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10u Gold Gulf Coast World Series Brackets

#4 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 7  #1 East Cobb Astros 10u Orange 11      
GM: 41 | 6/25 | 8:30 AM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
  GM: 43 | 6/25 | 12:00 PM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#5 Warriors10 2  #4 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 5  #1 East Cobb Astros 10u Orange 8   
     GM: 47 | 6/25 | 3:30 PM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#3 Ktn Athletics 8  #2 Buford Wolves 10u 6  #3 Ktn Athletics 5   
GM: 42 | 6/25 | 10:15 AM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
  GM: 44 | 6/25 | 1:45 PM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#6 THZ Baseball 0  #3 Ktn Athletics 9      
         #1 East Cobb Astros 10u Orange 11
        GM: 50 | 6/26 | 3:30 PM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
Loser's Bracket        #3 Ktn Athletics 2
#2 Buford Wolves 10u 8         
GM: 45 | 6/26 | 8:30 AM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#5 Warriors10 7  #2 Buford Wolves 10u 8  #2 Buford Wolves 10u 0   
  GM: 48 | 6/26 | 12:00 PM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
  GM: 49 | 6/26 | 1:45 PM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#4 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 9  #4 643 Dp Jaguars 10u 2  #3 Ktn Athletics 7   
GM: 46 | 6/26 | 10:15 AM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#6 THZ Baseball 5         
10u Silver Gulf Coast World Series Brackets

#4 Texas Rattlers 9  #1 Gulf Coast Oilers 12      
GM: 51 | 6/25 | 8:30 AM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
  GM: 53 | 6/25 | 12:00 PM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#5 Action Youth Baseball Club 10u Gissler/Owens 12  #5 Action Youth Baseball Club 10u Gissler/Owens 11  #1 Gulf Coast Oilers 7   
     GM: 57 | 6/25 | 3:30 PM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#3 Texas Fire 10u 16  #2 Louisiana Blast 10U Blue 7  #3 Texas Fire 10u 3   
GM: 52 | 6/25 | 10:15 AM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
  GM: 54 | 6/25 | 1:45 PM
Field 1 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#6 osceola kekambas 1  #3 Texas Fire 10u 8      
        #1 Gulf Coast Oilers 6
        GM: 60 | 6/26 | 3:30 PM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
Loser's Bracket        #2 Louisiana Blast 10U Blue 10
#2 Louisiana Blast 10U Blue 9         
GM: 55 | 6/26 | 8:30 AM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#4 Texas Rattlers 4  #2 Louisiana Blast 10U Blue 6  #2 Louisiana Blast 10U Blue 12   
  GM: 58 | 6/26 | 12:00 PM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
  GM: 59 | 6/26 | 1:45 PM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#5 Action Youth Baseball Club 10u Gissler/Owens 12  #5 Action Youth Baseball Club 10u Gissler/Owens 1  #3 Texas Fire 10u 4   
GM: 56 | 6/26 | 10:15 AM
Field 3 @ Preston Hood Athletic Complex
#6 osceola kekambas 3