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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Zt Canes Elite John Short R87
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Jaylen Walker R87
South Texas Sliders 14u Adams AJ Rajabi R85
Houston Baseball Landyn Pohler R84
Zt Canes Elite Valentin Regalado R84
Zt Canes Elite Brandon Thomas R84
Wow Factor Texas East Scout John Dolan R83
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Tanner Drda R83
Texas Twelve 2026 Silver Tanner Drda R83
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Zane Heiliger R83
Zt Canes Elite Gio Rojas L83
Pirates 14 - GD Kolaiah Staten R83
South County Mavericks 14u Red A J Canton R82
Dallas Tigers-Houston Carter Hartman R82
Hp Baseball Poland Aiden Reed R82
Scorpions Team Easton Isaac Robles R82
Wildcatters - Bender Bryson Session R82
Zt Canes Elite Carson Sharp R82
LBC Central Thomas Cooper Webb R82
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Hugh Wilhelm R82
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Ryan Benavides R81
Houston Baseball Ryan Benavides R81
Wildcatters - Bender Landon Brown R81
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Joey Bruhn R81
Dirty South Prospects Braxtan Cope R81
South Texas Sliders 14u Adams Juliocesar Hernandez R81
South Texas Sliders 14u Adams Henry Holt R81
Hp Baseball Poland Dawson Keim R81
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Daniel Lopez R81
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Carson Morton R81
Houston Baseball Carson Morton R81
South Texas Sliders 14u Adams Hugo Rodriguez L81
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Ross Sullivan R81
Dallas Tigers-Houston Nolan Thorp R81
Pirates 14 - GD Aiden Alonzo R80
Hp Baseball Poland Jacob Boggan R80
Zt Canes Elite Luca Candella R80
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Jason Darling R80
Houston Baseball Caleb Hill R80
Houston Baseball Dawson Hinson R80
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Dawson Hinson R80
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Brycen Kincy R80
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Jordan Schoenvogel R80
LBC Central Thomas Andrew Winters R80
Houston Baseball Beck Zimmerman R80
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Braxton Beaty L79
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Cesar Cisneros R79
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Gavin Garcia R79
Scorpions Team Easton Ford Gourley R79
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Colton Jones L79
Dirty South Prospects Antonio Mesquitic-Garcia R79
Houston Baseball Caden Salamanca R79
Twelve Sa Aiden Shreve R79
Duran Baseball 14u Joe Villavicencio R79
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Luis Abrego L78
Gps Legends 14u Quinn Barthelette R78
Pirates 14 - GD Austin Beyer R78
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Brady Brewer R78
Zt Canes Elite Edmond De Leon R78
LBC Central Thomas Jackson Dippel R78
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Drew Emery R78
Hooks 14u Klosty Joel Geroy L78
Scorpions Team Easton Colton Gilbert R78
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Benjamin Gordley R78
Houston Baseball Jayden Hernandez R78
Scorpions Team Easton Jackson Marshall L78
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Caden Stambolis R78
Houston Baseball Cody Andrade R77
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Tyler Begeal R77
LBC Central Thomas Hayes Brodhead R77
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Tate Campbell R77
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Michael Cepeda R77
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Cooper Cortez R77
Scorpions Team Easton Marshall Fondren R77
Scorpions Team EASTON (National) Marshall Fondren R77
Dallas Tigers-Houston Jack Herncall L77
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Aiden Hughes R77
Gps Legends 14u Alexander Lutey R77
Duran Baseball 14u Sebastian Martinez R77
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Hayden Mireles R77
Gps Legends 14u Chase Psencik R77
Dirty South Prospects Zavian Rodriguez R77
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Wade Sebek L77
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Antonio Solis R77
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Tristen Villanueva R77
South County Mavericks 14u Red MJ Watson R77
Dallas Tigers-Houston Zachary Christie L76
Texas Energy - Vp Conner Duron R76
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Kaddilac Galindo R76
South County Mavericks 14u Red Dylan Glover R76
Twelve Sa Karsten Holman R76
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Branson Killian L76
Duran Baseball 14u Jack Meyer L76
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Michael Peavy R76
Texas Nitro Stx Davyn Perez L76
Dirty South Prospects Davion Peters L76
South County Mavericks 14u Red José Ángel Ponce R76
Texas Energy - Vp Roman Reyes R76
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Rylan Rucker R76
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Sebastian Segura R76
Gps Legends 14u Kole Stephens R76
Duran Baseball 14u Hudson Stockton R76
Banditos 2026 - Orosey Jaden Strickland R76
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Brady Tran L76
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Garrett Wright R76
14U Premier Baseball (Campos) Garrett Wright R76
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Caleb Adams L75
Texas Nitro Stx Jace Arriaga R75
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Drake Bentke R75
Wildcatters - Bender Gage Blinka R75
Dirty South Prospects Charlie Butler R75
Wildcatters - Bender Landon Coburn R75
LBC Central Thomas Austin Glasgow L75
Scorpions Team Easton Harper Heathcott L75
Ac Wolfpack Michael Hernandez R75
Pirates 14 - GD Michael Hernandez R75
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Brayden Lara R75
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Drew Mason R75
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Devin Mayahi R75
Texas Twelve 2026 Platinum Daniel O'Briant R75
Texas Twelve 2026 Silver Daniel O'Briant R75
Houston Baseball Matthew Rodriguez R75
Gladiators Hampshire Matthew Rodriguez R75
South Texas Sliders 14u Adams Garland Whitehead R75
Duran Baseball 14u Danniel Alvarenga R74
Gps Legends 14u Luke Broaddus R74
Hooks 14u Klosty Carter Buck R74
Dallas Tigers-Houston Zachary Clark R74
Wow Factor Texas East Scout Zab Cummings R74
Texas Nitro Stx Dallin Debellas R74
Hp Baseball Poland Mason Flores R74
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Garner Fuller R74
South County Mavericks 14u Red Landon Godfrey R74
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Dylan Gulbis R74
Marucci Elite Texas-Allen Dylan Gulbis R74
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Halen Heinz R74
LBC Central Thomas Grayden Kidd L74
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Rhett Koudelka R74
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Alex Mayon R74
LBC Central Thomas Luke McBride L74
Pirates 14 - GD Antonio Nunez L74
Duran Baseball 14u Luis Malachi Perez R74
Houston Baseball Christian Rodgers R74
Pirates 14 - GD Alex Roman R74
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Austin Romero R74
Duran Baseball 14u Alex Turman R74
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Corey Wilson R74
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Sean Wilson L74
Hp Baseball Poland Zane Burton R73
LBC Central Thomas Blake Cox R73
Twelve Sa Austin Davidson R73
Hooks 14u Klosty Caleb Garner L73
Hooks 14u Klosty Jayden Hall R73
Premier Baseball 2026 - Moore Elias Hernandez R73
14U Premier Baseball (Campos) Elias Hernandez R73
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Dereck Hernandez Gonzalez R73
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Ashton Hughes L73
Pirates 14 - GD Jordan Monroy R73
Texas Nitro Stx Felyx Moore R73
Hooks 14u Klosty Tres Munos R73
Texas Nitro Stx Blake Quinn R73
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable John Reckling R73
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Carson Smith L73
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Maddox Taylor R73
LBC Central Thomas Bobby Wilkinson R73
Texas Energy - Vp Erick Andrade R72
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Aidan Avalos R72
LBC Central Thomas Nixon Badilla L72
Dirty South Prospects Jamie Chipman R72
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Hudson Davenport L72
Hp Baseball Poland Bryson Dieter L72
Hooks 14u Klosty Caleb Gomez R72
Dirty South Prospects Francisco Gonzalez R72
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Anthony Green R72
Gps Legends 14u Scott Knight R72
Marucci Elite Texas-Allen Christian Luna R72
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Christian Luna R72
Dallas Tigers-Houston Chase Morgan R72
South Texas Sliders 14u Adams Cade Pantuso L72
South County Mavericks 14u Red Owen Riegle R72
Scorpions Team Easton Colton Sikes L72
Twelve Sa Aiden Verette L72
South County Mavericks 14u Red Kameron Bourke R71
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Dane Browne R71
Dallas Tigers-Houston Patrick Byrd R71
Texas Nitro Stx Lynden Colson R71
Wildcatters - Bender William Fiedler R71
Twelve Sa Austin Garritano R71
Gps Legends 14u Cade Goddard R71
Dallas Tigers-Houston Hank Hughes R71
South County Mavericks 14u Red Jacob Rizzo L71
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable Danny Villarreal R71
Twelve Sa Bodie Weyman R71
Hp Baseball Poland Jameson Dodge L70
Gps Legends 14u Cadon Frezon R70
Hp Baseball Poland Jacob George L70
5 Star Performance Avalos 14U Nicholas Johnston R70
Texas Nitro Stx Richard Sanchez, Jr R70
Houston Baseball Dax Satterwhite R70
Marucci Elite Texas-Biggers Dax Satterwhite R70
Hooks 14u Klosty Kason Hullum L69
Houston Baseball Ivan Rodriguez R69
Texas Energy - Vp Jasiel Altamirano R68
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Jadan Flores R68
Texas Nitro Stx Keldon Kemp R68
Gps Legends 14u Matthew Mabry R68
Pirates 14 - GD Milo Reyes R68
Texas Energy - Vp Duvan Gonzalez R67
Hooks 14u Klosty Reece Herring R66
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Trey Martinez R66
Dirty South Prospects Sean McCallum L66
Texas Nitro Stx Will McCall R65
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Isiah Robinson R65
Texas Energy - Vp Braylen Jackson R64
Pirates 14 - GD Jeremy Huizar R63
Canes Southwest 2026 Valdez Ethan Myles R59