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Since there still has been no official word from the Governor on the loosening of rules on Spectators for youth Sports we will proceed as follows until we hear other wise.

Currently each grouping of our Double Headers are scheduled 40 minutes apart, the reason for doing this is to allow for the teams that have just finished their games for the day to have time to pack up and leave the park. Because this is not instantaneous I please ask for the parents of the teams showing up to play to not actually get into the stands to watch until 10 minutes before your scheduled start time. You will be allowed to drop your players off to start getting loose but we please ask you stay in your vehicles until 10 minutes before the scheduled start so that no parents and players from the previous match ups will still be in the park upon your arrival to your field.

This will allow us to maintain having 75 people or less at each field, In order to avoid having to rope sections off as each teams section we please ask for parents to either stay in your bleachers or somewhere down the side of the field you are watching. This way it appears to the park that they can accurately tell how many people are watching each field.

Lastly, just a reminder it will probably be wet and most of the fields do not have covers over the dugouts so please come prepared to help keep your team dry if it in fact does rain.

If any new information comes out, I will email out info ASAP.

Thank you, Lee Larson
(979) 665-2989
Mar 20 - 21 |  Kasch Park | Everett, WA
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Arsenal Baseball Club 13U (8-11-1 in 2021) 13AAA Lake Stevens, WA Kevin Estes
FCA 13 Black (2-5-1 in 2021) 13Major Bothell, WA Kyle Swallom
Mukilteo Mavericks (5-7-0 in 2021) Mukilteo, WA Bradly Estes
New Level Xtreme 13U Henkel (5-7-2 in 2021) 13Major Puyallup, WA Josh Henkel
NL Diamond Jaxx (19-2-0 in 2021) 13Major Puyallup, WA Chris Moore
North Seattle Rainiers 13 Blue (0-4-0 in 2021) 13AA seattle, WA Eric Knutson
North Seattle Rainiers 13 Red (1-6-0 in 2021) 13AAA seattle, WA Rich Hepler
PSP 13u (9-7-0 in 2021) 13Major Redmond, WA Josh Polacek
Rawlings Tigers 13U Quatro (10-5-1 in 2021) 13Major Seattle, WA Chad Bundy
Rijo Athletics - Sanders (13-5-0 in 2021) 13Major bothell, WA Dan Bugge
Seattle Rawlings Tigers Velo (2-2-0 in 2021) Seattle, WA Matt Schlede
Showtime 13U North Red (7-7-1 in 2021) 13Major Puyallup, WA Nick Harpel
SNOHOMISH PILCHUCKERS (19-8-3 in 2021) Snohomish, WA Travis Clark
Stods Hawks (8-6-0 in 2021) 13AAA Bellevue, WA Joe Binfet
WBA - 13u (1-10-0 in 2021) 13AAA Seattle, WA
Whatcom Prep (1-2-1 in 2021) 13Major Ferndale, WA Andy Hanson