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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Adrenaline Selects
27 Evan Bailey 86 15 Takeover Baseball 10/2/2021
9 Joeseph Geiger 14 1 Hamilton A’s 10/1/2021
43 3 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/3/2021
Total 57 4
24 Cavan Haack 9 0 Takeover Baseball 10/2/2021
17 Evan Lavalle 2 2 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/3/2021
54 Logan Macchia 29 1 Hamilton A’s 10/1/2021
15 3 Takeover Baseball 10/2/2021
Total 44 4
8 Jayden McNeil 43 4 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/3/2021
23 Frankie Viscuso 34 3 Hamilton A’s 10/1/2021
CJ Young Guns
17 Niko Antoniades 11 0 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/1/2021
5 Andrew Dimarsico 25 3 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/1/2021
15 3 Reapers Baseball Club 10/3/2021
Total 40 6
99 Alex Fiore 24 0 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/1/2021
30 Michael Fogarty 27 3 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/1/2021
29 3 Reapers Baseball Club 10/3/2021
Total 56 6
25 Jt Fray 31 3 DE Fury 12u 10/2/2021
12 Jagger Golden 42 7 DE Fury 12u 10/2/2021
8 Jake Liotti 45 4 DE Fury 12u 10/2/2021
2 Joe Russell 15 3 Reapers Baseball Club 10/3/2021
28 Josh Sosinov 20 3 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/1/2021
18 3 Reapers Baseball Club 10/3/2021
Total 38 6
29 Nick Stabile 9 3 Reapers Baseball Club 10/3/2021
Clubhouse 12u Carolina
33 Ezequiel Cueto 30 3 Takeover Baseball 10/3/2021
14 Brandon Elinskas 28 3 Takeover Baseball 10/3/2021
22 Aj Feinstein 80 12 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/2/2021
9 Lachlan Hill 71 12 Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci 10/2/2021
25 Ryan Holmes 29 3 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/2/2021
24 Antonio Padhila 19 3 Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci 10/2/2021
53 Lawrence Roccamo 37 6 Takeover Baseball 10/3/2021
12 Evan Sauer 33 6 Takeover Baseball 10/3/2021
DE Fury 12u
11 Thomas Armstrong 64 9 CJ Young Guns 10/2/2021
36 3 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/3/2021
Total 100 12
7 Landon Boyd 26 5 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/3/2021
23 Will Caldwell 28 6 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/2/2021
74 10 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/3/2021
Total 102 16
17 Liam Fresconi 25 2 CJ Young Guns 10/2/2021
50 Carter Nelson 37 3 CJ Young Guns 10/2/2021
42 9 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/2/2021
Total 79 12
77 Kaelynn Vogan 15 2 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/2/2021
FS Prime
13 Roman Giaconia 19 3 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/1/2021
44 10 Rebels 10/3/2021
Total 63 13
19 Colton Guerrina 74 5 Rebels 10/2/2021
10 Preston Pahang 46 9 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/1/2021
26 1 Rebels 10/3/2021
Total 72 10
27 Kyle Pitt 20 2 Rebels 10/2/2021
5 Kyle Vanaman 24 1 Rebels 10/2/2021
Hamilton A’s
34 John Brovak 68 10 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
55 Christopher Dominguez 21 3 Takeover Baseball 10/2/2021
0 Luca Franzen 82 15 Takeover Baseball 10/2/2021
14 Michael Lingrell 52 8 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
5 Robert Quatermas 41 6 Adrenaline Selects 10/1/2021
Intensity Baseball 12U Black
13 Matthew Delaney 50 4 Jersey Storm 12U 10/2/2021
24 3 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/3/2021
Total 74 7
14 Will Hunt 51 9 DE Fury 12u 10/2/2021
8 Chris Knight 35 6 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/3/2021
99 Christian Mascaro 35 6 DE Fury 12u 10/2/2021
42 Michael Metcalfe 82 8 Jersey Storm 12U 10/2/2021
5 Sean Sweet 49 9 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/3/2021
Jersey Storm 12U
1 Justin Acosta 50 9 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/2/2021
5 Michael Anthony Alberto 13 2 Rebels 10/3/2021
17 Jakhi Gale 12 3 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/2/2021
2 Anthony Huaranga 15 3 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/2/2021
26 Christopher Jerla 23 2 Rebels 10/3/2021
41 Keith Pimentel 24 6 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/2/2021
30 Eddie Pineiro Jr. 44 9 RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals 10/3/2021
42 Devin Pollock 36 6 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/2/2021
27 Aedan Riley 27 3 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/2/2021
20 David Rojas 73 11 Rebels 10/3/2021
Ma Show 12u Taylor
Carson Brandt 64 10 Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci 10/1/2021
43 9 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/2/2021
Total 107 19
Joey Brennan 15 3 Adrenaline Selects 10/3/2021
Kevin Magsam 37 2 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/2/2021
21 Brody Orr 41 6 Adrenaline Selects 10/3/2021
Ethan Streater 30 4 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/2/2021
Brody Taylor 22 5 Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci 10/1/2021
Mid-Atlantic Ghost
Braden Cox 68 15 DE Fury 12u 10/3/2021
Connor Crittenden 43 6 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/2/2021
26 Anthony Marrano 26 3 Reapers Baseball Club 10/2/2021
19 3 DE Fury 12u 10/3/2021
Total 45 6
Caden Miller 46 7 Reapers Baseball Club 10/2/2021
Braden Moore 72 12 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/2/2021
Gavin Peters 18 0 DE Fury 12u 10/3/2021
Lou Zweidinger 33 6 Reapers Baseball Club 10/2/2021
RCBC Marucci 12U Americans
42 Jayden Beriguette 66 8 Hamilton A’s 10/3/2021
12 Jeremy Candelier 58 7 Rebels 10/3/2021
11 Joshua Diaz 79 8 Rebels 10/3/2021
5 1 Hamilton A’s 10/3/2021
Total 84 9
25 Brendan Evernham 4 1 Hamilton A’s 10/3/2021
16 Juan Fabian 32 2 Hamilton A’s 10/3/2021
0 Sam French 90 11 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/2/2021
23 Andrew Grilletti 5 2 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/2/2021
74 11 Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci 10/3/2021
Total 79 13
20 Mateo Ruiz 28 5 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/2/2021
8 Tyler Stern 37 8 Reapers Baseball Club 10/2/2021
16 3 Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci 10/3/2021
Total 53 11
35 6 Hamilton A’s 10/3/2021
Total 88 17
RCBC Marucci 12U Nationals
34 Tyler Bassett 30 6 Jersey Storm 12U 10/2/2021
49 Justin Haag 46 9 CJ Young Guns 10/1/2021
28 Gabe Lucca 9 2 CJ Young Guns 10/1/2021
27 Matthew Marco 34 1 CJ Young Guns 10/1/2021
50 4 Jersey Storm 12U 10/3/2021
Total 84 5
26 Joseph Spungin 67 9 Jersey Storm 12U 10/2/2021
13 Christian Winter 59 4 Jersey Storm 12U 10/3/2021
Reapers Baseball Club
50 Lucas Betz 70 14 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/2/2021
4 Ryan Del Buono 44 4 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/2/2021
2 1 Mid-Atlantic Ghost 10/2/2021
Total 46 5
7 Alexander Erespe 64 12 CJ Young Guns 10/3/2021
7 Nate Knapp 33 6 CJ Young Guns 10/3/2021
5 Daniel Marable 45 3 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/2/2021
10 Shawn Rynkiewicz 15 2 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/2/2021
1 Brayden Altiner 20 3 FS Prime 10/2/2021
21 Nicolas Coupet 58 12 FS Prime 10/3/2021
8 2 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
Total 66 14
34 Luke Krzemienski 29 6 FS Prime 10/2/2021
73 15 Jersey Storm 12U 10/3/2021
Total 102 21
99 Robert Mascia 84 16 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
4 1 Jersey Storm 12U 10/3/2021
Total 88 17
17 Jp Perlman 19 4 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/2/2021
17 2 Jersey Storm 12U 10/3/2021
Total 36 6
2 Matthew Tejada 64 7 Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly 10/2/2021
Takeover Baseball
Aaron Corcoran 72 8 Adrenaline Selects 10/2/2021
Dylan Holmberg 40 6 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/3/2021
Ty Kane 82 12 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/3/2021
Trey Lyerly 41 3 Hamilton A’s 10/2/2021
29 6 Adrenaline Selects 10/2/2021
Total 70 9
Nicholas Wells 82 15 Hamilton A’s 10/2/2021
Tri State Arsenal 12u Marucci
22 Gaven Bowman 70 12 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/2/2021
18 Jeremy Irizarry 22 3 Clubhouse 12u Carolina 10/2/2021
28 Ben Jessen 41 7 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/1/2021
64 12 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
Total 105 19
4 Jackson Soos 5 1 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
11 Ben Weninger 67 8 Ma Show 12u Taylor 10/1/2021
38 2 RCBC Marucci 12U Americans 10/3/2021
Total 105 10
Tri State Arsenal 12u Philly
16 Dominic Bruno 20 2 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021
5 Myles Freed 27 6 FS Prime 10/1/2021
52 4 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021
Total 79 10
26 Toby Graf 15 0 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021
22 Nate Hagner 34 5 Rebels 10/2/2021
20 Nolan Minehan 10 3 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021
35 Cole Nazionale 41 4 Rebels 10/2/2021
11 Eli Paradise 55 6 FS Prime 10/1/2021
6 Jason Romano 11 3 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021
17 Michael Tomsho 19 3 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021
9 Rudy Wilhelm 24 3 Intensity Baseball 12U Black 10/3/2021