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FB Velocities
Timbergrove Thunder Blue Michael Sanchez R70
Houston Wildcatters – 13U – Gross Carlos Thachar R68
Batter's Box Black Kaden Birkelbach L67
Rc Elite Mizuno-Red Sammy Dornier R67
Houston Wildcatters – 13U – Gross Matteo Gross R67
Texas Energy Isaiah Balderas R66
Texas Prime Black 2028 Kyle Behan R66
Texas Energy Joey Cordaway R66
Bull Shark Baseball Bryan Lopez R66
Houston Wildcatters – 13U – Gross Wyatt Mann R66
Texas Energy Leonardo Munoz R66
Timbergrove Thunder Blue Max Hergenrether R65
Batter's Box Black Cutter Kaye R65
Rc Elite Mizuno-Red Brecken Phelps R65
13u Banditos White DeLeon Cameron Ross R65
Osp Baseball 13u Luke Westry R65
13u Banditos White DeLeon Jacob Grimm R64
13u Banditos White DeLeon Orangel Hernandez R64
Houston Wildcatters – 13U – Gross Aiden Lopez R64
Bull Shark Baseball Andrew Sederis R64
13u Banditos White DeLeon Karson Swearengin R64
Houston Wildcatters – 13U – Gross Jacob Zurek R64
21 BASEBALL ACADEMY Riley Sifuentes R63
Texas Prime Black 2028 Max Warner R63
Timbergrove Thunder Blue Benjamin Alonzo R62
Texas Energy Arian Garcia R62
Bull Shark Baseball Rylan Lim R62
Rc Elite Mizuno-Red Zachary Kanon Shimp L62
Texas Prime Black 2028 Cole Stagg R62
Timbergrove Thunder Blue Brazos Varisco R62
Houston Wildcatters – 13U – Gross Luis Arcaya R61
21 BASEBALL ACADEMY Kole D'Agostino R61
Bull Shark Baseball Luke Ladwig R61
13u Banditos White DeLeon Lazarus Lopez R61
21 BASEBALL ACADEMY Andrew Rodriguez R61
Bull Shark Baseball Ben Chapin R60
Batter's Box Black Chet Eckert R60
Osp Baseball 13u Noah Newton R60
Batter's Box Black Dylan Rush R60
Batter's Box Black Tanner Scott R60
Osp Baseball 13u Nicholas Counts R59
21 BASEBALL ACADEMY Mariano Ortiz L59
Batter's Box Black Carson Wensel R59
Texas Prime Black 2028 Blake Haas R58
Bull Shark Baseball Connor Welch R56
Texas Energy Jax Perrin R55
Bull Shark Baseball Alexander Zhao R51