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Per Seminole County: No metal spikes. Molded cleats or turfs allowed only.  No sunflower seeds, gum, or music is permitted at the complex.
All Tournament Teams are now posted! 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star 2028 Scout Team
0 Jace Dean 52 8 Florida Panthers 13u 9/10/2022
45 Preston Emmons 27 3 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
34 2 Orlando Royals 9/11/2022
Total 61 5
99 Brandyn Figueroa 73 9 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
22 Nicholas Pasquinelli 32 3 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
34 6 Base Eleven 9/11/2022
Total 66 9
2 Hayden Ramos 44 6 Florida Panthers 13u 9/10/2022
5 1 Orlando Royals 9/11/2022
Total 49 7
7 Armando Ros 43 6 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
16 4 Orlando Royals 9/11/2022
Total 59 10
10 Ethan Smith 65 12 Base Eleven 9/11/2022
87 Justin Waite 48 9 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
45 5 Orlando Royals 9/11/2022
Total 93 14
Base Eleven
0 Manuel Barboza 7 0 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
7 Gabriel Carrero 38 9 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
67 10 FL FUEL 9/11/2022
Total 105 19
21 Khaled Colon 0 0 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
36 Daniel Diaz 18 4 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
20 Oscar Fernandez 10 3 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
18 0 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
Total 28 3
21 3 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 49 6
13 Mathias Perozo 18 6 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
41 9 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
Total 59 15
29 4 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 88 19
81 Daniel Quintero 10 3 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
8 2 FL FUEL 9/11/2022
Total 18 5
24 Victor Santeliz 52 9 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
53 7 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 105 16
Black Sharks Baseball
5 Yariel "Lito" Diaz 37 6 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
26 6 CBC 13U FITZ 9/11/2022
Total 63 12
18 Jayden Pagan 27 1 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
2 Jayderik Rivera 7 2 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
31 Alejandro Rodriguez 66 12 CBC 13U FITZ 9/11/2022
21 Jaden Roman 80 9 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
24 Joshua Sanchez 44 4 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
12 Daniel Velez Santiago 18 3 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
Brevard Aces
9 Ryan Amos 45 7 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/10/2022
22 Grant Arnold 61 12 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/10/2022
8 Ethan Chadwick 7 2 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/10/2022
2 Aiden Doherty 7 2 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/10/2022
25 6 Pro4mer 13u 9/11/2022
Total 32 8
16 Tyler Fowks 28 7 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/10/2022
3 Wes Lawrence 57 9 Pro4mer 13u 9/11/2022
7 Ethan Lynskey 56 12 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/10/2022
27 Brody Barnes 27 2 Black Sharks Baseball 9/11/2022
28 Anderson Homer 46 6 Base Eleven 9/10/2022
11 Jack Kissell 46 9 Black Sharks Baseball 9/11/2022
23 Thomas Poisson 43 9 Base Eleven 9/10/2022
16 Jake Redding 54 9 Florida Panthers 13u 9/11/2022
4 Anthony Romeu 38 9 Florida Panthers 13u 9/11/2022
15 Hunter Schultz 71 18 Chargers 9/10/2022
2 Jayan Shah 44 5 Black Sharks Baseball 9/11/2022
9 Bryson Stone 44 6 Base Eleven 9/10/2022
32 Devin Brashear 45 9 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
3 Lucas Caro 25 2 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/9/2022
46 5 MBA 2028 9/11/2022
Total 71 7
17 Owen Guffee 55 8 MBA 2028 9/11/2022
13 Chase Mosedale 51 6 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
14 Elijah Prisciandaro 33 1 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
6 Travis Rozier 58 7 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/9/2022
12 Jackson Vick 10 0 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/9/2022
11 2 CBC 13U FITZ 9/10/2022
Total 21 2
21 Benjamin Williams Jr. 20 3 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/9/2022
Diamond Elite Fernandez
47 Ryan Carvajal 23 6 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/11/2022
34 Yohan X Cintron 76 12 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
Alejandro Diego 30 6 FL FUEL 9/10/2022
47 9 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/11/2022
Total 77 15
5 Gavin Lopez 76 18 Brevard Aces 9/10/2022
13 Manny Loud 9 3 Brevard Aces 9/10/2022
18 6 FL FUEL 9/10/2022
Total 27 9
21 Roberto Negron 52 6 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
99 Gabriel Octtaviani Gonzalez 11 1 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
Eba 13u Thomas
Austin Corns 64 10 Black Sharks Baseball 9/10/2022
Bryce Davis 44 4 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
Mason Demetree 15 6 Black Sharks Baseball 9/10/2022
49 4 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 64 10
Ethan Jackson 18 1 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
Braylon Mitchell 30 4 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
HUNTER MYRBACK 28 2 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
2 1 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 30 3
Nicholas Poulsen 15 1 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
Lane Turner 26 1 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
Noah Zmijewski 30 4 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
2 Hudson Farah 6 1 Base Eleven 9/11/2022
30 Zain Gillespie 35 3 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/10/2022
17 Orlando Gutierrez Jr 36 3 Base Eleven 9/11/2022
3 Cason Knight 51 12 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/10/2022
14 Lance Meinke 13 3 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/10/2022
1 Cayden Smith 60 6 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/10/2022
4 Nathan Welch 28 6 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/10/2022
41 4 Base Eleven 9/11/2022
Total 69 10
Florida Jays Scout Team
33 Konnor Briggs 63 13 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/11/2022
19 Geronimo Fermin 62 6 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/11/2022
45 Evan Goodmon 12 3 Chargers 9/9/2022
52 9 Eba 13u Thomas 9/11/2022
Total 64 12
14 Yomar Infante 63 13 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
20 Santiago Medina 32 4 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
3 1 Eba 13u Thomas 9/11/2022
Total 35 5
9 Jared Rivera 46 6 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
6 Luis Rodriguez 22 3 Chargers 9/9/2022
36 9 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/10/2022
Total 58 12
7 Jose Scrofani 11 3 Chargers 9/9/2022
21 2 Eba 13u Thomas 9/11/2022
Total 32 5
23 Aedan Tompkins 34 6 Chargers 9/9/2022
25 4 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 59 10
Florida Panthers 13u
9 Brantley Bruser 39 4 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
27 Hunter Capaz 21 3 CBC 13U FITZ 9/11/2022
17 Lawrence Foote 37 2 CBC 13U FITZ 9/11/2022
29 Austin Gaertner 15 3 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
13 Donovan Garrido 33 3 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
23 Anthony Hannah 26 2 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
2 Donny Hyer 54 6 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
7 Jack Johnson 45 7 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
4 Truman Mayer 16 2 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
22 Eli Parsons 37 4 CBC 13U FITZ 9/11/2022
3 Tyler Shoemaker 42 6 CBC 13U FITZ 9/11/2022
1 Jaylen Watts 38 5 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
Florida Sluggers 13 Blue
13 Jaden Brown 44 7 Brevard Aces 9/10/2022
Carlos Canelones 24 3 FL FUEL 9/10/2022
Dylan Montez 55 12 FL FUEL 9/10/2022
31 3 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/11/2022
Total 86 15
Kai Ocasio 33 3 FL FUEL 9/10/2022
Justin Pascale 33 9 Brevard Aces 9/10/2022
Shaun Pillai 15 0 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/11/2022
Mario Sostre 23 3 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/11/2022
Carlos A Torres 72 11 Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus 9/11/2022
William Wolsonovich 36 5 Brevard Aces 9/10/2022
FTB Flowers Jacksonville
17 Croix DiBacco 16 3 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
23 Bodie Fidgeon 19 3 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
8 Jarod Flowers 13 3 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
35 1 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/11/2022
Total 48 4
7 Jaxon Flowers 12 0 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
1 Jason Gillespie 33 6 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
8 3 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
Total 41 9
27 Jonathan Marzullo 20 3 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
64 5 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/11/2022
Total 84 8
25 Colton McClenaghan 23 3 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
22 Clive Pack 22 3 Eba 13u Thomas 9/10/2022
53 6 Diamond Elite Fernandez 9/11/2022
Total 75 9
2 Miles Tyson 14 0 Pro4mer 13u 9/10/2022
Jax Warriors 13u Gunsaulus
12 Preston Anderson 35 8 Base Eleven 9/10/2022
23 Jeter Barnes 10 1 Base Eleven 9/10/2022
17 1 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/11/2022
Total 27 2
28 Tanner Burger 7 0 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/10/2022
17 Tyler Cohen 30 5 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/11/2022
0 Jake Forrest 67 9 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/10/2022
11 Logan Kearney 56 12 Florida Sluggers 13 Blue 9/11/2022
2 Braxton Sykes 44 6 Florida Jays Scout Team 9/10/2022
4 Kristopher Thorne 67 9 Base Eleven 9/10/2022
MBA 2028
0 Ryne Fennell 12 0 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
7 Nicholas Fischer 5 1 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
2 Camden Hagy 37 5 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
17 3 Chargers 9/11/2022
Total 54 8
21 Stellan Harris 15 0 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
17 Jackson Miller 30 6 Florida Panthers 13u 9/10/2022
10 0 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
Total 40 6
40 12 Chargers 9/11/2022
Total 80 18
32 Reno Rukab 36 9 Florida Panthers 13u 9/10/2022
9 Shane Smith 37 3 Florida Panthers 13u 9/10/2022
27 Kaleb Stockwell 35 6 Orlando Royals 9/10/2022
Orlando Royals
24 Ignacio Diaz 1 3 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
48 6 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 49 9
27 Jesse Duran 77 8 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
13 Mathias Escalona 1 1 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
9 2 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 10 3
34 Jniel Guzman 39 6 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
5 Haroun Rodriguez 14 2 MBA 2028 9/10/2022
33 1 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
Total 47 3
48 Dylan Roehrig 7 0 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/11/2022
1 Jabes Sanchez 32 2 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
25 David Sequera 39 4 5 Star 2028 Scout Team 9/10/2022
Pro4mer 13u
18 Jackson Brezak 25 5 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
4 Derek Dowell 55 5 Black Sharks Baseball 9/10/2022
11 William Malcolm 53 6 Brevard Aces 9/11/2022
8 Thomas Marcakis 19 3 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
12 Reid Patton 42 4 FTB Flowers Jacksonville 9/10/2022
34 Blake Sanders 28 5 Brevard Aces 9/11/2022
22 Zack Skala 14 0 Brevard Aces 9/11/2022
10 Jude Stoetzer 31 6 Black Sharks Baseball 9/10/2022