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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend. 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14U Edmond Diamondbacks
22 Carson Byrnes 36 3 Pine Tar Academy 14U Red 10/1/2022
24 Kyle Meyer 56 6 Pine Tar Academy 14U Red 10/1/2022
17 Noah Miller 7 1 Renegades 10/2/2022
20 Aidyn Roderick 20 1 Topeka Heat 10/1/2022
71 14 Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 91 15
4 Tegon Taylor 20 5 Topeka Heat 10/1/2022
0 Elijah Tomlinson 33 3 Topeka Heat 10/1/2022
14U HTP Petricka
Austin Dwyer 90 7 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/1/2022
0 Jackson Gier 9 2 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/1/2022
74 18 Kc Bucks 10/2/2022
Total 83 20
41 Brady Glenn 59 15 Patriots 10/2/2022
Brody Jenson 15 3 Kc Bucks 10/2/2022
Jacob Peters 39 6 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/1/2022
Dustin Peterson 83 12 Curve 10/1/2022
643kc Grey 14
0 Jude Arens 32 2 Curve 10/1/2022
34 Vince Carpiniello 31 9 Curve 10/1/2022
13 Isaac Deyaeghere 38 6 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/1/2022
28 3 MNS - Blue 10/2/2022
Total 66 9
27 Adyn Edelman 54 9 MNS - Blue 10/2/2022
61 Bryson Finch 54 9 KC Diablos 10/2/2022
7 Zayne Kanak 50 6 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/1/2022
36 Aiden Whetstone 40 9 MNS - Blue 10/2/2022
24 Briston Wood 2 2 Curve 10/1/2022
83 18 Topeka Heat 10/2/2022
Total 85 20
35 Gavin Woods 35 2 Curve 10/1/2022
33 3 KC Diablos 10/2/2022
Total 68 5
ABA 14u Simpson
22 Brock Addison 63 0 Joco Storm 9/30/2022
7 Colton McMahon 13 0 Kc Cyclones 9/30/2022
5 Nate Parks 48 0 Joco Storm 9/30/2022
9 Peyton Simpson 53 6 Kc Cyclones 9/30/2022
15 Hunter Tolson 29 0 Joco Storm 9/30/2022
4 Kellen Welch 46 6 Kc Cyclones 9/30/2022
Basehor Bobcats
3 Lane Jones 42 5 Titans Harpell 10/1/2022
45 Jordan Kramer 52 5 Titans Harpell 10/1/2022
31 Chase Pardee 10 2 Titans Harpell 10/1/2022
44 Charlie Peek 27 9 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
13 Caysen Suchy 28 6 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
17 Jonah Blackinton 8 3 14U HTP Petricka 10/1/2022
27 Tyler Edmiston 68 6 14U HTP Petricka 10/1/2022
5 Brecken Garrett 14 3 643kc Grey 14 10/1/2022
9 Kelton Meier 30 6 643kc Grey 14 10/1/2022
3 Grayson Sextro 48 6 643kc Grey 14 10/1/2022
15 3 14U HTP Petricka 10/1/2022
Total 63 9
Joco Storm
10 Max Hidalgo 27 0 KC Diablos 9/30/2022
69 16 Lightning Boltz 10/2/2022
Total 96 16
23 Derek Ketcham 75 9 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/2/2022
5 Jacob Koch 20 0 KC Diablos 9/30/2022
25 6 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/2/2022
Total 45 6
7 Atticus McGeeney 36 0 KC Diablos 9/30/2022
18 Truett Speicher 62 0 ABA 14u Simpson 9/30/2022
Kansas Renegades
17 Jackson Brown 62 9 Lightning Boltz 10/1/2022
3 Dodge Browning 53 5 MNS - Blue 10/1/2022
77 Alexander Chesley 51 6 MNS - Blue 10/1/2022
35 Jordan Robinson 49 7 MNS - Blue 10/1/2022
33 Nick Wetzel 37 6 Lightning Boltz 10/1/2022
Kc Bucks
14 Da'Mario Brooks 34 3 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
35 3 Basehor Bobcats 10/2/2022
Total 69 6
44 William Buckman 22 3 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
1 Brandon Cannon 15 1 Titans Harpell 10/1/2022
42 Elijah Dunn 8 3 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
55 6 Basehor Bobcats 10/2/2022
Total 63 9
34 Mariano Farnan 52 6 Titans Harpell 10/1/2022
20 Jon Fugitt 48 2 Titans Harpell 10/1/2022
27 Ashton Patton 10 3 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
11 Trone Purvis 16 3 Precision Baseball 10/1/2022
47 9 Basehor Bobcats 10/2/2022
Total 63 12
Kc Cyclones
8 Gavin Cramblit 32 0 KC Diablos 9/30/2022
25 Ayden Luckett 63 0 KC Diablos 9/30/2022
0 Lucas Sorell 42 6 ABA 14u Simpson 9/30/2022
9 Sam Wieboldt 54 9 ABA 14u Simpson 9/30/2022
KC Diablos
63 Nick Apprill 9 0 Joco Storm 9/30/2022
24 William Brender 38 0 Joco Storm 9/30/2022
54 0 Kc Cyclones 9/30/2022
Total 92 0
99 Sullivan Dee 57 15 643kc Grey 14 10/2/2022
12 Chase Jehle 67 15 Pine Tar Academy 14U Red 10/2/2022
0 Jeremy Steffens 87 0 Joco Storm 9/30/2022
Lightning Boltz
0 Maddux Berg 54 5 Kansas Renegades 10/1/2022
26 3 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 80 8
13 James Ellison 45 6 Renegades 10/1/2022
52 5 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 97 11
0 Preston Huke 23 3 Renegades 10/1/2022
16 Braeden Jenkins 40 7 Kansas Renegades 10/1/2022
50 6 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 90 13
9 3 Kc Cyclones 10/2/2022
Total 99 16
5 Grant Kelly 20 1 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
74 Lucas Kinser 41 6 Renegades 10/1/2022
61 12 Kc Cyclones 10/2/2022
Total 102 18
MBC 14U Royal
4 Jaxon Harris 46 4 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/1/2022
19 3 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
Total 65 7
11 Jaeden Hernandez 51 9 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/1/2022
25 0 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
Total 76 9
10 Joaquin Rangel 40 6 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/1/2022
22 Simon Stverak 29 2 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/1/2022
27 0 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
Total 56 2
8 Luke Whisler 69 0 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
54 Barrett Yahn 30 5 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/1/2022
Midwest Assassins
1 Kaden Balding 91 12 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/2/2022
8 Brody Brown 50 6 Patriots 10/1/2022
34 Nolan Eastman 41 3 Patriots 10/1/2022
15 Jackson Garst 33 6 Wardawgs 10/2/2022
4 Landon Gilbert 43 6 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/1/2022
21 1 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/2/2022
Total 64 7
99 Kyler Gomez 42 8 Wardawgs 10/2/2022
17 Jacob Slavens 39 6 Patriots 10/1/2022
16 Owen Thompson 29 6 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/1/2022
13 Ke'San Whayne 5 1 Wardawgs 10/2/2022
13 2 Teamwork Sports Storm 10/2/2022
Total 18 3
MNS - Blue
5 Brooks Carr 44 9 Renegades 10/1/2022
33 Jacob Larson 59 12 Kansas Renegades 10/1/2022
19 Tucker Lee 50 6 Kansas Renegades 10/1/2022
35 Logan Peterson 32 6 Renegades 10/1/2022
36 Austin Strenth 25 3 Renegades 10/1/2022
7 Colten Holloway 40 9 Midwest Assassins 10/1/2022
15 Kaysen Iske 40 9 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/1/2022
5 Bode Nolte 13 3 Midwest Assassins 10/1/2022
68 Tristen Walker 8 3 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/1/2022
8 Dominic Walsh 33 6 Midwest Assassins 10/1/2022
66 Dominic Zamora 38 3 Smithville Storm(Dukes) 10/1/2022
Pine Tar Academy 14U Red
46 Ben Barich 54 9 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/1/2022
7 Jacob Nye 24 3 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/1/2022
57 6 KC Diablos 10/2/2022
Total 81 9
8 Nolan O'Brien 40 6 Wardawgs 10/1/2022
48 Judah Reker 13 3 Wardawgs 10/1/2022
55 6 KC Diablos 10/2/2022
Total 68 9
56 Alex Solberg 57 9 Wardawgs 10/1/2022
Precision Baseball
0 Marcus Castaneda 63 9 Basehor Bobcats 10/1/2022
12 0 ABA 14u Simpson 10/2/2022
Total 75 9
40 Corrin Eikenbary 13 3 Basehor Bobcats 10/1/2022
27 Jenson Fisher 32 6 Kc Bucks 10/1/2022
50 0 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
Total 82 6
2 Casen Huncker 27 0 Kc Bucks 10/1/2022
67 0 ABA 14u Simpson 10/2/2022
Total 94 0
35 Jackson Mason 45 9 Basehor Bobcats 10/1/2022
48 0 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
Total 93 9
22 Braxton Perott 29 9 Kc Bucks 10/1/2022
5 0 SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u 10/2/2022
Total 34 9
0 Logan Buset 33 6 Lightning Boltz 10/1/2022
50 4 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/2/2022
Total 83 10
20 3 Titans Harpell 10/2/2022
Total 103 13
7 Ayden Filkins 44 9 Lightning Boltz 10/1/2022
70 10 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/2/2022
Total 114 19
24 Noah Kush 60 6 MNS - Blue 10/1/2022
46 6 Titans Harpell 10/2/2022
Total 106 12
9 Kael McGuire 32 3 Titans Harpell 10/2/2022
19 Frederich Meyer 19 1 MNS - Blue 10/1/2022
35 Cavan O'Brien 71 9 MNS - Blue 10/1/2022
5 Parker Powers 13 3 Lightning Boltz 10/1/2022
19 1 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/2/2022
Total 32 4
Smithville Storm(Dukes)
9 Eric Billington 5 1 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
54 6 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 59 7
2 Carson Boyce 24 4 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
26 2 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 50 6
22 Jude Brown 7 1 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
12 Julius Dukes 14 2 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
13 Sullivan Grooms 33 3 Patriots 10/1/2022
16 Robbie Herr 9 1 Patriots 10/1/2022
23 2 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 32 3
14 Collin Jasper 25 3 Patriots 10/1/2022
17 Ricky Parscale 23 5 Patriots 10/1/2022
26 4 Joco Storm 10/2/2022
Total 49 9
3 Brayden Renno 8 1 Patriots 10/1/2022
4 Kellen Roth 15 0 Patriots 10/1/2022
60 7 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
Total 75 7
SOAR Baseball - Hurley 14u
27 Ethan Cole 39 9 643kc Grey 14 10/1/2022
42 Cohen Dray 40 6 14U HTP Petricka 10/1/2022
44 Marlowe Eck 30 6 643kc Grey 14 10/1/2022
14 Grady Ham 68 9 14U HTP Petricka 10/1/2022
11 Trent Holliday 8 3 14U HTP Petricka 10/1/2022
24 Dane Meinert 81 15 MBC 14U Royal 10/2/2022
8 Landen Turpin 23 6 MBC 14U Royal 10/2/2022
65 Keston Wimberly 29 0 643kc Grey 14 10/1/2022
Teamwork Sports Storm
7 Blaise Eubank 27 10 Kansas Renegades 10/2/2022
19 Pierce Jaffe 38 6 Midwest Assassins 10/2/2022
4 Carson Kobolt 43 6 Midwest Assassins 10/1/2022
35 5 Kansas Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 78 11
5 Ben Mahurin 40 6 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
40 6 Midwest Assassins 10/2/2022
Total 80 12
32 Christopher Stroede 27 3 Midwest Assassins 10/1/2022
11 Alexander Warren 37 2 Midwest Assassins 10/1/2022
16 John Peter Weber 39 6 MBC 14U Royal 10/1/2022
40 6 Kansas Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 79 12
Titans Harpell
36 Kieron Broadway 31 1 Basehor Bobcats 10/1/2022
30 3 Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 61 4
2 Trevor Carleton 22 0 Basehor Bobcats 10/1/2022
11 Caleb Garner 43 5 Kc Bucks 10/1/2022
30 2 Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 73 7
13 Eli Matina 12 1 Basehor Bobcats 10/1/2022
20 3 Kc Bucks 10/1/2022
Total 32 4
16 3 Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 48 7
3 Kole Schaunaman 31 6 Kc Bucks 10/1/2022
45 2 Renegades 10/2/2022
Total 76 8
Topeka Heat
29 Cale Ketter 60 9 Wardawgs 10/1/2022
23 Miles Kibbee 58 5 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/1/2022
1 Myles Krahe 10 2 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/1/2022
0 Maddox Malone 12 0 Wardawgs 10/1/2022
2 Cayden Parre 41 5 14U Edmond Diamondbacks 10/1/2022
95 Andrew Sturgeon 37 9 Wardawgs 10/1/2022
24 Kolton Colford 92 15 Topeka Heat 10/1/2022
11 Carter Kelley 9 3 Topeka Heat 10/1/2022
64 12 Pine Tar Academy 14U Red 10/1/2022
Total 73 15
2 Donovan Kiser 18 2 Pine Tar Academy 14U Red 10/1/2022