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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Arsenal Baseball
9 Michael Betts 0 9 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
0 3 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
5 Logan Clark 0 6 Birmingham Rays 6/24/2021
0 3 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 6 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
23 Landon Faucett 0 6 Birmingham Rays 6/24/2021
0 2 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
0 6 Ky Prospects 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
0 12 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/26/2021
Total 0 26
17 Peyton Schroeder 0 6 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/23/2021
11 Jackson Stevens 0 1 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
13 Sawyer Wilson 0 2 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
0 3 Birmingham Rays 6/24/2021
Total 0 5
0 4 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 9 Ky Prospects 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
B45 Team Oklahoma 2027
3 Brock Copass 0 2 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/24/2021
0 3 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
14 Beau Davis 0 3 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/24/2021
2 Rodrigo Ortega 0 3 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/23/2021
0 3 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/23/2021
Total 0 6
0 6 Louisville Makos 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
23 Kona Paningsoro 0 8 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/23/2021
12 Craig Russell 0 6 Louisville Makos 6/24/2021
22 Jaxon Southerland 0 6 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/23/2021
0 6 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
0 12 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/25/2021
Total 0 24
44 Ganon Springer 0 3 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/23/2021
0 5 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/23/2021
Total 0 8
0 8 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
6 Braylon White 0 4 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/24/2021
0 3 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/25/2021
Total 0 7
Backyard Ballers Black
0 Colin Conover 0 2 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/24/2021
0 Lucas Cornell 0 3 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 1 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
0 5 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 9
32 Carter Culbreth 0 5 Yard Dogs 6/24/2021
0 5 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/24/2021
Total 0 10
0 Colt Edwards 0 3 Birmingham Rays 6/23/2021
0 1 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 4
0 Lance Ehlers 0 3 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 3 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 6
24 Kaleb Foster 0 3 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/25/2021
0 Evan Jamison 0 3 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 Logan Lacox 0 4 Yard Dogs 6/24/2021
0 John Richards 0 4 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/24/2021
0 Parker Stamps 0 12 Birmingham Rays 6/23/2021
0 Chrystian Wimberly 0 8 Yard Dogs 6/24/2021
0 6 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
0 Brayden Womack 0 3 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
Birmingham Rays
44 Asher Evans 0 1 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 3 Arsenal Baseball 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
7 Houston Lee 0 3 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2021
0 3 Arsenal Baseball 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
13 Knox Patterson 0 2 Yard Dogs 6/24/2021
9 Josh Renfro 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2021
0 12 Yard Dogs 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
12 Jackson Reyer 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2021
0 1 Yard Dogs 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
0 4 Oklahoma A's 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
5 Camden Schroeter 0 2 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 6 Arsenal Baseball 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
20 Caden Smith 0 3 Arsenal Baseball 6/24/2021
0 Charlie Williamon 0 9 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 5 Oklahoma A's 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
10 William Yoder 0 2 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/23/2021
0 9 Yard Dogs 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
Brownlee Lookouts 12U
21 Jonny Kievman 0 5 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/23/2021
0 6 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
0 5 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
1 John Klimzack 0 5 Javelinas 12u 6/24/2021
27 Zach Kutzera 0 10 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/24/2021
6 Josh Lippe 0 10 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/23/2021
0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 19
0 1 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
25 Quinn Snyder 0 3 LDA Bombers Black 6/23/2021
0 6 Javelinas 12u 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
11 Samuel Suarez 0 1 Javelinas 12u 6/24/2021
0 3 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
Total 0 4
24 Scott Wilson 0 9 LDA Bombers Black 6/23/2021
0 15 Elite Squad 6/25/2021
Total 0 24
Bucs Baseball Club 12u
45 Jack Beckman 0 3 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/24/2021
7 Nathan Korovin 0 6 Tennessee FUEL 6/23/2021
0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
0 12 LDA Bombers Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
99 Drew Monte 0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/24/2021
11 Jackson Newton 0 3 Louisville Makos 6/23/2021
0 Ethan O’Meara 0 9 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/24/2021
0 9 Backyard Ballers Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
24 Colton Redmond 0 9 Louisville Makos 6/23/2021
0 12 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/25/2021
Total 0 21
1 Andrew Renfroe 0 6 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/24/2021
Building Champions - Fratzel
14 Nate Berman 0 9 Oklahoma A's 6/23/2021
99 Shaun Campbell 0 9 LDA Bombers Black 6/25/2021
12 Houston Duckworth 0 3 Oklahoma A's 6/23/2021
17 Matthew Gravitt 0 9 South Alabama Heat 6/23/2021
0 4 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/26/2021
Total 0 13
21 Brody Kopmeyer 0 6 Southwest Sox 6/24/2021
9 Grayson McFall 0 3 LDA Bombers Black 6/25/2021
15 Cabe Roberson 0 8 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/26/2021
5 Cade Wilson 0 6 South Alabama Heat 6/23/2021
0 6 Elite Squad 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
Dfw Jets 12u Negron
22 Gavin Alaniz 0 6 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/26/2021
1 Jackson Barnhisel 0 9 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/24/2021
23 Raul Lomas 0 9 Arsenal Baseball 6/24/2021
0 1 Ky Prospects 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
12 Jayden Moeller 0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2021
0 2 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/26/2021
Total 0 8
9 Michael Namy 0 5 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2021
0 1 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/26/2021
Total 0 6
10 Thomas Poteet 0 1 Backyard Ballers Black 6/23/2021
0 3 Arsenal Baseball 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
0 6 Ky Prospects 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
13 Kevin J. Rodriguez 0 9 Birmingham Rays 6/23/2021
0 Henry Rosales 0 6 Birmingham Rays 6/23/2021
2 Alexis Torres 0 1 Ky Prospects 6/26/2021
Diamond Kings
27 Axton Brewer 0 3 Ky Prospects 6/23/2021
0 3 South Alabama Heat 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
15 Conner Bush 0 9 Ky Prospects 6/23/2021
0 6 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 3 South Alabama Heat 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
21 Damian Cervantez 0 6 YBC United 6/23/2021
0 3 South Alabama Heat 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
2 Cael Horgan 0 6 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/24/2021
25 Beau Jessop 0 6 YBC United 6/23/2021
3 Andrew Kirkwood 0 6 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/24/2021
0 4 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/26/2021
Total 0 10
4 Aidan Newbery 0 3 Ky Prospects 6/23/2021
0 6 South Alabama Heat 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
35 Jackson Peters 0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/24/2021
0 8 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/26/2021
Total 0 17
8 Cale Rosenberger 0 9 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/25/2021
Elite Squad
Vincent Alicea 0 5 Southwest Sox 6/23/2021
0 1 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
27 Braden Burke 0 1 Texas Edge North 6/23/2021
7 Gabriel Devore 0 5 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/24/2021
23 Brady Heminger 0 4 Southwest Sox 6/23/2021
0 9 Yard Dogs 6/26/2021
Total 0 13
Logan Moreira 0 5 Texas Edge North 6/23/2021
0 8 South Alabama Heat 6/24/2021
Total 0 13
25 Jonathan Shelton 0 6 Texas Edge North 6/23/2021
0 10 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
25 Joseph Sykes 0 7 South Alabama Heat 6/24/2021
Logan Wilson 0 2 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/25/2021
0 15 Javelinas 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 17
Game On Nationals (Red)
4 Torreion Delaney 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/24/2021
7 Davis Moncus 0 6 LDA Bombers Black 6/24/2021
0 12 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
13 Chase Mosley 0 9 LDA Bombers Black 6/24/2021
0 18 Texas Edge North 6/25/2021
Total 0 27
10 Jake Perry 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/24/2021
0 9 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
6 Cason Spears 0 9 Javelinas 12u 6/23/2021
0 3 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/26/2021
Total 0 15
33 Kaleb Woodson 0 12 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/23/2021
Gulf Coast Marlins
27 Brayden Celestine 0 6 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/23/2021
0 3 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
1 Ethan Fovargue 0 8 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/23/2021
0 9 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/26/2021
Total 0 17
21 Jude Johnston 0 1 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
35 Garrett Koshkin 0 9 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/23/2021
0 9 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
20 Tyler Padgett 0 1 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/23/2021
11 Jaxon Thomas 0 9 YBC United 6/24/2021
0 2 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/26/2021
Total 0 11
10 Dexter White 0 9 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
Javelinas 12u
0 Alejandro Alonso 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/24/2021
27 Quinn Barker 0 6 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/23/2021
0 3 LDA Bombers Black 6/23/2021
Total 0 9
0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
6 Cutter Brown 0 3 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/23/2021
17 Bryce Dalton 0 9 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/24/2021
0 12 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
19 Gage Jordan 0 1 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
10 Diego Medina 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/24/2021
0 3 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
9 Drake Owens 0 9 LDA Bombers Black 6/23/2021
2 Jett Stroble 0 2 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/25/2021
Ky Prospects
1 Owen Aldridge 0 3 YBC United 6/23/2021
0 4 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/26/2021
Total 0 7
21 Matthew "Matty" Bell 0 6 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 6 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
7 Witt Carter 0 3 YBC United 6/23/2021
0 6 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 4 Arsenal Baseball 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
0 6 South Alabama Heat 6/26/2021
Total 0 19
9 Trace Moore 0 6 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 9 Arsenal Baseball 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 9 South Alabama Heat 6/26/2021
Total 0 24
24 Jack Paul 0 5 YBC United 6/23/2021
0 3 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
0 12 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/25/2021
Total 0 20
16 Colin Poat 0 6 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/24/2021
0 3 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
0 2 Arsenal Baseball 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
27 Collin Schmidt 0 1 YBC United 6/23/2021
0 3 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
Total 0 4
0 3 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
0 5 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
LDA Bombers Black
9 Will Allen 0 9 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/24/2021
0 6 Texas Edge North 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
14 Palmer Gobble 0 7 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/24/2021
0 3 Texas Edge North 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
2 Kolby Hicks 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/23/2021
0 6 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/24/2021
Total 0 12
0 4 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
0 5 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
10 Carson Jennings 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/23/2021
0 3 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 4 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
99 Aidan Monahan 0 6 Javelinas 12u 6/23/2021
0 2 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/25/2021
Total 0 8
27 Jayden Schwartz 0 6 Javelinas 12u 6/23/2021
0 5 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/24/2021
Total 0 11
0 2 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
0 7 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
Louisville Makos
9 Jaxon Byrd-Scott 0 2 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/23/2021
0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/24/2021
Total 0 5
0 3 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 8
21 Isaiah Dickson 0 1 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/23/2021
11 Grant Gaffin 0 3 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
2 Timmy Gentry 0 3 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
0 3 Yard Dogs 6/25/2021
Total 0 6
8 Dylan Haas 0 6 Tennessee FUEL 6/23/2021
0 3 Yard Dogs 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
12 Joseph Hibbard 0 6 Tennessee FUEL 6/23/2021
0 3 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/26/2021
Total 0 18
17 Jackson McBride 0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/24/2021
3 Kaden McCormick 0 3 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
5 Austin Rock 0 6 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/24/2021
0 3 Yard Dogs 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
6 Dylan Tucker 0 9 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/23/2021
0 3 Yard Dogs 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
0 12 Oklahoma A's 6/26/2021
Total 0 24
Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera
34 Cooper Craycraft 0 12 Diamond Kings 6/26/2021
Joshua Harrington 0 1 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/23/2021
0 15 Arsenal Baseball 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
27 Samuel Medders 0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/23/2021
0 3 Ky Prospects 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
0 15 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/26/2021
Total 0 24
32 Sean Millimet 0 9 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/23/2021
0 6 Ky Prospects 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
0 6 Diamond Kings 6/26/2021
Total 0 21
17 Luke Roberts 0 9 Javelinas 12u 6/24/2021
0 9 LDA Bombers Black 6/24/2021
Total 0 18
8 Ryan Silva 0 6 LDA Bombers Black 6/24/2021
11 John Tallent 0 4 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/23/2021
0 2 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/26/2021
Total 0 6
7 Brayden Taylor 0 3 Javelinas 12u 6/24/2021
23 Mason Trichel 0 1 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/23/2021
0 3 Ky Prospects 6/25/2021
Total 0 4
35 Alexander Young 0 3 Javelinas 12u 6/24/2021
0 1 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/26/2021
Total 0 4
Meridian Panthers 12u
22 Winston Barnett 0 9 YBC United 6/24/2021
25 Beckett Brown 0 3 Backyard Ballers Black 6/25/2021
23 Beau Bruns 0 9 Backyard Ballers Black 6/25/2021
0 15 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/26/2021
Total 0 24
5 Samuel Dempsey 0 6 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/23/2021
0 4 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
7 Aiden Dunkle 0 9 Ky Prospects 6/24/2021
11 Jakob Gonzalez 0 3 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/23/2021
0 6 Ky Prospects 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
34 Pete Kostopoulos 0 12 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/23/2021
26 Abdul Shareef 0 3 YBC United 6/24/2021
Oklahoma A's
8 Dakota Carter 0 11 Louisville Makos 6/26/2021
13 Elijah Esparza 0 6 Birmingham Rays 6/25/2021
24 Chase Garner 0 3 Birmingham Rays 6/25/2021
40 Zaidin Grate 0 12 South Alabama Heat 6/23/2021
21 Christopher Kannady 0 5 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/23/2021
30 Preston Kutej 0 13 Texas Edge North 6/24/2021
2 Ace Lewis 0 4 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/23/2021
26 Robert Maupin 0 10 Southwest Sox 6/24/2021
12 Payton Reid 0 1 Louisville Makos 6/26/2021
23 Landry Richter 0 3 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/23/2021
Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard
35 Braxton Ballard 0 1 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/23/2021
0 9 Louisville Makos 6/24/2021
Total 0 10
5 Trent Belcher 0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/23/2021
Max Ferguson 0 3 Louisville Makos 6/24/2021
0 9 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
Jaxton Glaspy 0 12 Tennessee FUEL 6/24/2021
7 Isaac Krohn 0 3 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/23/2021
0 3 Louisville Makos 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
1 Braeden Mallonee 0 2 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/23/2021
24 Ethan Norris 0 9 Marucci Elite Texas 12U Najera 6/26/2021
Griffin Wright 0 5 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/23/2021
Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi
7 Ryan Buchanan 0 1 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
0 5 Backyard Ballers Black 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
11 Liam Carroll 0 7 Backyard Ballers Black 6/24/2021
38 Austin Edwards 0 3 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
0 1 YBC United 6/25/2021
Total 0 4
0 12 Tennessee FUEL 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
34 Brayden Johnson 0 2 YBC United 6/25/2021
4 Cole Mann 0 4 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
0 15 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 19
17 Brayden Rechtiene 0 3 Arsenal Baseball 6/23/2021
33 Blake Schiller 0 2 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/24/2021
0 3 Tennessee FUEL 6/26/2021
Total 0 5
20 Ric Standley 0 3 Arsenal Baseball 6/23/2021
27 Braden Stringer 0 6 Dfw Jets 12u Negron 6/24/2021
19 Colton Tedeschi 0 4 Yard Dogs 6/23/2021
0 12 YBC United 6/25/2021
Total 0 16
South Alabama Heat
5 Mason Hartley 0 2 Oklahoma A's 6/23/2021
0 2 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Total 0 4
1 Colin Kelly 0 2 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/23/2021
0 3 Oklahoma A's 6/23/2021
Total 0 5
0 2 Elite Squad 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
0 8 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
10 Matthew Lightcap 0 10 Oklahoma A's 6/23/2021
0 4 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
Total 0 14
34 Andrew Salmon 0 6 Texas Edge North 6/24/2021
7 Christian Segar 0 2 Texas Edge North 6/24/2021
0 13 Elite Squad 6/24/2021
Total 0 15
23 Camden Stroia 0 1 Diamond Kings 6/25/2021
3 Sam Wilder 0 5 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/23/2021
0 1 Texas Edge North 6/24/2021
Total 0 6
19 Wyatt Williams 0 6 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/23/2021
Southwest Sox
13 Jacob Courson 0 7 Oklahoma A's 6/24/2021
19 Anthony De La Rosa 0 2 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
10 Bryant Edge 0 2 Texas Edge North 6/23/2021
11 Jentry Henson 0 1 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/24/2021
5 Chase Kemp 0 1 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
12 Brayden Mathis 0 2 Oklahoma A's 6/24/2021
0 6 Tennessee FUEL 6/26/2021
Total 0 8
1 Seth Mika 0 5 Texas Edge North 6/23/2021
0 9 Tennessee FUEL 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
7 Brayden Robinson 0 4 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
33 Alvaro Trejo-Lopez 0 2 Building Champions - Fratzel 6/24/2021
Team Warstic Dallas Black
46 Easton Barksdale 0 2 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/23/2021
11 Jake Biggers 0 11 Tennessee FUEL 6/26/2021
15 Graham Bishop 0 12 Tennessee FUEL 6/25/2021
45 James Broer 0 5 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/23/2021
0 13 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/25/2021
Total 0 18
2 Danilo Chan 0 11 Ky Prospects 6/24/2021
4 Brock McCants 0 3 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
0 1 Ky Prospects 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
9 Harrison Pittman 0 4 Diamond Kings 6/24/2021
42 Cash Wright 0 4 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/23/2021
Team Warstic Dallas Gold
42 Charlie Busker 0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/23/2021
0 6 Javelinas 12u 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
17 Ryan Donahoe 0 5 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/23/2021
0 15 Louisville Makos 6/26/2021
Total 0 20
21 Harley Eckert 0 4 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/23/2021
0 6 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
25 Henry Kauffman 0 3 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/23/2021
6 William Parker 0 1 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/24/2021
22 Brenden Price 0 2 B45 Team Oklahoma 2027 6/23/2021
0 9 Brownlee Lookouts 12U 6/25/2021
Total 0 11
16 Thomas Wheat 0 16 Tennessee FUEL 6/24/2021
3 Jeffrey Williams 0 6 Javelinas 12u 6/25/2021
55 Zach Zelley 0 11 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/24/2021
Tennessee FUEL
27 Gaige Coffee 0 2 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/24/2021
0 3 Southwest Sox 6/26/2021
Total 0 5
25 Jackson Knight 0 5 Louisville Makos 6/23/2021
0 2 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/26/2021
Total 0 7
0 9 Southwest Sox 6/26/2021
Total 0 16
1 Case Mahoney 0 4 Louisville Makos 6/23/2021
0 1 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 5
18 Jacob McCampbell 0 3 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/23/2021
54 Allen Pence 0 2 Louisville Makos 6/23/2021
0 11 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
21 Parker Ross 0 3 Bucs Baseball Club 12u 6/23/2021
0 1 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
Total 0 4
0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 13
14 Nate Thompson 0 1 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
8 Brandon Varnell 0 9 Ranger Baseball Club- Ballard 6/24/2021
0 3 Team Warstic Dallas Black 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
5 Matthew Woods 0 9 Team Warstic Dallas Gold 6/24/2021
0 10 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/26/2021
Total 0 19
0 3 Southwest Sox 6/26/2021
Total 0 22
Texas Edge North
23 Blake Baker 0 6 South Alabama Heat 6/24/2021
0 3 LDA Bombers Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
21 Sebastian Castillo 0 3 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
0 5 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/26/2021
Total 0 8
12 Aiden Douglas 0 4 Oklahoma A's 6/24/2021
0 1 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/26/2021
Total 0 5
7 Connor Gaudet 0 3 Southwest Sox 6/23/2021
0 6 South Alabama Heat 6/24/2021
Total 0 9
17 Hudson Howard 0 5 Oklahoma A's 6/24/2021
20 Caden Mackey 0 3 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
0 9 LDA Bombers Black 6/25/2021
Total 0 12
16 Connor Ray 0 3 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
25 Hunter Robinson 0 3 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
35 Aiden Saraceno 0 6 Southwest Sox 6/23/2021
0 11 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/25/2021
Total 0 17
45 Zachary Wanoreck 0 3 Elite Squad 6/23/2021
0 7 Game On Nationals (Red) 6/25/2021
Total 0 10
5 Houstton Webster 0 3 Oklahoma A's 6/24/2021
Yard Dogs
9 Jt Allen 0 6 Birmingham Rays 6/24/2021
1 Payce Bradberry 0 9 Backyard Ballers Black 6/24/2021
22 Gavin Craig 0 1 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/23/2021
0 6 Backyard Ballers Black 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
0 6 Louisville Makos 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
0 1 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
Total 0 14
28 Ben Dockery 0 6 Arsenal Baseball 6/23/2021
0 3 Birmingham Rays 6/25/2021
Total 0 9
0 3 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
Total 0 12
5 Will Jones 0 1 Arsenal Baseball 6/23/2021
0 5 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/23/2021
Total 0 6
0 9 Birmingham Rays 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
24 Seaton Moffett 0 5 Elite Squad 6/26/2021
7 Luke Owens 0 5 Arsenal Baseball 6/23/2021
0 3 Birmingham Rays 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
0 9 Louisville Makos 6/25/2021
Total 0 17
44 Cole Pinkerton 0 3 Birmingham Rays 6/24/2021
YBC United
41 Fields Floersch 0 5 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/24/2021
0 3 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/24/2021
Total 0 8
77 Maddux Howard 0 6 Ky Prospects 6/23/2021
13 Titus Jackson 0 5 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
0 2 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/24/2021
Total 0 7
0 6 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/25/2021
Total 0 13
17 Graham McCluer 0 3 Gulf Coast Marlins 6/24/2021
35 Joe Reed 0 4 Diamond Kings 6/23/2021
4 Keith Smith 0 6 Ky Prospects 6/23/2021
0 9 Rawlings Tigers - Tedeschi 6/25/2021
Total 0 15
24 Landon Ullman 0 6 Meridian Panthers 12u 6/24/2021