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Excel Blue Wave 2022 Alton Davis L90
Excel Blue Wave 2022 Davis Gillespie R87
EBC 17u-Gold Grayson Saunier R87
EBC 17u-Gold Brock Tapper L87
Alabama Steel Braxton Turnbow R87
EBC 17u-Gold Jake Wilson L87
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Ollie Akens R86
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Patrick Johnson R86
EBC 17u-Black Rudy Baldwyn R85
Excel Blue Wave 2022 Andrew Floyd R85
EBC 17u-Gold Seth Garner R85
OLD HICKORY 17's Ryan Murphy R85
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Walker Strange R85
SBG Sox Red 2022 Austin Tommasini R85
Memphis Tigers 17u- Wallis Bo Culver R84
TPL National 2022 Joshua Ervin R84
TPL National 2022 Logan Green R84
Top Gun - TGB Harrison Griffeth L84
EBC 17u-Gold Brady Jones R84
TPL National 2022 Andrew Oswalt R84
eXposure Underclass Black Will Pryor R84
Memphis Tigers 17u- Wallis Jacob Sitton R84
Excel Blue Wave 2022 Jeff Wilkins R84
EBC 17u-Gold Jackson Cheek R83
Memphis Tigers 17u- Wallis Lane Evans R83
Excel Blue Wave 2022 Reid Gongwer L83
Excel Blue Wave 2022 Howell Polk R83
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Blake Rodgers L83
EBC 17u-Gold Scott Sharp L83
Memphis Tigers 17u- Wallis Gabe Wright R83
SBG Sox Red 2022 John Wynne R83
Excel Blue Wave 2022 Eli Zielinski L83
EBC 17u-Black John Paul Allen R82
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Cooper Casteel L82
SBG Sox Red 2022 Blaine Causey R82
Memphis Tigers 17u- Wallis Joshua Giannini R82
TPL American Martin Lee L82
Maximum Exposure Hogan Mayhew R82
OLD HICKORY 17's Christian Pencek R82
OLD HICKORY 17's Luke Smith R82
eXposure Underclass White Brooks Brownlee R81
eXposure Underclass Black Nicolas Castro L81
SBG Sox Red 2022 Brice Deaton R81
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Luke Johnson R81
EBC 17u-Black Cade Leatherwood R81
EBC 17u-Black Carson Plunk R81
EBC 17u-White Braden Sheals L81
Alabama Steel Caleb Shofner R81
HCChargers 16 Noah Berry R80
Memphis Tigers 17u- Floyd William Gossett R80
EBC 17u-Black Warner Michael R80
OLD HICKORY 17's Bennett Mobley R80
Maximum Exposure Bryn Peacock R80
eXposure Underclass Black Matthew Pledge R80
TPL National 2022 Mitchell Rhodes R80
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Landen Skeen R80
Memphis Tigers 17u- Floyd John Webb R80
eXposure Underclass Black Tanner Wilson R80
HCChargers 16 Ray Anderson L79
Alabama Steel John Cooke R79
EBC 17u-Black Cade Greer L79
Memphis Tigers 17u- Wallis Connell Hardin R79
Memphis Tigers 17u- Floyd Charlie Horne L79
EBC 17u-Black Jackson Mayer L79
EBC 17u-White Jack Newman L79
eXposure Underclass Black Aiden Robertson R79
EBC 17u-White Josh Robinson R79
HCChargers 16 Hunter Scruggs R79
EBC 17u-Gold Cooper Clapp R78
TPL American Ethan Davis R78
HCChargers 16 Nathan Guyse R78
Top Gun - TGB Carson Hamm R78
Maximum Exposure Cameron Medders R78
SBG Sox Red 2022 Jack Moody R78
eXposure Underclass White Brock Ragsdale R78
EBC 17u-White Connor Brinkley R77
Top Gun - TGB Carson Camper R77
Top Gun - TGB Austin Collins L77
EBC 17u-White Jd Klug R77
TPL National 2022 Charlie Marshall R77
Top Gun - TGB Campbell McCluney R77
EBC 17u-Black Riley Parker R77
HCChargers 16 Micah Perkins R77
HCChargers 16 Cade Collins L76
TPL American Devin Ellison R75
eXposure Underclass Bosheers Brodie Genter R75
EBC 17u-White Dylan James R75
HCChargers 16 Seth Mitchell R75
Alabama Steel Hughes Orr R75
OLD HICKORY 17's Jake Owen R75
Alabama Steel Chapman Wallock R75
eXposure Underclass White Kaden Adsit R74
TPL American Aaron Anderson R74
Memphis Tigers 17u- Floyd Zayden McCaslin R74
eXposure Underclass White Avery Roberson L74
TPL American Sam Scharfenberg L74
OLD HICKORY 17's Aaron Bartholomew B73
EBC 17u-Black Seth Leuck L73
OLD HICKORY 17's Will Elkins R72
Maximum Exposure Blake Jennings R72
eXposure Underclass White Kane Johnson R72
Maximum Exposure Joe Sisneros L72
TPL American Jared Strothers R72
TPL National 2022 Jackson Wade L72
HCChargers 16 Chris Walker R72
Maximum Exposure Tyler Douglas R71
SBG Sox Red 2022 Garrett Jackson R71
eXposure Underclass White Lane Brooks R70
Memphis Tigers 17u- Floyd Daniel Capocaccia R70
Memphis Tigers 17u- Floyd Cade Hornsby R70
Top Gun - TGB Avery Chitwood R68
eXposure Underclass White Brennan Corn L68