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Texas Twelve Silver Luke Hardy R73
Texas Twelve Black Easton Sifuentes R71
Texas Twelve Silver Noah Powell R70
SC Stags Layton Dossett R69
SC Stags Ethan Ubias R69
Texas Twelve Silver Luke Betancourt R68
Hp Baseball Dawson Mason Coursey R68
13u Offseason Baseball - Garcia Isa Garcia R68
Texas Twelve Black Holden Holchak R68
Texas Twelve Silver Corbin Medack R68
Texas Twelve Black Luke Simon R68
SC Stags Joseph Ulrich R68
Hp Baseball Dawson Pablo Cavaluzzi R67
Texas Twelve Black Brock Havens R67
Texas Twelve Black Andrew Lim R67
13u Offseason Baseball - Garcia Thomas Smith R67
Hp Baseball Dawson Daniel Walker R67
Texas Twelve Black William Beck R66
13u Offseason Baseball - Garcia Rodrick Brown R66
Texas Twelve Silver Isaac Huerta R66
SC Stags Thomas Playfair R66
Texas Twelve Black Jackson Van Wie R66
Hp Baseball Dawson Jase Pierson R65
13u Offseason Baseball - Garcia Dillard Jennings L64
13u Offseason Baseball - Garcia Gabriel Turley L64
Texas Twelve Silver Luke Watassek R64
Hp Baseball Dawson Joshua Hernandez R62
SC Stags Nolan Macaluso R62
Texas Twelve Black William Newhouse R62
Texas Twelve Silver Kash Schwab L62
Hp Baseball Dawson Nicholas Gonzalez L61
SC Stags Cullen Gorman R61
SC Stags Adrian Rios R61
Hp Baseball Dawson David “Kane” Tabb R59