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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.


May 26 - 29 |  TBD | Saint Louis, MO
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Edwardsville Titans
4 Parker Baugh 4 2 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/28/2023
10 Brock Becker 26 3 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/28/2023
24 Brett Kirgan 58 6 Gamers 13 Blue 5/27/2023
22 Kaedon Lane 46 9 Gamers 13 Blue 5/27/2023
17 Jace Mitchell 75 15 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023
1 Ty Moad 76 10 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/28/2023
9 Connor Schaefer 26 4 Gamers 13 Blue 5/27/2023
28 4 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023
Total 54 8
11 Lane Summers 17 3 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023
3 Tyson Wampler 93 14 Us Nationals 5/27/2023
Gamers 13 Blue
1 George Beumer 68 12 Us Nationals 5/26/2023
13 Charlie Edwards 22 3 Us Nationals 5/26/2023
19 1 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/28/2023
Total 41 4
11 Reece Merriweather 27 6 Edwardsville Titans 5/27/2023
4 Dominic Page 51 7 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/28/2023
3 Micah Tran 74 14 Edwardsville Titans 5/27/2023
2 Logan Zenker 82 14 Rbc Prime 5/28/2023
Illinois Gators-Chiarodo
7 Landen Boyd 98 17 USA Prime Missouri 5/28/2023
35 Nicholas Chiarodo 9 0 Rbc Prime 5/27/2023
5 Mathew Crownhart 31 6 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/27/2023
7 1 USA Prime Missouri 5/28/2023
Total 38 7
28 Nolan Goetten 23 5 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/27/2023
15 Gage Homann 21 2 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/27/2023
6 2 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/29/2023
Total 27 4
2 Trey Hrasky 42 5 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/27/2023
0 0 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/29/2023
Total 42 5
32 Carter Kallal 75 10 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/29/2023
19 Calvin Stanczyk 76 15 Rbc Prime 5/27/2023
9 Calvin Stevens 49 3 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/29/2023
1 Graham Vanausdoll 31 6 Rbc Prime 5/27/2023
Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u
12 Ryan Boschert 7 2 Edwardsville Titans 5/28/2023
13 Dylan Hughes 53 12 Edwardsville Titans 5/28/2023
4 Kai Johnson 44 6 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/26/2023
24 Asher Krimmel 67 13 USA Prime Missouri 5/28/2023
22 Bennett Krussel 39 3 USA Prime Missouri 5/27/2023
14 Jack Maxwell 3 0 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/26/2023
17 3 Edwardsville Titans 5/28/2023
Total 20 3
28 Aiden Thomas 48 9 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/26/2023
10 Graham Tyson 14 4 Edwardsville Titans 5/28/2023
99 Alex Wright 57 9 USA Prime Missouri 5/27/2023
9 Andrew Zimmermann 70 9 USA Prime Missouri 5/28/2023
Rbc Prime
1 Brody Akins 15 3 US Nationals McGhee 5/28/2023
8 Cole Boren 12 3 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/27/2023
49 11 US Nationals McGhee 5/28/2023
Total 61 14
29 Carter Chall 13 1 Gamers 13 Blue 5/28/2023
17 3 US Nationals McGhee 5/28/2023
Total 30 4
33 London Dallas 80 13 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/27/2023
2 Jack Getgood 8 0 Gamers 13 Blue 5/28/2023
9 Gabe Heaps 9 1 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/27/2023
3 Brandon Walters 101 12 Gamers 13 Blue 5/28/2023
18 Ryder Wettig 100 18 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/27/2023
STL Legacy - Gianino
21 Brody Alderman 57 12 Gamers 13 Blue 5/28/2023
13 Dante Gianino 7 3 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/29/2023
44 Sal Gianino 84 15 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/26/2023
1 Cal Lauck 72 12 US Nationals McGhee 5/27/2023
27 Ben Mohesky 75 15 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/29/2023
34 Tyler Scott 88 18 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/29/2023
11 Declan Spillenkothen 31 5 US Nationals McGhee 5/27/2023
Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich
4 Chase Edmiston 84 12 Edwardsville Titans 5/28/2023
14 Hunter Ellison 87 14 US Nationals McGhee 5/29/2023
2 Brady Hasenjaeger 37 9 Rbc Prime 5/27/2023
5 Rehan Meerapuram 31 6 Us Nationals 5/28/2023
73 14 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/29/2023
Total 104 20
21 Brock Rust 73 7 Rbc Prime 5/27/2023
99 Brody Scerba 12 3 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/27/2023
5 1 Edwardsville Titans 5/28/2023
Total 17 4
37 8 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/29/2023
Total 54 12
16 4 US Nationals McGhee 5/29/2023
Total 70 16
9 Ayden Sepich 94 15 Us Nationals 5/28/2023
10 Chase Zimmerman 94 17 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/27/2023
Us Nationals
4 Ryan Caffey 71 12 Gamers 13 Blue 5/26/2023
30 Tommy Horejes 16 2 Edwardsville Titans 5/27/2023
38 Cayden Jackman 18 1 Gamers 13 Blue 5/26/2023
33 9 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/28/2023
Total 51 10
7 Ryan Kallash 67 5 Gamers 13 Blue 5/26/2023
13 Gage McGraw 43 5 USA Prime Missouri 5/28/2023
16 Kai Muyco 74 11 Edwardsville Titans 5/27/2023
6 Gabe Scheve 62 9 USA Prime Missouri 5/28/2023
1 Fisher Watts 2 0 Edwardsville Titans 5/27/2023
91 12 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/28/2023
Total 93 12
US Nationals McGhee
2 Easton Benz 0 0 USA Prime Missouri 5/26/2023
19 Colin Cunneen 29 4 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/29/2023
66 Sam Deibel 80 15 Rbc Prime 5/28/2023
18 Jacob Hornburg 31 9 USA Prime Missouri 5/26/2023
79 11 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/29/2023
Total 110 20
1 Truett Marks 32 5 USA Prime Missouri 5/26/2023
41 6 Rbc Prime 5/28/2023
Total 73 11
13 Drew Mills 25 1 USA Prime Missouri 5/26/2023
17 1 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/29/2023
Total 42 2
22 Keagan Richardson 2 1 Ua Stl Prospects- Sepich 5/29/2023
20 Carter Shafer 28 3 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/27/2023
11 Ford Werner 65 14 STL Legacy - Gianino 5/27/2023
USA Prime Missouri
50 Chase Bartels 61 15 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/27/2023
20 Jace Bateman 40 6 Us Nationals 5/28/2023
13 Dane Bauer 22 3 US Nationals McGhee 5/26/2023
32 Grayden Coleman 7 2 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023
75 12 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/28/2023
Total 82 14
11 Bryce Ervin 6 2 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/28/2023
10 Dominic Johnson 75 9 US Nationals McGhee 5/26/2023
55 Charles Lawson 0 0 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/27/2023
59 9 Us Nationals 5/28/2023
Total 59 9
23 Aiden Reyling 33 3 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023
25 1 Illinois Gators-Chiarodo 5/28/2023
Total 58 4
44 Drake Romans 71 12 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023
4 Braden White 30 6 Rawlings Tigers Boschert 13u 5/28/2023