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Cowboys Cody Cappelletti R89
PFA STUDS Jacob Webster R89
Cowboys Caleb Zawadzki R88
Cowboys Nathan Moloney R86
Cowboys Sal Gagliano R85
PFA STUDS Isaiah Reveron R84
CBA Vegas Ethan Shultz R84
Vegas Red Hot Ashton Reed R82
CBA Vegas Preston Clark R81
Rc Bulldogs Jordan Mejico R81
Baseball 101 Pagan/Lake Kyler Avila R80
CBA Vegas Christian Conley R80
Baseball 101 Pagan/Lake Bennett Gonzales R80
Tb Socal 210 Camren Lobo R80
LV Fireballs Anthony Perez L80
PFA STUDS Caden Wharton R80
PFA STUDS Isaiah Gomez R79
Rc Bulldogs Christopher Monzon Jr R79
CBA Vegas Lucas Pettingill R79
Rc Bulldogs Ricky Quintero R79
Rc Bulldogs Jaiden Sanchez R79
CBA Vegas Daniel Ruiz R78
Ggi 16u National Curtis Watson R78
Cowboys Ian Brooke R77
Baseball 101 Pagan/Lake David Paiz R77
SNT -1 Gannon Lake L76
Cowboys Lukas Oquendo R76
MVP SD 16u Skyler Stewart R76
Cowboys Mario Vitale III R76
Rc Bulldogs Garrett Brazeau L75
Baseball 101 Pagan/Lake Cayce Caldwell R75
CBA Vegas Adrian D'Anna R75
Baseball 101 Pagan/Lake Raborn Mark R75
Ggi 16u National Bryson Rauch R75
MVP SD 16u Andrew Vo R75
Ggi 16u National Gavin Beloat R74
Tb Socal 210 Samuel Duenas R74
Ggi 16u National Zuriel Gomez L74
SNT -1 Brent Isip R74
PFA STUDS Vince Jarvis R74
Summerlin Sticks 16AA Carsen Laurie R74
SNT Bradley Bell R73
Ggi 16u National Wade Bishop R73
Vegas Red Hot Kingston Hugh R73
SNT Alec Kajioka R73
PFA STUDS Nicolas Padilla R73
SNT Jackson Pollock R73
LV Fireballs Sabino Sanchez R73
SNT Soren Savarda R73
Rc Bulldogs Eric Yao R73
Summerlin Sticks 16AA Braden Breen R72
SNT -1 Justin Eddy R72
Baseball 101 Pagan/Lake Alex Bohlander R71
Vegas Red Hot Adrian Catalan R71
CBA OSOS Iziah Espinoza R71
CBA OSOS Marcus Guerrero R71
SNT -1 Brady Hardin R71
PFA Zev Welles-Binns L71
SNT -1 Avi Garg R70
SNT Cooper Lee R70
PFA Ty Manell L70
Vegas Red Hot Austin Rasmussen R70
LV Fireballs Ace Austin L69
MVP SD 16u Owen Oswald L69
PFA Brodey Woodson L69
CBA OSOS Jacob Bonilla R68
MVP SD 16u Elijah Perez R68
Ggi 16u National Zavien Quatman R68
Summerlin Sticks 16AA Dylan Ralston R68
PFA William Freeby R67
CBA OSOS Diego Lopez L67
Vegas Red Hot Sam Reynolds R67
SNT -1 Niko Carpenter R66
CBA OSOS Gadiel Castellanos R66
CBA OSOS Jeran Ofalla R66
MVP SD 16u Jake Robbins R66
Ggi 16u National Rowan Suchanek R66
SNT -1 Luke Fletes R65
LV Fireballs Jayden Carrillo R64
SNT -1 Ryan Crafton R63
SNT -1 Ivan Isaiah Fernandez L63
Vegas Red Hot Trevyn Weber R62
PFA Koli Senchuk R59
Vegas Red Hot Ethan Moreno R58