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Prospect Nation 17u Ryder Costa R82
SL Colts Aiden Otano R82
Pure Baseball TITANS Ted Tsouras L81
SL Colts Tanner Woods R80
SL Colts Simon Tesfaye R79
Pure Baseball TITANS Caleb Dunn R78
Prospect Nation 17u Isaiah Hernandez R76
Prospect Nation 17u Gabriel Johnson R76
Pure Baseball TITANS Tyler Lipka R76
Cba Bulldogs Nick Lozano R76
Golden Spikes Baseball Matthew Moreno Jackson R76
SL Colts James Nelson R76
Cba Bulldogs Logan Schouten L76
Golden Spikes Baseball Aj Victoravich L76
Cba Bulldogs George Aldada R75
Golden Spikes Baseball Brigham Bleazard R75
Prospect Nation 17u Bennett Murray R75
Golden Spikes Baseball Ty Phillips L75
Prospect Nation 17u Broc Snider R75
Cba Bulldogs Lorenzo Anguiano L74
Pure Baseball TITANS Harley Carney R74
Pure Baseball TITANS Kyle McDaniel R74
Golden Spikes Baseball Jack Page R74
Cba Bulldogs Lucas Pettingill R74
Golden Spikes Baseball Owen Watkins R74
Prospect Nation 17u Misael Leyba R73
OvO Owls Christopher Leafdale R72
SL Colts Gage Rinetti R72
Cba Bulldogs Saint Santos R72
OvO Owls Marcus Culver R71
Pure Baseball TITANS Jacob Akimseu R70
SL Colts Killian Seip L70
Pure Baseball TITANS Wesley Stratton R70
SL Colts Christian Zahn R70
Prospect Nation 17u Christian Marrs L69
Golden Spikes Baseball Sean Cole R68
Golden Spikes Baseball Carson Dudzinski L67
SL Colts Connor McGill R66
OvO Owls Christian Rodriguez R66
OvO Owls Andrew Sanchez L59
OvO Owls Emilio Medina R55