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AGES: 7u / 8u / 9u / 10u / 11u

From 4:30pm to 6:15pm 
HR Derby  - BBUSA FIELD #1 & #3
Around the Horn - BBUSA FIELD #5 &#6
Relay Race - BBUSA FIELD #7 & #8
Flamethrower - BBUSA FIELD #4 (2 stations)

AGES: 12u / 13u / 14u

From 6:30pm to 8:15pm 
HR Derby  - BBUSA FIELD #1
Around the Horn - BBUSA FIELD #5 & #6
Relay Race - BBUSA FIELD #7 & #8
Flamethrower - BBUSA FIELD #4 (2 stations)

Jun 26 - 27 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Bay Area Cannons
42 Aubre Frock 21 4 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
28 1 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
Total 49 5
0 Marshall Griffin 40 5 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
51 7 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
Total 91 12
10 Aleks Guerra 24 2 Lone Star Express Red 6/26/2021
9 1 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
Total 33 3
0 Nathan Johnson 15 3 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
Xavier Kraus 24 3 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
59 18 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/27/2021
Total 83 21
10 3 Lynx Black 6/27/2021
Total 93 24
4 Jayden Thompson 41 7 Lone Star Express Red 6/26/2021
0 Jove Vestal-Peek 15 3 Lone Star Express Red 6/26/2021
80 15 Lynx Black 6/27/2021
Total 95 18
Expos Baseball 13U Blue
87 Kayden Bice 14 1 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
4 Bryson Chupp 6 0 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
11 2 Storm 6/26/2021
Total 17 2
28 3 Tsb-Guardiola 6/27/2021
Total 45 5
44 Cryer Cole 31 2 Tsb-Guardiola 6/27/2021
39 Eastyn Dotson 15 1 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
16 Aidan Johnson 73 8 Storm 6/26/2021
36 Corbin Krejci 0 0 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
50 Konner Lanterman 41 8 Tsb-Guardiola 6/27/2021
6 Christian Rivera 61 8 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
38 Michael Sifuentes 0 0 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue
33 Zane Atkinson 51 15 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/27/2021
27 Andrew Dierschke 42 9 Storm 6/26/2021
51 6 Bay Area Cannons 6/27/2021
Total 93 15
50 Elliot Lynne 49 5 Tsb-Guardiola 6/27/2021
32 Ethan Phillips 37 9 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/26/2021
46 6 Tsb-Guardiola 6/27/2021
Total 83 15
20 Kaden Prior 47 9 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/26/2021
35 6 Bay Area Cannons 6/27/2021
Total 82 15
14 Carter Roehling 17 3 Tsb-Guardiola 6/27/2021
Houston Athletics (Black)
47 Fabian Cantu 8 1 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/26/2021
33 4 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
Total 41 5
20 Matthew Christopoulos 22 2 S.T.A.T Academy 6/27/2021
6 3 Lone Star Express Red 6/27/2021
Total 28 5
11 Charlie Eberst 78 12 Lone Star Express Red 6/27/2021
22 Tanner Garvin 78 14 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/26/2021
40 Noah Guijosa 82 12 S.T.A.T Academy 6/27/2021
29 Carson Tichenor 81 7 Tsb-Guardiola 6/26/2021
Lone Star Express Red
34 Carson Brown 4 2 Bay Area Cannons 6/26/2021
16 3 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
Total 20 5
21 2 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
Total 41 7
15 Xavier Irizarry 56 7 Bay Area Cannons 6/26/2021
11 0 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
Total 67 7
43 Ryan Langham 11 3 Bay Area Cannons 6/26/2021
22 3 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
Total 33 6
25 Noah Roman 14 3 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
27 Abrien Venegas 50 6 Nex Baseball 6/26/2021
13 Garrett Wetzig 52 10 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
Lynx Black
0 Aiden Bilby 50 9 Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea 6/26/2021
Fisher Garvis 54 9 Prospect U Houston 6/26/2021
15 Damian Magdaleno 70 18 Bay Area Cannons 6/27/2021
13 Richard O'Brien 32 5 Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea 6/26/2021
3 Thomas Smith 2 1 Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea 6/26/2021
11 Madden Thayn 9 2 Prospect U Houston 6/26/2021
21 Daylan Young 21 4 Prospect U Houston 6/26/2021
Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea
12 Evan Arredondo 77 10 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/27/2021
1 Juan Brioso 17 3 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
0 Hale Demaree 70 8 Prospect U Houston 6/26/2021
24 Carsan Evans 37 2 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
5 Rayko Ibanez 25 5 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/27/2021
44 John Ligums 40 3 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
25 Federico Moran 24 3 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
3 Josiah Richardson 29 3 Prospect U Houston 6/26/2021
Nex Baseball
10 Brayden Kelley 30 7 Bay Area Cannons 6/26/2021
32 3 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/27/2021
Total 62 10
27 Greyson Nugent 55 7 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/27/2021
31 Bryce Pinheiro 41 6 Lone Star Express Red 6/26/2021
18 Aiden-Lee Simmons 44 8 Bay Area Cannons 6/26/2021
25 Ian Stewart 32 4 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/27/2021
2 Cade Thoe 29 5 Lone Star Express Red 6/26/2021
7 Creighton Westbrook 37 4 Lone Star Express Red 6/26/2021
Prospect U Houston
10 Moises Arb 38 9 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
61 11 Storm 6/27/2021
Total 99 20
34 Michael Castillo 63 12 Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea 6/26/2021
Turner Lucas 55 4 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
35 Alex McGary 5 0 Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea 6/26/2021
37 3 S.T.A.T Academy 6/27/2021
Total 42 3
1 3 Storm 6/27/2021
Total 43 6
Kyle Moss 46 6 S.T.A.T Academy 6/27/2021
4 Eli Suarez 0 0 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
Brennan Zarro 17 2 Lynx Black 6/26/2021
S.T.A.T Academy
6 Alex Batiste 26 6 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/26/2021
56 8 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
Total 82 14
4 Jason Brown 28 1 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/26/2021
13 Aaron Ha 43 7 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/26/2021
12 3 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
Total 55 10
27 Wes Hall 4 0 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/26/2021
24 Jacob Hernandez 42 4 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/27/2021
24 1 Prospect U Houston 6/27/2021
Total 66 5
2 Jake Hill 45 3 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/26/2021
42 Daakar Sudduth 70 11 Prospect U Houston 6/27/2021
Stix Academy-13u-McMullin
7 Caleb Carter 62 6 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
12 Kevin Creed 75 15 Marucci Elite Texas 13U Schultea 6/27/2021
8 Michael Creed 79 9 S.T.A.T Academy 6/26/2021
34 Reid Houston 26 3 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
25 Jackson McPhail 25 2 S.T.A.T Academy 6/26/2021
6 Carlos Nossa 55 11 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/26/2021
11 Marshall Smith 29 1 Tsb - Aguirre Ii 6/26/2021
10 2 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
Total 39 3
9 Aidan Carlet 43 6 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/26/2021
7 Samuel Flores 45 1 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/26/2021
27 3 Prospect U Houston 6/27/2021
Total 72 4
8 Thomas Lagorga 45 7 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/26/2021
19 Kaden Schleier 33 3 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/26/2021
99 Eddie Urbina 22 1 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/26/2021
60 6 Prospect U Houston 6/27/2021
Total 82 7
Tsb - Aguirre Ii
5 Sawyer Cohen 70 8 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/26/2021
Tripp Cropper 83 17 Bay Area Cannons 6/27/2021
Samuel Garcia 34 3 Stix Academy-13u-McMullin 6/26/2021
22 Jackson Holz 69 15 Nex Baseball 6/27/2021
11 Clinton Kobe 21 2 S.T.A.T Academy 6/26/2021
27 Luke Szilagyi 44 7 S.T.A.T Academy 6/26/2021
4 Anthony Castillo 43 4 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/26/2021
13 William Coates 38 8 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/26/2021
1 Barrett Faterkowski 13 1 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/26/2021
3 Roman Gambino 6 1 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/26/2021
38 2 Houston Athletics (Black) 6/26/2021
Total 44 3
34 George Gring 25 4 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/26/2021
11 Daulton Margraves 10 2 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/27/2021
9 Boone McLaughlin 58 8 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021
4 Hudson Skelton 72 13 Expos Baseball 13U Blue 6/27/2021
28 Will Tacker 25 3 Fort Bend Texans 13u Blue 6/27/2021