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Performance Baseball Texas Jake Hanson R83
Performance Baseball 13U Braeden Wade R81
Performance Baseball Texas JD Thompson L80
Performance Baseball Texas Grayson Murry R79
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Jacob Romero R79
Performance Baseball 13U Collin Pitts R77
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Murphy Brooks R76
Performance Baseball 13U Jaden Hall R76
Performance Baseball Texas Jase Melton R75
SA ANGELS 13u Devin Styles R74
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Nolan Wilson R74
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Riley Buckner R73
Performance Baseball Texas Cooper Mayes R73
Performance Baseball 13U Juan Ramos R73
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Andrew Orr L72
Performance Baseball 13U Caedmon Parker R72
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Owen Etheredge R71
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Blake Hansen L71
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Ross Pohlmeyer R71
Performance Baseball Texas George Rippy R71
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Brandon Salazar R71
Performance Baseball 13U Braden Ballenger L70
Los Tigres Jake Sock R70
Performance Baseball 13U Jake Thompson R70
Performance Baseball 13U Carson Courtney R69
LightsOut 13u Dylan Hummel R69
Performance Baseball Texas Jaylon Warren L69
LightsOut 13u Bennett Angulo R68
SA ANGELS 13u Sean Moore B68
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Harrison Powers R68
LightsOut 13u James Sobey R68
Los Tigres Cade Walker R67
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Ryan Porter R66
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Blake Wolf R66
LightsOut 13u Jacob Coolbaugh R65
SA ANGELS 13u Noah Hamel R65
LightsOut 13u Brody Ticer R65
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Tucker Welsh R65
LightsOut 13u George "Hays" chaney R64
Performance Baseball 13U Garrett Hogg L64
Performance Baseball Texas Jake Humphrey R64
SA ANGELS 13u Nathan Kindred R64
Los Tigres Eric Maciel L64
Los Tigres Braedon Sobeck R64
SA ANGELS 13u Britton Woodard R64
Performance Baseball Texas Tabor Childs R63
SA ANGELS 13u Grayson Harjo R63
Los Tigres Jordan Johnson R63
LightsOut 13u Donavan Gamez R62
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Alex Grace R62
PrimeTime Baseball - Black Kade Townsend R62
SA ANGELS 13u Austin Clinkscales L61
SA ANGELS 13u Aiden Howell R61
Premier Baseball Futures 13u - Starling Alex Sinitiere R61