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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Backyard Ballers Red
Keegin Bryson 75 0 Katy Hurricanes (Blue) 4/9/2022
28 0 Crossfire 4/9/2022
Total 103 0
Waylon Porter 65 0 Crossfire 4/9/2022
Banditos 9u Black
99 Kelton Hatfield 83 6 Batter'S Box White 4/10/2022
1 Mikayel Khan 24 6 Lynx Bass 10u 4/9/2022
17 Zachary Rose 36 6 Lynx Bass 10u 4/9/2022
Batter'S Box White
28 Westyn Shay 13 0 Premier Hamilton 10u 4/9/2022
19 Jace Thigpen 82 11 Premier Hamilton 10u 4/9/2022
Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza
4 Luke Bowen 31 5 Katy Cardinals 2030 4/9/2022
9 Colton Davis 14 3 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
33 Gavin Garza 14 1 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
7 Julian Gomez 52 4 Katy Cardinals 2030 4/9/2022
34 Calix Riley 35 6 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
17 Mathias Salazar 33 2 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
99 Hunter Thompson 27 2 Katy Cardinals 2030 4/9/2022
44 Blake Dorman 28 0 Backyard Ballers Red 4/9/2022
24 0 Katy Cardinals 2030 4/10/2022
Total 52 0
41 9 Lynx Bass 10u 4/10/2022
Total 93 9
3 Easton Hamm 48 12 Texas Poison 4/10/2022
27 Kevin Islas 35 0 Backyard Ballers Red 4/9/2022
45 Blake Sherman 60 0 Katy Cardinals 2030 4/10/2022
Edge Baseball - Flores
7 Jordan Baldillez 14 2 Texas Slam - Grimm 4/9/2022
24 Adrian Hernandez 15 3 Texas Slam - Grimm 4/9/2022
78 Isaiah Molina 9 1 Lynx 10u Rutter 4/9/2022
4 Cristiano Osorio 38 7 Texas Slam - Grimm 4/9/2022
3 Andrew Salgar 76 8 Lynx 10u Rutter 4/9/2022
9 Owen Tarman 43 6 Lynx 10u Rutter 4/9/2022
Gold Glove 10u Victoria
14 Kohen Benavides 0 9 Texas .22s 4/10/2022
6 Camden Blank 29 2 Texas Poison 4/9/2022
12 Levi Garcia 29 9 Texas Poison 4/9/2022
4 47 Texas .22s 4/10/2022
Total 33 56
18 Gavin Garnett 33 9 Texas .22s 4/9/2022
22 0 Texas .22s 4/10/2022
Total 55 9
10 Bainen Orosco 24 3 Texas .22s 4/9/2022
5 Bodie Orosco 3 27 Texas .22s 4/10/2022
28 Keaton Wesley 12 0 Texas Poison 4/9/2022
Impact 10u
20 Myles Dippel 25 3 Texas Dawgs 10u (Green) 4/9/2022
8 Gabriel Friemel 34 5 Texas .22s 4/9/2022
27 Jettson Hancock 37 2 Texas .22s 4/9/2022
11 Easton Harper 38 12 Katy Hurricanes (Blue) 4/10/2022
99 Pierce Roberts 52 9 Texas Dawgs 10u (Green) 4/9/2022
15 Aiden Sump 37 2 Texas .22s 4/9/2022
Katy Cardinals 2030
2 Easton Barbier 38 9 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/9/2022
15 Jackson Degiusti 44 4 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/9/2022
8 Thayer Devore 13 0 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/10/2022
25 Brock Griffith 4 0 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/10/2022
18 Caden Hale 53 0 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/10/2022
3 Isaac Jackson 13 2 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/9/2022
Katy Hurricanes (Blue)
4 Coby Boyd 25 0 Backyard Ballers Red 4/9/2022
5 1 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/10/2022
Total 30 1
5 Ethan Hale 35 0 Backyard Ballers Red 4/9/2022
39 2 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/10/2022
Total 74 2
55 Winston Hallum 67 12 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/10/2022
42 Eric Pina 31 0 Crossfire 4/9/2022
Lynx 10u Rutter
17 Cole Ebbeler 51 10 Texas Slam - Grimm 4/10/2022
10 Ben Hale 40 6 Impact 10u 4/10/2022
1 Peyton McCain 44 12 Texas Slam - Grimm 4/9/2022
2 Dominic Reyes 18 3 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
4 Tucker Schindewolf 43 3 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
25 Luke Stansifer 58 9 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
34 9 Texas Dawgs 10u (Green) 4/10/2022
Total 92 18
8 Luke Taylor 31 2 Texas Slam - Grimm 4/10/2022
Lynx Bass 10u
12 Henry Kable 22 3 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
9 Hayden Kallmeyer 37 8 Banditos 9u Black 4/9/2022
10 Michael Varnell 61 8 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
19 Jackson Wells 31 1 Banditos 9u Black 4/9/2022
25 Kashton Williams 12 2 Pride 10u 4/9/2022
Premier Hamilton 10u
27 Jay Hasson 22 3 Batter'S Box White 4/9/2022
33 Wyatt McDonough 64 9 Batter'S Box White 4/9/2022
Pride 10u
85 Jaxson Billings 25 3 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/9/2022
23 Hagan Burzynski 45 7 Lynx Bass 10u 4/9/2022
45 Tate Felts 25 3 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/9/2022
7 Logan Locke 14 3 Lynx Bass 10u 4/9/2022
15 Miguel Marez 64 6 Boombah Black Sox 9u - Garza 4/9/2022
25 Elliot Nesmith 41 3 Lynx Bass 10u 4/9/2022
Texas .22s
23 Landon Corl 59 6 Gold Glove 10u Victoria 4/9/2022
4 Rhett Evans 64 12 Impact 10u 4/9/2022
27 Cooper Smith 30 8 Gold Glove 10u Victoria 4/9/2022
Texas Dawgs 10u (Green)
9 Garrett Borne 0 3 Pride 10u 4/10/2022
1 Connor Cain 0 6 Pride 10u 4/10/2022
14 Carter Cockerham 29 5 Impact 10u 4/9/2022
3 Heath Hinze 43 4 Impact 10u 4/9/2022
34 Preston Maxwell 35 6 Texas Poison 4/9/2022
23 Reid Sciba 2 1 Texas Poison 4/9/2022
12 Logan Solmose 54 8 Texas Poison 4/9/2022
Texas Poison
27 Matthew Bier 15 3 Gold Glove 10u Victoria 4/9/2022
26 4 Crossfire 4/10/2022
Total 41 7
14 Brooks Harris 21 4 Crossfire 4/10/2022
11 Caleb Hernandez 71 9 Gold Glove 10u Victoria 4/9/2022
61 4 Crossfire 4/10/2022
Total 132 13
23 Christian Pothier 22 6 Texas Dawgs 10u (Green) 4/9/2022
44 Wyatt Sowell 36 9 Texas Dawgs 10u (Green) 4/9/2022
Texas Slam - Grimm
6 Casey Cook 27 4 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
7 Easton Gibbs 27 4 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
0 Jaron Grimm 27 3 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
34 Hudson McNutt 50 2 Lynx 10u Rutter 4/9/2022
11 Kai Perry 35 3 Lynx 10u Rutter 4/9/2022
59 Grayson Rasberry 56 7 Lynx 10u Rutter 4/9/2022
3 0 Edge Baseball - Flores 4/9/2022
Total 59 7