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Due to weather and the time frame that we have at LakePoint, playoffs will follow One Day Showdown Time limit rules. All playoff games will be 1 hour and 30 minute time limits. This includes the Semi-Finals and Championship
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 3 Event Articles
FB Velocities
ABA Braves Phillip Spencer R80
Ms Royals Cone Tate Anderson R79
Rossview Middle School Eli Burchett R78
Sandy Plains Wildcats (Frye) Jack Butler R78
Team Elite 14U Futures Adrian Roman R78
Westside Baseball 14U Stone Bonner B77
MGBA HEAT Khamari Bush L77
West GA Braves Trent Foster R77
SS Spartans Hayden Fox R77
Team Elite 14U Futures Justin Hannan R77
Smartense Angels 14U Walker Harris R77
KIngs McGinnis Harvey R77
Roswell Green Hornets 14U Riley Slaughter R77
Triton Rays 14u Connor Trepanier R77
UTA Grinders Will Ackenhausen R76
Ms Royals Cone John Paul Allen R76
Dingers Athletics 14U Harrison Bonds R76
Ms Royals Cone Colton Neal R76
Ninth Inning Royals-Haynes Jeremiah Newman R76
UTA Grinders Jackson Penton R76
Roswell Green Hornets 14U Carson Phillips R76
Rawlings SE - American James Tully L76
KIngs Stiles Begnaud R75
KIngs Jacob Bennis L75
Rawlings SE - American Stephen Cseplo R75
Rossview Middle School George Dettwiller L75
Smartense Angels 14U Reid Huels R75
MGBA HEAT Nathaniel Leverette R75
Rossview Middle School Collin Pedigo R75
UTA Grinders Wesley Wise R75
Meridian Panthers Trevor Zimmerman R75
Team Elite 14U Futures Brant Baughcum R74
Team Elite 14U Steel Brant Baughcum R74
ABA Braves Blake Bouwman R74
Acworth Warriors White Niko Brezi R74
Ms Royals Cone Luke Coleman R74
Ms Royals Cone Ryan Cone R74
Roswell Green Hornets 14U Clay Ellis R74
Ninth Inning Royals-Haynes Carson Harlan R74
Mountain View Bears Max Hobgood R74
Sandy Plains Wildcats (Frye) Adit Jain R74
Hendersonville Rangers 14U Trevor Marcin R74
KIngs Quinten McManmon R74
Meridian Panthers Jayden Talik R74
West GA Braves William Westbrook R74
Hendersonville Rangers 14U Carson Briscoe L73
MGBA HEAT Eyon Everett R73
West GA Braves Jake Harris R73
Team Elite 14U Futures Jackson Marcantel R73
Rawlings SE - American Ryan McCarron L73
Hoover Baseball Andrew Batson R72
Roswell Green Hornets 14U Nick Claerbout R72
Fury Performance Kevin Cunningham R72
Hendersonville Rangers 14U Jake Fuller R72
Alpharetta Raiders Haden Gupton R72
Kennesaw Express Nathan Halperin R72
North Cherokee Tomahawks Chris Harmon R72
Fury Performance Alex Jordan R72
Hendersonville Rangers 14U Ryan Lewis R72
Kennesaw Express Jake Mann R72
Team Elite 14U Steel Justin Montenegro R72
Ninth Inning Royals-Haynes Matthew Navarro L72
MGBA HEAT Jayden Reid R72
UTA Grinders Will Taylor L72
Rossview Middle School Jay Watson R72
DRB Elite 14U - Cruz Jack Whiteman R72
Dingers Athletics 14U Dylan Wittke R72
Dingers Athletics 14U Jorge Arispuro R71
Team Elite 14U Steel Brett Biga R71
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Isaac Coronado R71
Team Elite 14U Futures Miles Dodd L71
Team Elite 14U Futures Cole Evilsizor R71
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Jackson Ewing R71
Rawlings SE - American Trey Glymph R71
Meridian Panthers Matthew Holcomb R71
Meridian Panthers Josh Lanum R71
Team Elite 14U Steel Brett Mahood R71
BigStix Gamers 14U Devin Marlow R71
UTA Grinders Juan Martinez R71
West GA Braves Joshua Montalban R71
UTA Grinders Sean Nerger R71
North Cherokee Tomahawks Jacob Ogden R71
Sandy Plains Wildcats (Frye) Jack Schrafft R71
Ms Royals Cone Logan Shaw R71
BigStix Gamers 14U Connor Williams R71
MGBA HEAT Jaylen Woods R71
UTA Grinders Conner Wright R71
West GA Braves Collis Bedsole L70
Kennesaw Express Cason Carter R70
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Evan Carter L70
BigStix Gamers 14U Jeremy Collins R70
Mountain View Bears Daniel Dickey L70
Smartense Angels 14U Jack Enrico R70
Fury Performance Markus Horton R70
Rawlings SE - American Will Howell R70
North Cherokee Tomahawks Evan Kyle R70
Acworth Warriors White Alex Martinez R70
KIngs McDonald McCommons R70
Hillgrove High School Davis McCravy R70
MGBA HEAT Lathan McLaughlin L70
Hoover Baseball Nicholas Ragland R70
KIngs Abhi Shah R70
Rossview Middle School Lantz Shirk R70
Roswell Green Hornets 14U Parker Spring L70
Westside Baseball 14U Nicholas Thomas R70
ABA Braves William Wilson R70
Acworth Warriors White Chase Ayers R69
Smartense Angels 14U Brayden Campbell R69
Sandy Plains Wildcats (Frye) Ethan Chernik R69
Mountain View Bears Owen Davis R69
Smartense Angels 14U Ashton Frankel R69
Ms Royals Cone Taylor Hill R69
Rossview Middle School Bryce Prairie R69
Triton Rays 14u Bryant Rascoll R69
Team Elite 14U Steel Andrew Scarborough R69
Dingers Athletics 14U Wisam Aboneaaj R68
Hendersonville Rangers 14U Lawson Alder R68
Team Elite 14U Steel Mark Daly R68
Acworth Warriors White Colin Eaton R68
Alpharetta Raiders Sammie Finkelstein R68
Roswell Green Hornets 14U Garrett Goodkin R68
Team Elite 14U Futures Ryan Gravely R68
Alpharetta Raiders Hayden Hardy R68
Sandy Plains Wildcats (Frye) Brady Hoffman R68
Fury Performance Alex Kirby L68
Dingers Athletics 14U Matthew Laughlin R68
Hoover Baseball Marcus Locklear R68
UTA Grinders Reid Majewski R68
Rawlings SE - American Greyson McReynolds R68
BigStix Gamers 14U Keaton Moss R68
Smartense Angels 14U Ryder Moye L68
West GA Braves Michael Oslacky R68
Acworth Warriors White Bryce Richards R68
Hillgrove High School Dylan Rivera R68
Hendersonville Rangers 14U Mason Smith R68
Hoover Baseball Philip Smith R68
Fury Performance Gavin Thorne L68
Ninth Inning Royals-Haynes Alec Wasserman R68
Alpharetta Raiders Ryan Anderson L67
Smartense Angels 14U Logan Berggren R67
Rawlings SE - American Perez Carlos R67
MGBA HEAT Kijani Clarington R67
Alpharetta Raiders Austin Janda R67
UTA Grinders Chase Lombardo L67
Fury Performance Nick Miller R67
Smartense Angels 14U Brady Poppe R67
Alpharetta Raiders Pj Smith R67
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Carson Tillotson R67
West GA Braves Tyler Trexler R67
West GA Braves Gage Tucker R67
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Drew Wren R67
Smartense Angels 14U Dj Berzas R66
Kennesaw Express Robert Boughner R66
Acworth Warriors White Chadwick Brown R66
Rossview Middle School Brayden Daniel R66
Ninth Inning Royals-Haynes Jason Gilley R66
Rossview Middle School Daryn Glapa R66
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Brayden Gordon R66
DRB Elite 14U - Cruz Matt Guida R66
DRB Elite 14U - Cruz Grant Hudson R66
Rawlings SE - American Evan McCarron R66
Hoover Baseball Luke McNeill R66
Fury Performance Chase Stevenson R66
Acworth Warriors White Jackson Stone R66
UTA Grinders Andrew Thorn R66
Team Elite 14U Steel Lucas Tritt R66
SS Spartans Tyler Williams R66
Ninth Inning Royals-Haynes Will Brennan R65
Team Elite 14U Steel Ethan Davis R65
Ninth Inning Royals-Smith Kaden Husney R65
Fury Performance Will King R65
Team Elite 14U Steel Ayden Mavridoglou R65
Meridian Panthers Preston Morgan R65
Hoover Baseball John Shanlever R65
Alpharetta Raiders Cole Bell R64
Alpharetta Raiders Jack Bernstein R64
Team Elite 14U Steel Evan Fuerst R64
Ms Royals Cone Rob Hayes R64
Mountain View Bears Ryan Heishman L64
Westside Baseball 14U Jayden Martin L64
Kennesaw Express Greyson O'Berry R64
Fury Performance Brenden O'Sullivan L64
ABA Braves Joshua Sibley L64
Westside Baseball 14U Joseph Sochacki R64
Alpharetta Raiders Varun Vudathu R64
West GA Braves Justin Williams R64
Hoover Baseball Drew Gerstenberg R63
Hillgrove High School Walker Martin R63
Rawlings SE - American Connor McGinn R63
Westside Baseball 14U Mason Ursetta R63
Rossview Middle School Noah Gamble L62
Kennesaw Express Ward Kanour R62
Kennesaw Express Colton Mazur R62
Alpharetta Raiders Thomas Ryan R62
West GA Braves Spencer Schwartz R62
Kennesaw Express Blake Courson R60
BigStix Gamers 14U Logan Moon L60
SS Spartans Jacob Campbell L59
Hillgrove High School Avery Kale R58
Dingers Athletics 14U Eli Parks R58
Hoover Baseball Gaston Grant R56