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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
12U Cavaliers - Maroon
24 Ashton Greenlee 4 1 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
17 Sam Harter 25 1 643 KC 12u Gold 5/22/2022
49 5 Ducks 5/22/2022
Total 74 6
5 Trace Holton 21 1 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
66 11 643 KC 12u Gold 5/22/2022
Total 87 12
43 Hunter Pelham 64 8 Precision Baseball 5/21/2022
18 3 Smithville Storm - Porter 5/22/2022
Total 82 11
27 3 Ducks 5/22/2022
Total 109 14
1 Landon Rice 32 1 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
42 Jeremiah Roberson 16 2 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
21 Jake Stepanek 50 4 Ducks 5/22/2022
6 Grant Vogrin 88 15 Smithville Storm - Porter 5/22/2022
27 Ryder Weaver 51 9 Precision Baseball 5/21/2022
643 KC 12u Gold
4 Spencer Darnel 30 3 Midwest Panthers 5/21/2022
13 Xander Hefner 58 12 Majors 5/22/2022
0 0 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
Total 58 12
22 Beckett Jones 44 6 Express 5/21/2022
24 Brady Jones 42 5 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
11 Cruz Kane 32 5 Midwest Panthers 5/21/2022
0 0 Express 5/21/2022
Total 32 5
8 Kingston Lopez 23 5 Majors 5/22/2022
33 Gavin Lyons 58 9 Express 5/21/2022
18 4 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
Total 76 13
15 Owen Patterson 21 0 Midwest Panthers 5/21/2022
32 2 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
Total 53 2
A9 Legends
16 Eirik Alford 32 6 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
2 Deuce Enright 22 3 Kc Monarchs 5/20/2022
19 0 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
Total 41 3
3 Connor Foxworthy 45 9 Kc Crush 5/20/2022
12 0 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
Total 57 9
13 Luke Lefever 35 9 Kc Monarchs 5/20/2022
15 1 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
Total 50 10
4 Maddox Pyle 53 8 Kc Crush 5/20/2022
17 0 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
Total 70 8
0 Shepherd Young 6 1 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
4 Colton Blasdel 25 1 Prime 27:17 May 5/21/2022
33 6 Kc Blasters 5/22/2022
Total 58 7
7 2 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/22/2022
Total 65 9
39 7 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 104 16
11 Kade Cary 84 12 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
1 Cole Hutchison 33 3 Midwest Mavericks 5/21/2022
58 12 Kc Blasters 5/22/2022
Total 91 15
8 2 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 99 17
20 Miles Orr 55 9 Midwest Mavericks 5/21/2022
17 Isaac Robeson 79 12 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/22/2022
23 4 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 102 16
34 Will Toothaker 26 1 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/22/2022
24 8 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 50 9
14 Brody Wilson 61 14 Prime 27:17 May 5/21/2022
Building Champion - Eggers
21 Chase Anderson 8 2 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
17 Thomas Eggers 33 5 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/21/2022
10 1 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
Total 43 6
5 Marshall Husman 34 4 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
4 Cobey Jeffries 23 3 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
29 2 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
Total 52 5
99 Riley Julien 59 9 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/21/2022
7 Brady Snedden 55 8 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
2 Jack Wheeler 38 3 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
Building Champions - Ferns
4 Luke Brewster 34 3 Majors 5/22/2022
86 Archer Hughes 97 10 Midwest Panthers 5/21/2022
9 Ben Kramer 41 3 Express 5/21/2022
3 Brady Ortbals 4 1 Majors 5/22/2022
6 Johnny Reardon 15 1 Midwest Panthers 5/21/2022
5 Robert Teasdale 35 6 Express 5/21/2022
69 11 Majors 5/22/2022
Total 104 17
Coffey County Mudcats
9 Caleb Birk 62 12 NCK CHOPPERS 5/21/2022
25 Case Birk 23 3 Midwest Wardogs 5/21/2022
28 Bodey Cheever 27 3 Midwest Wardogs 5/21/2022
2 Shawn Mautz 51 12 Complete Game Mets 5/22/2022
1 Tyson Mullins 23 3 Complete Game Mets 5/22/2022
10 Max Pearson 25 1 NCK CHOPPERS 5/21/2022
18 Sawyer Speece 39 4 Midwest Wardogs 5/21/2022
Complete Game Mets
23 Cam Agness 80 10 Prime 27:17 May 5/21/2022
67 9 Ducks 5/22/2022
Total 147 19
9 Will Francis 75 14 Coffey County Mudcats 5/22/2022
13 Christopher Hotchkiss 35 3 Coffey County Mudcats 5/22/2022
21 Easton Massey 46 6 Midwest Mavericks 5/21/2022
6 Carter McCartney 43 6 Midwest Mavericks 5/21/2022
2 Georgie Schergen 13 3 Midwest Mavericks 5/21/2022
36 6 Ducks 5/22/2022
Total 49 9
6 Kohen Brown 8 3 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/22/2022
21 4 Complete Game Mets 5/22/2022
Total 29 7
3 Cade Holder 26 6 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
75 10 Complete Game Mets 5/22/2022
Total 101 16
13 Corbin Hopkins 22 0 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
62 9 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/22/2022
Total 84 9
28 Landon Marcum 34 1 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
16 Jackson McDonald 57 5 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
44 Evan Thomas 35 5 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/21/2022
27 Caden Webster 34 4 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
49 7 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
Total 83 11
47 Cristian Wood 74 12 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/21/2022
Elite Baseball - Vais
2 Liam Braketa 34 4 Ducks 5/21/2022
54 4 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 88 8
13 Luke Brown 68 11 Ducks 5/21/2022
23 Ryder Edwards 75 10 Redbirds 5/21/2022
18 Jaxon Johnson 33 5 Redbirds 5/21/2022
27 Jake Richards 28 3 Ducks 5/21/2022
0 0 Redbirds 5/21/2022
Total 28 3
60 5 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 88 8
10 Brody Vais 22 3 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
22 Jack Dunlap 4 1 643 KC 12u Gold 5/21/2022
46 6 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
Total 50 7
44 Ashton Sawyer 59 9 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
99 Cade Schnegelberger 44 8 643 KC 12u Gold 5/21/2022
16 Kayden Tarter 33 4 643 KC 12u Gold 5/21/2022
17 Landon Worcester 64 12 Building Champions - Ferns 5/21/2022
Five Tool Rebels
35 Jamie Billups 31 3 Kc Crush 5/20/2022
35 Connor Brooks 66 8 Kc Monarchs 5/20/2022
14 Archie Buttram 51 9 Kc Monarchs 5/20/2022
Camden Gross 48 6 Building Champion - Eggers 5/22/2022
9 Jackson McDaniel 5 1 Kc Monarchs 5/20/2022
71 9 Wolfpack 5/22/2022
Total 76 10
16 Gavin Reddis 22 4 Kc Crush 5/20/2022
31 3 Wolfpack 5/22/2022
Total 53 7
44 Cooper Soule 50 5 Kc Crush 5/20/2022
45 6 Wolfpack 5/22/2022
Total 95 11
7 Dalton Telford 42 6 Building Champion - Eggers 5/22/2022
Kansas City Monarchs
5 Sam Busenitz 21 6 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/21/2022
30 Dalton Close 51 5 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
18 Cruz Garcia 42 4 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/21/2022
4 0 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
Total 46 4
17 Andy Gray 49 6 Smithville Storm - Porter 5/21/2022
7 Liam Grover 29 6 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/21/2022
12 1 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
Total 41 7
10 Grant Morrison 16 3 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
0 Liam Peck 8 2 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/21/2022
28 6 Smithville Storm - Porter 5/21/2022
Total 36 8
Kc Blasters
15 Trey Balmer 5 3 Precision Baseball 5/21/2022
0 Andre Day 32 8 Precision Baseball 5/21/2022
51 11 Aeros 5/22/2022
Total 83 19
11 Colton Floersch 13 3 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/21/2022
9 Nick Hollingsworth 18 3 Precision Baseball 5/21/2022
5 Carter Schlittenhard 30 3 Precision Baseball 5/21/2022
34 Caleb Swan 14 3 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/21/2022
1 Blue Zambo 56 6 Aeros 5/22/2022
Kc Crush
16 Cooper Abernathy 49 7 Ducks 5/21/2022
53 6 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
Total 102 13
2 Declan Adair 18 3 Ducks 5/21/2022
70 12 Midwest Panthers 5/22/2022
Total 88 15
14 Carter Bates 28 3 Five Tool Rebels 5/20/2022
56 7 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
Total 84 10
23 Caden Burt 32 5 Five Tool Rebels 5/20/2022
35 1 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
Total 67 6
15 Finnegan Byrne 21 3 Redbirds 5/21/2022
19 3 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
Total 40 6
25 Lincoln Cobb 46 12 A9 Legends 5/20/2022
27 Hunter Conroy 37 6 A9 Legends 5/20/2022
9 2 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
Total 46 8
35 5 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
Total 81 13
9 Benjamin Durant 20 6 Redbirds 5/21/2022
7 Braxon Kelly 13 3 Midwest Panthers 5/22/2022
24 Spencer Kohl 18 3 Redbirds 5/21/2022
5 Rudy Lewis 29 3 Ducks 5/21/2022
5 Blace Rodina 39 9 Pioneers baseball 5/22/2022
34 6 Prime 27:17 May 5/22/2022
Total 73 15
27 Benjamin Silver 28 5 Redbirds 5/21/2022
14 Mason Terstriep 10 0 Ducks 5/21/2022
7 Tripp Thompson 34 11 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
18 Easton Vesey 51 7 Five Tool Rebels 5/20/2022
12 3 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
Total 63 10
Kc Monarchs
3 Cogan Andes 25 2 NCK CHOPPERS 5/22/2022
2 Brett Apgar 32 8 Five Tool Rebels 5/20/2022
4 Vincent Brocato 7 2 A9 Legends 5/20/2022
49 9 NCK CHOPPERS 5/22/2022
Total 56 11
7 Bryce Davis 32 6 Five Tool Rebels 5/20/2022
27 Jake Groom 33 4 A9 Legends 5/20/2022
21 Jackson Monroe 46 6 A9 Legends 5/20/2022
10 Rigley Pollard 13 2 Five Tool Rebels 5/20/2022
20 4 NCK CHOPPERS 5/22/2022
Total 33 6
7 Broderick Breakfield 57 4 Wolfpack 5/21/2022
42 Lucas Edington 10 2 Building Champions - Ferns 5/22/2022
2 Quincy Edwards 46 2 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
14 2 Building Champions - Ferns 5/22/2022
Total 60 4
27 Cole Harris 27 4 Wolfpack 5/21/2022
15 Maddux Howard 66 11 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
65 14 643 KC 12u Gold 5/22/2022
Total 131 25
24 Brittan Motley, Ii 0 0 Wolfpack 5/21/2022
7 2 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
Total 7 2
1 3 643 KC 12u Gold 5/22/2022
Total 8 5
20 Jackson Oatis 20 1 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
72 14 Building Champions - Ferns 5/22/2022
Total 92 15
MId-Mo Wildcats
24 Ty Brandt 72 11 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/22/2022
3 Beau Buhr 12 3 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
0 0 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/21/2022
Total 12 3
17 Jace Crede 43 6 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
6 Tate Muzzey 16 3 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
48 10 Precision Baseball 5/22/2022
Total 64 13
9 Trent Stuckenschneider 17 0 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
16 Kolton Vanderfeltz 43 6 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/21/2022
29 7 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/22/2022
Total 72 13
1 Jaxon Weider 30 6 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/21/2022
35 8 Precision Baseball 5/22/2022
Total 65 14
Midwest Mavericks
12 Keilynn Armitage 73 9 Complete Game Mets 5/21/2022
3 Gavin Baird 37 6 Complete Game Mets 5/21/2022
22 4 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/22/2022
Total 59 10
13 Parker Blackburn 31 3 Aeros 5/21/2022
21 6 Aeros 5/22/2022
Total 52 9
10 Peyton Felton 44 3 Aeros 5/21/2022
54 Max Feuerbacher 14 3 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/22/2022
32 Charlie Habel 57 8 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/22/2022
2 Easton Highfill 56 11 Smithville Storm - Kirwan 5/22/2022
52 Reed Rath 66 12 Aeros 5/22/2022
20 Brayden Wolfe 57 6 Aeros 5/21/2022
Midwest Panthers
18 Sam Bleish 64 10 Building Champions - Ferns 5/21/2022
44 Luke Cordes 52 9 643 KC 12u Gold 5/21/2022
25 Cameron Price 7 2 Building Champions - Ferns 5/21/2022
16 Luke Saunders 63 7 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
21 Malachi Smith 49 7 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
Midwest Wardogs
17 Michael Dobbs 19 4 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
64 10 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
Total 83 14
27 Gabriel Escobar 29 4 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
48 12 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
Total 77 16
7 Cole Graves 30 2 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
5 Keegan Hoelting 13 3 Coffey County Mudcats 5/21/2022
28 3 Precision Baseball 5/22/2022
Total 41 6
30 3 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
Total 71 9
18 Cale Horak 17 6 Coffey County Mudcats 5/21/2022
65 15 Precision Baseball 5/22/2022
Total 82 21
23 Cason Kraus 9 3 Coffey County Mudcats 5/21/2022
8 Kaleb Smith 63 11 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
NBA - Marucci Jones
3 Cashton Bowers 60 10 Wolfpack 5/21/2022
5 Colton Bowers 24 5 Wolfpack 5/21/2022
19 Max Clark 0 0 Wolfpack 5/21/2022
1 Carson Clutchey 83 12 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/22/2022
13 Everett Hash 44 2 Majors 5/21/2022
4 Hagen Hickel 30 3 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/22/2022
99 Davis Schipper 94 12 Majors 5/21/2022
Nba Marucci - Horton
1 Peter Blount 60 11 Midwest Wardogs 5/21/2022
0 0 Aeros 5/22/2022
Total 60 11
23 Nicholas Brandt 15 6 Midwest Wardogs 5/21/2022
28 6 Aeros 5/22/2022
Total 43 12
2 Brody Harkrader 69 11 NCK CHOPPERS 5/21/2022
29 Mason Stein 67 6 Aeros 5/22/2022
11 Blake Vanzante 21 7 NCK CHOPPERS 5/21/2022
1 Paxton Fouts 11 3 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
23 2 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 34 5
11 2 Kc Monarchs 5/22/2022
Total 45 7
7 Chayse Gross 47 4 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
39 3 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 86 7
23 Truitt King 41 5 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
32 Ayden Krier 46 6 Coffey County Mudcats 5/21/2022
15 Emitt Tiemeyer 27 4 Nba Marucci - Horton 5/21/2022
57 6 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 84 10
21 Brandon Vignery 29 9 Coffey County Mudcats 5/21/2022
65 16 Kc Monarchs 5/22/2022
Total 94 25
Pioneers baseball
0 Trey Boden 78 12 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
8 Brayden Durkes 59 9 Smithville Storm - Porter 5/21/2022
1 Davin Ford 62 9 Smithville Storm - Porter 5/21/2022
7 Mason Partridge 74 15 Us Nationals Midwestern 5/21/2022
4 Oliver Rambo 23 5 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
36 9 A9 Legends 5/22/2022
Total 59 14
Precision Baseball
14 Mason Crawford 30 3 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
52 15 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/22/2022
Total 82 18
7 Hudson Dumler 36 9 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/21/2022
16 3 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
Total 52 12
50 Adam Kent 24 9 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
20 6 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/22/2022
Total 44 15
27 Jake Phelps 37 9 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/21/2022
67 12 Midwest Wardogs 5/22/2022
Total 104 21
13 Jack Renze 31 6 Kc Blasters 5/21/2022
Prime 27:17 May
39 Kael Fisher 73 12 Express 5/22/2022
34 Logan Hepner 75 8 Aeros 5/21/2022
17 Calen May 15 0 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
23 6 Kansas City Monarchs 5/22/2022
Total 38 6
13 Jackson McDonald 13 3 Kansas City Monarchs 5/22/2022
11 Garrett Nimz 53 5 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
25 3 Express 5/22/2022
Total 78 8
23 Elian Nunez 72 12 Complete Game Mets 5/21/2022
22 Myles Peltz 40 3 Kc Crush 5/22/2022
1 Ringo Ross 61 6 Aeros 5/21/2022
8 Cooper Harvath 16 6 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/21/2022
31 6 NCK CHOPPERS 5/22/2022
Total 47 12
27 6 Aeros 5/22/2022
Total 74 18
20 Colton Lake 46 6 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/21/2022
23 Cj Messerschmidt 17 3 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
41 5 NCK CHOPPERS 5/22/2022
Total 58 8
4 Cooper Phillips 27 9 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
32 6 Wolfpack 5/22/2022
Total 59 15
11 Nils Salmonson 28 3 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
59 12 Aeros 5/22/2022
Total 87 15
30 Kiefer Sloan 23 3 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
10 Colten Walters 0 0 Kc Crush 5/21/2022
28 3 Elite Baseball - Vais 5/21/2022
Total 28 3
23 3 Wolfpack 5/22/2022
Total 51 6
Smithville Storm - Kirwan
7 William Dufour 23 3 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
2 0 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 25 3
33 Deacon Field 13 3 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
4 Jackson Joslin 0 0 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
9 Nick Kirwan 53 6 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
0 0 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 53 6
24 Grant Linzy 46 8 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
36 5 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
Total 82 13
3 Dane Peterson 78 9 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
1 Parker Seeley 0 0 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
0 0 Building Champion - Eggers 5/21/2022
Total 0 0
2 Landon Simmons 0 0 Midwest Mavericks 5/22/2022
27 Austin Wilson 26 4 MId-Mo Wildcats 5/21/2022
Smithville Storm - Porter
81 Maddox Almendarez 27 5 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
13 Nolan Dehn 61 12 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
15 Drayton Haynes 39 3 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
30 Collin Kersten 33 4 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
8 Mason Miller 11 2 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
2 Brandon Porter 28 6 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
11 3 12U Cavaliers - Maroon 5/22/2022
Total 39 9
16 Harrison Yarc 37 4 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
Us Nationals Midwestern
1 Drew Dickstein 4 3 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
22 3 Ducks 5/22/2022
Total 26 6
3 Wade Erickson 32 1 Ducks 5/22/2022
5 Noah Herrera 27 4 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
24 Carson Hill 24 3 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
23 Leeam Meyer 12 2 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
35 Logan Redding 25 3 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
52 8 Ducks 5/22/2022
Total 77 11
13 Brody Reickard 24 6 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
11 Lincoln Sersch 14 4 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
10 Cole Sterna 37 5 Kansas City Monarchs 5/21/2022
2 Drew Taylor 17 0 Pioneers baseball 5/21/2022
8 Drake Clayton 22 2 Redbirds 5/22/2022
3 Kale Coomes 52 8 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
34 1 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 86 9
50 Gunner Horyna 47 5 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
25 3 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 72 8
5 Bryor Schultz 50 9 Majors 5/21/2022
19 5 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
Total 69 14
12 Colton Simmons 25 2 Redbirds 5/22/2022
2 Jack Spear 26 4 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
7 1 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 33 5
1 Kle Stewart 18 6 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
9 Brock Wiemers 40 4 NBA - Marucci Jones 5/21/2022
30 3 Five Tool Rebels 5/22/2022
Total 70 7
17 0 Redbirds 5/22/2022
Total 87 7