Evan Stobbs-Bultema R89
Florida Hardballers 17U Jacob Tillotson R89
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Austin Wood R89
Southwest Florida Baseball 17U Chaz Abeln R88
Savannah Chain Nolan Belcher L88
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Elliott Byers R88
Baseball U Prospects Brian Dudzinski R88
East Cobb Braves 17U Grant Edwards R88
East Cobb Braves 17U Grayson Garvin L88
Florida Legends Michael Gipson R88
Midland Redskins/Kansas City Royals Scout Team Ian Kadish R88
Florida Magic Damon Krestalude R88
Central FL Black Racers Dustin Leonard R88
Florida Legends Danny Miranda L88
Daniel Reeves R88
Baseball U Prospects Kyle Slate R88
Florida Bandits South Corey Swickle R88
Florida Legends Hector Veras L88
Florida Bandits South Elliot Weiner R88
Savannah Chain Garrett Baker L87
TNL 18U's Travis Barrett R87
TNL 18U's Tyler Brown R87
Naples Slammers Ray DeJesus R87
Florida Magic Richard Erath R87
Savannah Chain Skyler Hoffer R87
TNL 18U's Kyle Mccuen R87
East Cobb Braves 17U Blaine O'Brien R87
Ralph Ball Felix Roque R87
East Cobb Braves 17U Alex Sherrod R87
Randall Thompson R87
Florida Pokers (inactive) Gregg Bennis R86
Boomtown Prospects Steve Carlin R86
Boomtown Prospects Chris Ellison R86
Central FL Black Racers Ryan Fern R86
Florida Bandits South Jaren Matthews L86
Florida Legends Zachary Parks L86
Florida Legends Robby Scott L86
Florida Bomber Braves Michael Tomasi R86
Brevard Aces Matthew Zettler R86
Florida Magic Mikel Alvarez L85
Dallas Blue Sox- Frozen Ropes 18U Pool Brody R85
Savannah Chain Josh Collins R85
Southwest Florida Baseball 17U Anton Dapcic R85
Team Adidas Frank DeJiulio R85
Orlando Scorpions 17U Purple T.J. Harbuck R85
Boomtown Prospects Stephen Hood R85
Central FL Black Racers Alex Lombardi R85
East Cobb Braves 17U Jamel Mann R85
Jacksonville Heat 18U Casey Medlen R85
Savannah Chain Michael Patton L85
Baseball U Prospects Josh Renfro L85
Florida Bandits South Nathan Striz R85
Doug Wagner R85
Team Adidas Adam Albers R84
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Paul Davis R84
Florida Legends Kyle Forney R84
Freshwater Storm John Gainey R84
Powerhouse Andrew Garcia R84
Southwest Florida Baseball 17U Isaac Hicks R84
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Brian Jones R84
Naples Slammers Philip Lowe R84
Florida Bomber Braves Jonathan Murray R84
TNL 18U's Logan Simmons L84
Naples Slammers Bryant Tinsley R84
Florida Magic Kevin Boyd L83
Boomtown Prospects John Bryant R83
Andy Dedman R83
Brevard Aces Chris Duguay L83
Florida Pokers (inactive) Corey Estrada L83
Brevard Aces Greg Facciobene R83
Florida Bomber Braves Anthony Garcilazo R83
Brevard Aces Chris Hamper L83
Freshwater Storm AJ Hillenbrand L83
Florida Bandits South Joe Homoacker R83
Andy Horton L83
Baseball U Prospects Evan Mancini R83
Jacksonville Heat 18U Trent Pettit R83
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 Steven Popp R83
Florida Magic Tim Roberson R83
Freshwater Storm Micah Robinson R83
Team Adidas Dillon Vitale R83
Florida Bomber Braves Daniel Whittemore R83
Brevard Aces Tyler Witzel R83
Jacksonville Heat 18U Mark Young R83
Boomtown Prospects Andy Cordier R82
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Daniel Davis R82
Dallas Blue Sox- Frozen Ropes 18U Cody Fields L82
Brevard Aces Stephen Gates R82
Brevard Aces Brian Katz R82
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 Nick Piccirillo R82
Team Adidas Daniel Rockhold R82
Naples Slammers Damon Sarceno R82
Florida Hardballers 17U Jones Andy L81
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 Jim Dimon R81
Boomtown Prospects Justin Ebert R81
Boomtown Prospects Connor Farris L81
Ralph Ball Joseph Foreman R81
Baseball U Prospects Mark Holmes R81
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Timothy Kemp L81
TNL 18U's Blake Lee R81
Florida Hardballers 17U Luke Pritchett R81
Ralph Ball Chris Rodriguez R81
Eddie Sipple L81
Freshwater Storm Andy Swain L81
Team Adidas John Thomas L81
Freshwater Storm Andrew Thompson R81
Team Adidas Cody Higgins R80
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 William Kenyon R80
Dallas Blue Sox- Frozen Ropes 18U Benjamin Lewis R80
Florida Bomber Braves Mike Licameli R80
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Eric (Scotty) McManis R80
Jacksonville Heat 18U Chris Patrick R80
Ralph Ball R. Rodriguez R80
Florida Magic Alex Wood L80
Florida Hardballers 17U Tyler Erickson R79
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 Nick Fico  79
Central FL Black Racers Zach Haile R79
Florida Pokers (inactive) Ryan Kahn L79
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 Pierce Onthank R79
Florida Magic Reed Owens R79
Team Connecticut Blue Jays 18 Dan Evangelista L78
Florida Bomber Braves Brandon Nieves R78
Boomtown Prospects Kory Bible R77
Dallas Blue Sox- Frozen Ropes 18U Jordan Hammontree R77
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Bradley Krick L76
Dallas Blue Sox- Frozen Ropes 18U David Sutton L76
Dallas Blue Sox- Frozen Ropes 18U Brian Durst R75
Ralph Ball Zach Margules L75
Florida Pokers (inactive) Wills Clemente R74
Sandlot Baseball Academy/Treasure Coast Knights Cory Shaver L73