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FB Velocities
MVP Hustle Miguel Osuna R87
SoCal Bulldogs Steve Jimenez R86
Pure Baseball Titans Aiden Otano R86
SL Colts Konner Brown R85
SoCal Bulldogs Johnathon Lewis R85
Pure Baseball Titans Tyler Lipka R84
SoCal Bulldogs Erik Mejia Jr. L84
SL Colts Ammon Shaul L84
Golden Spikes Baseball Brigham Bleazard R83
Pure Baseball Titans Matthew Marin R83
SL Colts James Nelson R83
Pure Baseball Titans Ty Kuwata R82
MVP Hustle Michael Munoz R82
Pure Baseball Titans Hunter Sarver R82
Golden Spikes Baseball Dillon Victoravich R82
Summerlin Sticks 18U Keimani Johnson L81
Summerlin Sticks 18U Branson Pullan R81
Pure Baseball Titans Ronan Richards L81
SL Colts Simon Tesfaye R81
SL Colts Jordan Almendarez R80
Golden Spikes Baseball Sean Cole R80
Summerlin Sticks 18U Dylan Feeny R80
Outkast Baseball Leland Liggins R80
SoCal Bulldogs Niko Mendez R79
Golden Spikes Baseball Jack Page R79
MVP Hustle Pedro Perez R79
So Cal RedHawks Dylan Cardoza R78
Golden Spikes Baseball Elijah Gaddis R78
So Cal RedHawks Robert Lopez R78
Golden Spikes Baseball Gavin Rogers R78
Lv Knights Bruce Trzpis R78
Golden Spikes Baseball Michael Cortez R77
Summerlin Sticks 18U Hayden Lucibello L77
SoCal Bulldogs Carlos Barrios R76
Lv Knights Ayden Timko L76
Summerlin Sticks 18U Michael Barra R75
Summerlin Sticks 18U RL Chandler R75
Summerlin Sticks 18U Dane Keener R75
Lv Knights Tristan Klick R75
So Cal RedHawks Thomas Leon R75
Outkast Baseball Ben Lira R75
So Cal RedHawks Noah Ramirez R75
Summerlin Sticks 18U Dallas Sirikhan R75
Outkast Baseball Juan Thomas R75
Lv Knights Tiernon Wolf R75
So Cal RedHawks Erik Araujo R74
Golden Spikes Baseball Maddox Arens L74
SL Colts Aiden Brown R74
SL Colts Darren McGee R74
Outkast Baseball Zachary Perez R73
Summerlin Sticks 18U Ethan Poirier R73
Pure Baseball Titans Peter Tsouras L73
Outkast Baseball Gabriel Urrea R73
Golden Spikes Baseball Clarence Gallegos R71
Golden Spikes Baseball J.C. Lampas-Gormley R71
SL Colts Ethan Schneiderman R69
Outkast Baseball Kenny Telles L66