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Organizational protection was used for the first round of the playoffs, the #11 seed and #12 seed were switched for this reason.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 3 Event Articles
FB Velocities
USA Prime American 17U Tyler Gray R92
Dulins Dodgers Dominick Reid R92
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Xavier Hirsch R91
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Gabriel Watson R91
Texas Twelve 17U Black Andrew Berg R90
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Jason Davis R90
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Ethan Garcia R90
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Jacob Havern R90
Stix 2022 Prospects White Connor Olson R90
5 Star Performance 17u National Baylor Baumann R89
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Zachary Fields R89
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Isaac Godard R89
Lights Out Black Edward Hart L89
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Edward Hart L89
Slammers Asnicar Ethan Lewis R89
Banditos 17U Elite Robert Oropeza R89
Canes Scout - Premier Adam Vaughn R89
Dulins Dodgers Ethan Wesloski R89
5 Star Performance 17u National Jacob White L89
Vendetta Baseball Caiden Wilson R89
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Jacob Wingard R89
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Douglas Bauer R88
USA Prime American 17U Breck Bradshaw R88
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Bradley Burkhardt R88
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Bryson Dudley R88
USA Prime American 17U Tate Evans R88
Team Venom Jack Haag R88
Hp 2022 Copeland Seth Johnson R88
5 Star Performance 17u National Jonathan Lowe R88
Dulins Dodgers Ryan Marquez R88
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores Ricky Montelongo R88
5 Star Performance 17u National Sam Peterson R88
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Lino Rodriguez R88
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Nicodemus Ruedas R88
Texas Twelve 17U Black Damian Ruiz R88
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Caden Strickland R88
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Danny Valadez R88
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Clay Westbrook R88
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Brandon Arvidson L87
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Jackson Baker R87
Trosky Texas 2022- Whigham Kade Baron R87
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Trent Caram R87
Dulins Dodgers Zachary Colletti R87
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Zach Darden R87
USA Prime American 17U Tristan Duke L87
Dulins Dodgers Zach Erdman L87
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Reese Frantom R87
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Daniel Garcia R87
Stix 2022 Prospects White Carter Olson R87
Dallas Tigers- Delagarza Caleb Perry R87
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Zane Petty R87
USA Prime American 17U JJ Rickert R87
Dulins Dodgers Trent Rucker R87
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Landry Suarez R87
THZ Baseball - Blue Zack Anderson R86
Texas Twelve 17U Black Ronald Benavidez R86
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Garret Carter R86
Banditos 17U Elite Shane Connell R86
Dulins Dodgers Brandt Corley L86
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Bret Deegan R86
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Nathan Fields R86
Canes Scout - Premier Matthew Foley R86
Stix 2022 Prospects White William Graygor R86
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Brian Hallum R86
Hp 2022 Williams Hayden Hansen R86
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Ethan Hewell R86
Gps Legends 17u Weikert Cole Jefferson R86
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Chase McCall R86
USA Prime American 17U Jacob Morgan R86
Slammers Asnicar Gabriel Rodriguez R86
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Peyton Thomas R86
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Jonathan Valdez R86
USA Prime American 17U Brenden Vasquez R86
Premier Baseball 2022 Hayes Cody Vern R86
Trosky Texas 2022- Whigham Blake Wolf R86
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores Aiden Baumann R85
USA Prime Houston - Texas 9 Daniel Collins R85
Hp 2022 Copeland Daniel Collins R85
Trosky Texas 2022- Whigham Cade Griffin R85
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Nathaniel Hall R85
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Gabriel Hinojosa R85
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Carson Hintz R85
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Jack Marek R85
ZT ELITE IBARRA Joseph Marin R85
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Dakota McCaskill R85
USA Prime American 17U Dustin Meadows R85
Vendetta Baseball Brady Parker L85
Slammers Asnicar Anders Persson R85
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Colt Powledge R85
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Aidan Reichek R85
Trosky Texas 2022- Whigham Aidan Reichek R85
Gps Legends 17u Weikert John William Snell R85
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Braylen Timmins L85
5 Star Performance 17u National Gehrig Vogel R85
Hp 2022 Williams Darren Wood R85
Hp 2022 Copeland Sammy York R85
Elite Squad Texas-Shifflet Reid Bowyer R84
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Ethan Calder L84
Texas Twelve 17U Black Michael Debattista R84
Lights Out Black Blake Hollingshead R84
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Tanner Jackson R84
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Logan Knichel L84
Vendetta Baseball Daniel Martinez L84
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Ridge Morgan R84
Vendetta Baseball Caden Mozisek R84
Gps Legends 17u Weikert Andon Petty R84
Stix 2022 Prospects White John Pierson R84
USA Prime American 17U James Placke R84
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Austin Pryor R84
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Carson Purdes R84
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Will Rasmusson R84
Dulins Dodgers Beau Smith R84
Canes Scout - Premier Ellis Taylor R84
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Isaac Thornton R84
5 Star Performance 17u National Collin Valentine L84
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores Brandon Vasquez R84
Canes Scout - Premier Maximus Vecchiet R84
Hp 2022 Copeland Jose Bludau R83
Texas Twelve 17U Black Tyler Brautigam R83
Gps Legends 17u Weikert Jack Brinson R83
Dallas Tigers- Delagarza Rowdy Chandler R83
5 Star Performance 17u National Carson Courtney R83
Texas Twelve 17U Black Harrison Golden R83
Canes Scout - Premier Kobe Gonzales R83
Hp 2022 Williams Michael Hampton R83
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Kolby Killough R83
Slammers Asnicar Garrett Klein R83
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Ryan Lawton L83
Cypress Crusaders Cruz Medina R83
USA Prime American 17U Nate Miller R83
Team Venom Jace Newkirk R83
Dallas Tigers- Delagarza Kade Owen R83
THZ Baseball - Blue Brendan Read R83
C2 Baseball 2022 White Elijah Rivera R83
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Cooper Scofield R83
Hp 2022 Copeland Brandon Seidmeyer R83
Hp 2022 Williams Cole Stone R83
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Logan Taylor R83
USA Prime Houston - Texas 9 Jack Wilhelm R83
Team Venom Jackson Wilkerson L83
5 Star Performance 17u National Easton Ballard L82
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Ryan Block R82
Trosky Texas 2022- Whigham Jacob Broussard R82
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores David Castillo R82
C2 Baseball 2022 White Francisco Chavez R82
Banditos 17u Texas Cullen Crain R82
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Kyle England L82
Trosky Texas 2022- Ina Nathan Garr R82
Lights Out Black Jake Gresham R82
Dulins Dodgers Jaxon Haynes R82
Banditos 17u Texas Willy Hernandez R82
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Hayden Hibbetts R82
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Gaige Hoffman R82
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Patrick Hudson R82
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Cesar Ibarra R82
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Matthew Lau R82
Gps Legends 17u Weikert Andrew Lear R82
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores Sam Letz R82
Fort Worth Texans 2022 Holle Hunter Lewis R82
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Tristan Mills R82
Hp 2022 Copeland Jaime Montemayor R82
Stix 2022 Prospects White Ramiro Montiel R82
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Gavin Moreau R82
Team Venom Bryce Pacovsky R82
Banditos 17U Elite Dominic Padilla R82
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Montana Parker R82
Hp 2022 Copeland Jayden Ramos R82
THZ Baseball - Blue Connor Raney R82
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Cody Templeton L82
Banditos 17u Texas Kayin Tillman R82
Cypress Crusaders Brayden Vickery R82
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Brayden Vickery R82
Dulins Dodgers Austin Wallace R82
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Kaden Blanchard L81
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Conner Chase R81
Elite Squad Texas-Shifflet Chance Childress R81
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Austin Clinkscales L81
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Rylan Conner R81
Lights Out Black Jacob Coolbaugh R81
Texas Twelve 17U Black Ethan Coronel R81
Stix 2022 Prospects White Cody Crosslin R81
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Chris Darner R81
Scorpions 17U Red Daelan Fears R81
Dallas Tigers- Delagarza Lucas Ferguson R81
USA Prime Houston - Texas 9 Jt Garza R81
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Tyler Gaudet R81
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Brady Henderson R81
Banditos 17U Elite Azael Hinojosa R81
USA Prime Houston - Texas 9 Robert Hunt R81
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores Jared Hyman L81
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Karson Kaiser L81
Slammers Asnicar Ryan Kim R81
5 Star Performance 17u National Kaden Koonce R81
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Jake Maggio R81
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Garrett McCoy R81
Vendetta Baseball Dawson Orsak R81
USA Prime American 17U Sam Pyland R81
Vendetta Baseball Bodie Ritchie R81
Texas Twelve 17U Black Joshua Rivas R81
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Preston Russell R81
Dulins Dodgers Ford Shippy R81
Lonestar National 2022 - Moench Brody Ticer R81
Cypress Crusaders Cade Walker R81
Canes Scout - Premier Caden Crouch R80
Nwc Spartans Baseball Daniel Deaton R80
Slammers Asnicar Ezekiel Dokes R80
ZT ELITE IBARRA Julian Estrada R80
C2 Baseball 2022 White Lane Fuller R80
Stix 2022 Prospects White Tripp Galier R80
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Connor Godfrey R80
ZT ELITE IBARRA Nathan Hayes R80
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Cameron Hill R80
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Alec Hirneise R80
Dallas Tigers- Delagarza Aaron Jett R80
Vendetta Baseball Jayden Meregildo R80
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Alex Miller R80
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Alex Molina L80
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Alex Montiel R80
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez James Murnane R80
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Jack Pedrick L80
Cypress Crusaders Emilio Rodriguez L80
Banditos 17U Elite Roman Rodriguez R80
Banditos 17u Texas Isaac Romero R80
Gps Legends 17u Weikert Logan Smith R80
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez Jacob Steuber R80
Lights Out Black Ethan Walker R80
Slammers Asnicar Reagan Wangler R80
Lights Out Black Billy Baehr R79
Dulins Dodgers James Bodine R79
THZ Baseball - Blue Ethan Boecker R79
C2 Baseball 2022 White Ty Brantley R79
Elite Squad Texas-Shifflet Brandt Butler L79
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Xavier Delgado R79
Dallas Tigers- Delagarza Andrew Gafford R79
Cypress Crusaders Corey Grant R79
Elite Squad Texas-Shifflet Gage Griffin R79
Canes Scout - Premier Jeff Hebert L79
Hp 2022 Copeland Shane Laird R79
Cypress Crusaders Pedro Medina R79
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Mac Morelan R79
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black McKay Peterson R79
Texas Twelve 17U Black Armando Rocha R79
USA Prime Houston - Texas 9 Connor Rodriguez L79
ZT ELITE IBARRA Joffer Rodriguez R79
Scorpions 17U Red Logan Wilson R79
Slammers Asnicar Conor Wolf L79
C2 Baseball 2022 Silver Nico Young R79
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez Carter Andreozzi R78
Victus Scout Team - LaRue Jaden Barfield L78
Scorpions 17U Red Korbin Brooks R78
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez Donavin Crisostomo R78
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Mateo Del Riego R78
Elite Squad Texas-Shifflet Jackson Mills R78
Banditos 17u Texas Bryce Musgrove R78
Team Venom Tyler Pelton L78
Zt Elite Stx Ian Ruggiero R78
ZT ELITE IBARRA Ian Ruggiero R78
Premier Baseball 2022 Hayes Joshua Sagredo R78
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Tyler West R78
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Benjamin Woods R78
Gps Legends 17u Weikert Brody Blay L77
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Cole Brecheen R77
Stix 2022 Prospects White Mason Gilliam R77
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Adam Gordon R77
C2 Baseball 2022 White Gabriel Hernandez L77
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Luke Jaynes R77
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Garrett Kern R77
Premier Baseball 2022 Hayes Christian Kurtz R77
Dulins Dodgers Dusty Lindner R77
Scorpions 17U Red Brandon Phillips L77
Hp 2022 Williams David Samonski L77
Hp 2022 Williams Bryce Sanchez L77
Hp 2022 Williams Dylan Scott L77
Premier Baseball 2022 Hayes Trevor Sebek R77
USA Prime American 17U Kade Sweckard R77
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Adan Velasquez R77
Cypress Crusaders Raydon Arroyo R76
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Jack Carmichael R76
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez Conner Denham L76
C2 Baseball 2022 White Kenneth Garcia R76
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Jarren Giaimo L76
Banditos 17u Texas Nevin Herrera L76
C2 Baseball 2022 White Colby Key R76
Nwc Spartans Baseball Aryan Konwar L76
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Matthew Mitchell R76
Elite Squad Texas-Shifflet Jaxson Perry R76
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez Collin Sanders R76
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Dawson Schumann R76
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Ethan Shipley R76
Team Venom Timmy Taylor R76
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Joaquin Van Trease L76
5 Star Performance 17u Woytek Brantly Baker R75
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Isaac Beeler R75
THZ Baseball - Black Tra'On Crawford R75
Vendetta Baseball Mikey Crow R75
Lonestar National 2022 - Flores Corbin Dube L75
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Diego Guido R75
THZ Baseball - Blue Jackson Harvey R75
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Collin Norris R75
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Hunter Norris L75
Canes Scout - Premier Perry Raines R75
Premier Baseball 2022 Hayes Dallas Saunders R75
Banditos 17u Texas Dion Thompson R75
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Roberto Velasquez, Jr R75
THZ Baseball - Blue Robert Villarreal R75
Zt Elite Stx Brayden Visser R75
ZT ELITE IBARRA Brayden Visser R75
Nwc Spartans Baseball Kaden Widacki R75
Banditos 17U Elite Miguel Cabrera R74
Ea Bears 2022-Andrus Justin Chirinos L74
Stix 2022 Prospects Black Beau Distel L74
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Caden Frangente R74
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Clifton Garcia R74
C2 Baseball 2022 White Blake Juarez R74
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Pedro Martinez R74
Scorpions 17U Red Tommy Mathay L74
Scorpions 17U Red Joey Ott R74
Trosky Texas 2022 - Sanchez Christian Salinas R74
Canes Southwest 2022 Ralson Laithe Shelley R74
Nwc Spartans Baseball Kyle Wright R74
THZ Baseball - Blue Cade Atzenhofer R73
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Nick Fletcher R73
THZ Baseball - Black Tony Garcia R73
Premier Baseball 2022 Hayes Favian Lopez R73
Stix South 2022 Prospects Black Lane Reed L73
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Austin Taylor R73
THZ Baseball - Black Chase Tijerina R73
THZ Baseball - Black Jackson Daniel R72
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Cade Faulkner L72
Gps Legends 17u Puffer Hudson Gardner L72
Tier 1 Baseball- Silver Marco Martinez R72
THZ Baseball - Blue John Cruz San Migel R72
THZ Baseball - Black Kason Bayer R71
THZ Baseball - Blue Caleb Bradford R71
THZ Baseball - Black Justin Krips L71
Cypress Crusaders Andrew Medina L71
Nwc Spartans Baseball Colton Mundy R71
Nwc Spartans Baseball Thomas Carroll R70
C2 Baseball 2022 White Isaac Hernandez L70
THZ Baseball - Black Kaden Kaderka R69
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Peyton Pogach R69
Premier Baseball Futures 2022 - Elliott Collin Rosas R69
THZ Baseball - Black Ivan Sandoval R69
Dallas Tigers Hancock 17U Matthew Savala B69
Banditos 17u Texas Jorge Bosquez R68
Stix North 2022 Prospects Black Sean McKelvey R68
Scorpions 17U Red Andrew Moore R67