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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star West Futures
Hayden Browning 75 15 No Doubt Baseball 9/9/2023
Jackson Butts 30 3 No Doubt Baseball 9/9/2023
Whit Cooper 69 12 Tn Prime Blue 9/9/2023
Matthew Gatens 44 6 Tn Prime Blue 9/9/2023
Cason McGill 53 6 Ambush Baseball Bailey 9/10/2023
Michael Parker 35 9 Ambush Baseball Bailey 9/10/2023
Dylan Staples 6 3 No Doubt Baseball 9/9/2023
5 Star West SC 14U
Matthew Alessandrini 30 6 Elite Prospects 9/9/2023
63 8 Nelson Baseball School 14u 9/10/2023
Total 93 14
Paxton Batchelor 4 3 Dingers Elite 14U 9/9/2023
Caleb Carter 54 10 Nelson Baseball School 14u 9/10/2023
Isaiah Curran 15 2 Dingers Elite 14U 9/9/2023
Maddox McCollum 23 2 Dingers Elite 14U 9/9/2023
Baylor Potts 39 3 Dingers Elite 14U 9/9/2023
Daniel Wood 76 10 Elite Prospects 9/9/2023
Ambush Baseball Bailey
6 Jackson Beasley 45 10 TR Rockies 9/10/2023
13 1 5 Star West Futures 9/10/2023
Total 58 11
8 Aiden Diffley 37 3 TR Rockies 9/9/2023
0 Gatlin Green 34 2 Devine Baseball 14U 9/8/2023
0 Warren Hilley 38 4 Devine Baseball 14U 9/8/2023
45 7 5 Star West Futures 9/10/2023
Total 83 11
9 Tripp Kelley 25 2 TR Rockies 9/9/2023
6 2 5 Star West Futures 9/10/2023
Total 31 4
34 Tucker Thompson 53 9 Devine Baseball 14U 9/8/2023
22 6 5 Star West Futures 9/10/2023
Total 75 15
Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon)
13 Brian Grant 32 3 Tn Prime Blue 9/9/2023
63 15 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/10/2023
Total 95 18
24 Bryson McRunnels 43 9 Tn Prime Blue 9/9/2023
60 8 Tn Prime Blue 9/10/2023
Total 103 17
9 Sinsaire Walker 0 0 No Doubt Baseball 9/9/2023
44 Brian Ward 68 12 No Doubt Baseball 9/9/2023
27 Tyson Williams 26 6 Tn Prime Blue 9/9/2023
40 13 Tn Prime Blue 9/10/2023
Total 66 19
35 6 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/10/2023
Total 101 25
Devine Baseball 14U
3 Logan Bell 48 7 TR Rockies 9/10/2023
33 Graham Fleming 46 7 Ambush Baseball Bailey 9/8/2023
99 Hudson Huff 51 6 TR Rockies 9/10/2023
24 Calen Mitchell 9 1 Dingers Elite 14U 9/10/2023
6 Aiden Oates 36 6 Dingers Elite 14U 9/10/2023
10 2 TR Rockies 9/10/2023
Total 46 8
31 Hayden Shepherd 65 7 Dingers Elite 14U 9/10/2023
11 Bennett Vick 67 8 Ambush Baseball Bailey 9/8/2023
Dingers Elite 14U
14 Dahn Fernandez 26 3 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
77 Matthew Hays 0 0 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
25 9 Elite Prospects 9/9/2023
Total 25 9
48 6 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
Total 73 15
9 Logan Peralta 25 3 Elite Prospects 9/9/2023
22 6 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
Total 47 9
13 Cooper Plouffe 49 9 Elite Prospects 9/9/2023
38 6 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
Total 87 15
28 Griffin Treadwell 52 9 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
Elite Prospects
16 Joshua Burkey 11 3 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
22 Reese Duffie 9 0 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
21 Jace Granade 41 7 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
9 Josh Larson 48 9 Dingers Elite 14U 9/9/2023
11 Cole Manning 87 10 Dingers Elite 14U 9/9/2023
2 Leland McCook 64 11 No Doubt Baseball 9/10/2023
26 Barrett Padgett 18 3 No Doubt Baseball 9/10/2023
50 Jordan Sease 57 8 5 Star West SC 14U 9/9/2023
Nelson Baseball School 14u
11 Bryson Argo 32 6 USA Scout Elite 14U Red 9/8/2023
3 Elijah Bryant 57 6 5 Star West SC 14U 9/10/2023
47 Colt Chance 46 6 5 Star West SC 14U 9/10/2023
20 Tye Cook 16 0 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/9/2023
25 Trey Daniel 42 5 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/9/2023
2 Makai Johnson 52 3 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/9/2023
27 Jayden Jones 22 2 USA Scout Elite 14U Red 9/8/2023
22 5 5 Star West SC 14U 9/10/2023
Total 44 7
24 javier Vega 35 5 USA Scout Elite 14U Red 9/8/2023
17 Kyrun Walker-Smith 7 1 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/9/2023
21 Braylon Whitfield 38 6 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/9/2023
No Doubt Baseball
4 Chris Alexander 0 0 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
21 2 Elite Prospects 9/10/2023
Total 21 2
7 Brooks Berry 39 4 Elite Prospects 9/10/2023
6 Tayfur Caldwell 72 9 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/9/2023
99 Kolton Hallcox 0 0 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
27 Beckett Littleton 94 12 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
8 Cayden Owen 52 9 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
1 Dorian Pierce 24 2 Elite Prospects 9/10/2023
52 Ryan Ruggiero 28 5 Elite Prospects 9/10/2023
5 Liam Stephens 23 0 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/9/2023
Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U
21 Alex Ayala 51 9 USA Scout Elite 14U Red 9/8/2023
3 Cy Collamore 31 3 USA Scout Elite 14U Red 9/8/2023
57 8 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/10/2023
Total 88 11
2 Rashad Johnson 48 9 Nelson Baseball School 14u 9/9/2023
23 Riley Shamrock 21 9 USA Scout Elite 14U Red 9/8/2023
11 Solomon Thibodeaux 37 6 Nelson Baseball School 14u 9/9/2023
43 8 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/10/2023
Total 80 14
27 Jett Wilson 21 4 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/10/2023
Tn Prime Blue
17 Brady BRYANT 41 5 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
6 Bennett Goforth 71 9 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
24 Maddux Hasty 86 12 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/10/2023
10 Beau Moore 15 4 5 Star West Futures 9/9/2023
29 6 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/10/2023
Total 44 10
33 Harrison Tilley 63 8 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/9/2023
7 Kash Watkins 0 0 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/9/2023
55 Peyton Wilson 42 8 Cyo Braves Red (J Spoon) 9/9/2023
TR Rockies
13 Brenden Arledge 54 8 Ambush Baseball Bailey 9/10/2023
40 9 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
Total 94 17
14 Jackson Beavers 15 1 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
27 Riley Broderick 33 4 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
4 Jakob Pochard 1 0 Devine Baseball 14U 9/10/2023
50 Asher Turner 57 10 Ambush Baseball Bailey 9/10/2023
USA Scout Elite 14U Red
0 Devon Beavers 43 6 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/8/2023
24 Davis Brown 49 9 Nelson Baseball School 14u 9/8/2023
36 Tucker James 62 9 Nelson Baseball School 14u 9/8/2023
5 Zayne Landry 22 2 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/8/2023
11 Brant Rutledge 68 9 Pro Stock/Axe Bat 13U 9/8/2023