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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
11U Cruz Baseball
Clayton Carter 40 6 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
0 0 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
Total 40 6
Joaquin England 53 8 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
Sebastian Fuentes 10 3 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
27 6 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/4/2021
Total 37 9
17 2 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
Total 54 11
13 Diego Macias 20 0 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
Caleb Torres 25 1 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
3 Armando Walle 28 3 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/4/2021
A+ Drillers 11u Grey
Connor Hebert 14 6 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/4/2021
Landon Lucas 38 6 Boombah BlackSox 12/4/2021
57 8 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 95 14
Parker Matthews 18 3 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/4/2021
Jake Powitzky 33 8 Boombah BlackSox 12/4/2021
16 3 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 49 11
Collin Reagan 16 3 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/4/2021
36 4 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 52 7
Preston Zwerneman 17 1 Boombah BlackSox 12/4/2021
82 15 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/5/2021
Total 99 16
A+ Drillers 11u Silver
Carter Fitch 53 9 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
Treyson Hart 8 2 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/4/2021
Wyatt Peek 40 1 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/4/2021
Carson Rudel 37 3 Texas Bucks 12/4/2021
0 0 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
Total 37 3
Scott Scheidegger 21 1 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
Levi Stubblefield 40 6 Texas Bucks 12/4/2021
Ethan Tadlock 18 6 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/4/2021
11 1 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
Total 29 7
Boombah BlackSox
21 Tyler Evans 68 12 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/5/2021
9 Isaac Garcia 36 6 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
8 0 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/5/2021
Total 44 6
Carter Gentzel 28 3 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/5/2021
23 Riggs Hardwick 14 3 Rattlers 12/4/2021
55 10 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/5/2021
Total 69 13
13 Luis Leon 19 3 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
57 9 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/5/2021
Total 76 12
27 Julian Romo IV 57 12 Rattlers 12/4/2021
18 Warren Underwood 42 6 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
1 Ryder White 18 1 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/5/2021
Hardball 11u Osterhout
20 Damien Castro 11 0 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
6 James Haworth 36 4 Houston Blast 11u Navy 12/4/2021
10 Noah Hrncir 41 6 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
27 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/5/2021
Total 68 12
9 Shawn Licerio 57 4 Houston Blast 11u Navy 12/4/2021
4 Elijah Ramirez 65 14 Houston Blast 11u Navy 12/5/2021
8 Luke Shepherd 34 5 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
30 Jacob Trevino 64 15 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
18 Mason Valiaparambil 28 5 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/5/2021
Houston Blast 11u Navy
32 David Dunwoody 42 4 Lc Chargers 12/4/2021
21 Christian Garza 23 4 Lc Chargers 12/4/2021
1 Connor Kerlin 8 0 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/4/2021
14 Max Maltby 47 7 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/5/2021
41 Aria Nowamooz 47 8 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/4/2021
38 James Phillips 42 1 Lc Chargers 12/4/2021
99 Matthew Rice 51 6 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/5/2021
Lc Chargers
3 Kehler Alvarez 53 11 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
17 3 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/5/2021
Total 70 14
8 Easton Betts 39 5 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/4/2021
22 Caleb Breeding 21 3 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
15 Peyton Cooper-Flores 34 3 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/4/2021
21 Lucas Denny 5 3 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/4/2021
57 12 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/5/2021
Total 62 15
23 4 Texas Bucks 12/5/2021
Total 85 19
0 0 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
Total 85 19
17 Jj Leal-Posada 18 3 Houston Blast 11u Navy 12/4/2021
9 Dominic Munoz 10 3 Houston Blast 11u Navy 12/4/2021
59 5 Texas Bucks 12/5/2021
Total 69 8
2 Ethan Swanson 24 3 Houston Blast 11u Navy 12/4/2021
Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks
91 Christopher Brioso 36 5 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/5/2021
2 Ethan Buchanan 18 3 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
1 Carter Christian 35 3 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/4/2021
16 Landon Diaz 50 5 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
14 Dylan Glass 52 9 Rafter S Baseball Herd 2 12/5/2021
34 Grayson Glidewell 63 4 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/5/2021
19 Lucas Graves 28 3 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/4/2021
15 Jacob Napoleoni 9 0 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/4/2021
12 1 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
Total 21 1
5 Alexander Vega 28 3 Stros Baseball 12/4/2021
Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo
42 Garrett Carter 13 0 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/5/2021
7 Abraham Gonzalez 17 2 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/5/2021
34 Hagan Kinney 23 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/4/2021
9 Luke Rodgers 46 7 Lc Chargers 12/4/2021
58 6 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/5/2021
Total 104 13
3 Elias Rodriguez 45 5 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/4/2021
1 Mysta Sumbler 25 2 Lc Chargers 12/4/2021
Rafter S Baseball Herd 2
12 Jude Amato 22 5 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/4/2021
22 Brody Cruse 17 3 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
99 Griffin Freeman 58 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/5/2021
Wes Hall 38 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/5/2021
7 Samuel Lind 16 2 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
77 William Lind 16 0 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
11 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/5/2021
Total 27 1
95 Wyatt Richey 30 3 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/4/2021
51 Jake Stanislawski 26 2 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/4/2021
13 Esoj Vilchez 33 4 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/4/2021
24 Evan Eilertsen 0 0 Warriors Silver 11u 12/5/2021
22 Jaxon Phillips 25 2 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/4/2021
44 Daniel Rodriguez 64 8 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
5 Andrew Sabrsula 46 3 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/4/2021
9 Brandon Slizeski 13 2 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
8 Jay Stiffler 61 12 Warriors Silver 11u 12/5/2021
12 Hudson Vincent 29 6 Boombah BlackSox 12/4/2021
11 Conner White 40 12 Boombah BlackSox 12/4/2021
Stros Baseball
Austin Charanza 26 6 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/4/2021
17 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/4/2021
Total 43 9
40 Andrew Guillen 41 9 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
11 Craig Harris Ii 49 9 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
Joseph Jimenez 21 3 Rattlers 12/5/2021
10 0 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
Total 31 3
44 Raymond Lyerla 33 9 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
34 9 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 67 18
1 Jude Peña 43 9 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/4/2021
7 Devin Saenz 32 9 Marucci Elite Texas-Hendricks 12/4/2021
0 0 Hardball 11u Osterhout 12/4/2021
Total 32 9
6 1 Sugar Land Elite 12/5/2021
Total 38 10
23 Vladimir Urbaez 76 12 Rattlers 12/5/2021
Sugar Land Elite
11 Cade Engleman 23 6 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
20 6 11U Cruz Baseball 12/5/2021
Total 43 12
57 11 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
Total 100 23
2 Alexzander Gutierrez 36 6 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
10 2 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
Total 46 8
12 Adrian Hernandez 10 3 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
30 4 Stros Baseball 12/5/2021
Total 40 7
10 Brady Lee 10 3 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
3 Bryce Lee 22 3 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
4 Blake Legrand 46 8 11U Cruz Baseball 12/5/2021
1 Ashton Pierce 21 3 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
7 Jack Rice 46 3 Texas Swingman 11u Blue 12/4/2021
26 Zachary Zimmerman 18 3 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
Texas Bucks
2 Jacob Berrones 44 6 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/4/2021
0 0 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/4/2021
Total 44 6
21 2 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 65 8
12 Joel Chavira 14 1 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/4/2021
21 2 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 35 3
19 Axel Mendez 29 1 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/4/2021
Jaime Meza 0 0 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
27 Ivvan Perez 31 5 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/4/2021
Alan Rodriguez 7 2 A+ Drillers 11u Silver 12/4/2021
47 4 Lc Chargers 12/5/2021
Total 54 6
Texas Sluggers 11u
8 Bryce Garcia 32 7 Rattlers 12/4/2021
56 7 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/5/2021
Total 88 14
24 Bradyn Harbin 9 0 Rattlers 12/4/2021
36 3 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/5/2021
Total 45 3
9 William Hunt 30 2 Texas Bucks 12/4/2021
23 Ruben Melendez 27 2 Texas Bucks 12/4/2021
12 James Miller 28 2 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/5/2021
10 Andrew Nelson 39 3 Rattlers 12/4/2021
17 Tatsuya Tsukamoto 22 0 Texas Bucks 12/4/2021
1 3 Rattlers 12/4/2021
Total 23 3
Texas Swingman 11u Blue
8 Jonah Hughes 40 3 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/5/2021
59 Christian McMillan 46 8 Sugar Land Elite 12/4/2021
7 Jayden Perez 86 12 A+ Drillers 11u Grey 12/5/2021
1 Rene Ponce 23 3 Sugar Land Elite 12/4/2021
3 1 11U Cruz Baseball 12/4/2021
Total 26 4
56 9 Msa Blackhawks 11u Romo 12/5/2021
Total 82 13
54 Gunner Tarlton 78 11 11U Cruz Baseball 12/4/2021
The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens)
21 Leo Blossom 44 2 11U Cruz Baseball 12/4/2021
24 2 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
Total 68 4
45 Drew Chenevert 28 2 11U Cruz Baseball 12/4/2021
24 Trey Hong 11 0 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
17 4 11U Cruz Baseball 12/4/2021
Total 28 4
18 0 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
Total 46 4
19 3 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/5/2021
Total 65 7
59 Alex Hulsey 62 8 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
4 Ren Kelly 22 3 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
7 0 11U Cruz Baseball 12/4/2021
Total 29 3
10 Dean Morris 38 4 Boombah BlackSox 12/5/2021
38 9 Texas Sluggers 11u 12/5/2021
Total 76 13
3 Akaal Othee 11 0 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
2 Charlie Stasney 23 1 Warriors Silver 11u 12/4/2021
Warriors Silver 11u
3 Wyatt Ervin 22 1 Rattlers 12/5/2021
10 Vivienne Fox 86 16 Sugar Land Elite 12/4/2021
4 Jaxon McSpadden 0 0 Rattlers 12/5/2021
1 Casin Printers 10 1 Sugar Land Elite 12/4/2021
Graham Salton 61 10 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/4/2021
Greer Seeburger 29 2 The Baseball Club - Colt 45'S (Edens) 12/4/2021
14 George Velasquez 65 10 Rattlers 12/5/2021