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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
4 Landon Barnett 68 8 Lone Star Express 9/26/2021
34 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/17/2021
Total 102 13
83 12 Fb Spartans 14u 10/24/2021
Total 185 25
6 Logan Cockroft 42 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/12/2021
40 9 Pride 14u 9/12/2021
Total 82 15
8 Logan Jackson 22 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/12/2021
14 3 Pride 14u 10/24/2021
Total 36 9
0 Landen Ramos 17 3 Texas Stars 9/26/2021
27 5 Pride 14u 10/24/2021
Total 44 8
28 1 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 72 9
3 Peyton Stone 51 6 Pride 14u 9/12/2021
51 9 Texas Stars 9/26/2021
Total 102 15
20 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/17/2021
Total 122 18
54 10 Pride 14u 10/24/2021
Total 176 28
64 12 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 240 40
22 Peyton Tomas 25 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/17/2021
18 3 Fb Spartans 14u 10/24/2021
Total 43 6
8 1 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 51 7
Expos Baseball 14U Blue
87 Kayden Bice 67 9 Texas Stars 10/24/2021
4 Bryson Chupp 24 3 Fb Spartans 14u 9/12/2021
16 Aidan Johnson 71 11 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
37 12 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/26/2021
Total 108 23
59 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 167 29
19 2 Texas Stars 10/24/2021
Total 186 31
69 Kaiden Khaothong 20 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/17/2021
32 4 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 52 7
50 Konner Lanterman 78 18 Lone Star Express 10/24/2021
2 Carder Strother 12 2 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/17/2021
0 Mason Whittington 83 9 Fb Spartans 14u 9/12/2021
77 12 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/17/2021
Total 160 21
86 9 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 246 30
Fb Spartans 14u
3 Michael Cuellar 23 3 Texas Generals 14u 10/17/2021
42 Langston Hogan 8 2 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
52 12 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/12/2021
Total 60 14
45 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 105 20
75 10 BVR 14U 10/24/2021
Total 180 30
61 13 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 241 43
14 Andres Marquez 50 7 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
78 12 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
Total 128 19
88 15 Lone Star Express 10/17/2021
Total 216 34
86 14 Pride 14u 10/31/2021
Total 302 48
4 2 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 306 50
34 Logan Myers 28 2 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
50 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 78 7
27 4 BVR 14U 10/24/2021
Total 105 11
7 2 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 112 13
27 6 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/31/2021
Total 139 19
27 Nathan Perez 66 9 Texas Generals 14u 10/17/2021
23 1 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 89 10
9 Jesse Rangel 4 1 Pride 14u 10/31/2021
10 John Sander 9 3 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
12 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 21 6
1 Hunter Windham 55 9 Lone Star Express 10/24/2021
36 9 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/31/2021
Total 91 18
2 Reece Yarrish 13 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/12/2021
0 0 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 13 3
0 0 Texas Generals 14u 10/17/2021
Total 13 3
Lone Star Express
Brandon Barrett 40 1 Fb Spartans 14u 10/24/2021
Rylen Cannon 26 2 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
56 4 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
Total 82 6
0 0 Fb Spartans 14u 10/17/2021
Total 82 6
40 5 Fb Spartans 14u 10/24/2021
Total 122 11
Joaquin Cavazos 34 6 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/12/2021
Colton Erp 45 2 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/12/2021
43 1 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
Total 88 3
Justin Gibson 33 4 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/31/2021
Dillon Hatcher 5 1 Fb Spartans 14u 10/24/2021
Blake Hummel 22 1 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
18 1 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
Total 40 2
15 1 Pride 14u 10/17/2021
Total 55 3
28 0 Fb Spartans 14u 10/24/2021
Total 83 3
Xavier Irizarry 69 9 Pride 14u 10/17/2021
Joel Rojas 10 2 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
8 0 Pride 14u 10/17/2021
Total 18 2
15 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Total 33 5
Abrien Venegas 86 9 Texas Generals 14u 9/26/2021
20 4 Fb Spartans 14u 10/17/2021
Total 106 13
58 12 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Total 164 25
58 8 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/31/2021
Total 222 33
Christian Villa 17 3 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
Garrett Wetzig 26 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Garrett Wright 69 10 Fb Spartans 14u 10/17/2021
Mustangs Baseball 14u
9 Cade Campbell 24 3 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/12/2021
46 4 Pride 14u 9/26/2021
Total 70 7
46 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 116 13
69 11 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Total 185 24
1 Kendall Campbell 19 3 Lone Star Express 9/12/2021
36 11 Pride 14u 9/26/2021
Total 55 14
25 3 Lone Star Express 10/31/2021
Total 80 17
29 1 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Total 109 18
3 Colten Harding 14 3 Lone Star Express 9/12/2021
32 5 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 46 8
26 4 Texas Stars 10/17/2021
Total 72 12
30 1 Lone Star Express 10/31/2021
Total 102 13
12 Garrick Kovar 22 3 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/12/2021
24 6 Texas Stars 10/17/2021
Total 46 9
5 2 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Total 51 11
99 Malichi Kovar 22 3 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/12/2021
22 1 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 44 4
24 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 68 9
9 1 Lone Star Express 10/31/2021
Total 77 10
4 Austin McCaffety 18 3 Lone Star Express 9/12/2021
13 Jaden Pope 26 3 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 9/12/2021
37 6 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 63 9
34 2 Texas Stars 10/17/2021
Total 97 11
46 12 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/24/2021
Total 143 23
50 7 Lone Star Express 10/31/2021
Total 193 30
49 Jackson Slater 34 3 Lone Star Express 9/12/2021
Pride 14u
9 Felipe Carlos 5 0 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
32 5 Texas Generals 14u 10/17/2021
Total 37 5
14 0 Texas Stars 10/31/2021
Total 51 5
35 Brooks Cornett 29 9 BVR 14U 9/12/2021
20 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 49 15
14 3 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
Total 63 18
26 5 Lone Star Express 10/17/2021
Total 89 23
39 6 BVR 14U 10/24/2021
Total 128 29
12 3 Texas Stars 10/31/2021
Total 140 32
7 Chase Faust 19 3 Texas Generals 14u 10/17/2021
32 4 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
Total 51 7
12 Owen Horrell 54 8 Texas Stars 10/31/2021
5 0 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 59 8
22 Channing Howatt 54 11 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/12/2021
54 9 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 108 20
39 9 BVR 14U 10/24/2021
Total 147 29
11 3 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 158 32
4 Conor McDaniel 47 8 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
27 2 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
Total 74 10
2 Aiden McKinley 41 6 BVR 14U 9/12/2021
32 5 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/26/2021
Total 73 11
32 2 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
Total 105 13
14 1 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 119 14
1 Carson Melder 15 3 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
3 Cutter Warren 38 6 Lone Star Express 10/17/2021
87 15 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 125 21
67 Jackson Weibe 23 1 Lone Star Express 10/17/2021
11 Braxton Zeig 12 3 BVR 14U 10/24/2021
Texas Dawgs 14u (Green)
66 Cameron Baker 0 0 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
21 3 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
Total 21 3
10 Ryan Carpenter 19 1 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
1 3 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 20 4
73 15 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/17/2021
Total 93 19
27 Hale Demaree 13 2 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
6 0 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 19 2
0 0 Pride 14u 9/26/2021
Total 19 2
70 7 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/24/2021
Total 89 9
24 Maxwell Herman 25 2 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
0 0 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
Total 25 2
44 9 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 69 11
79 15 BVR 14U 10/17/2021
Total 148 26
75 12 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 223 38
67 Nicolas Samanns 0 0 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
13 Riley Sherowski 33 9 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
67 15 Pride 14u 9/26/2021
Total 100 24
70 12 Texas Stars 10/24/2021
Total 170 36
77 14 BVR 14U 10/31/2021
Total 247 50
0 Jeffrey Sisan 61 5 Texas Stars 9/12/2021
1 3 Texas Generals 14u 9/12/2021
Total 62 8
23 4 Fb Spartans 14u 9/26/2021
Total 85 12
9 2 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/24/2021
Total 94 14
10 3 Fb Spartans 14u 10/31/2021
Total 104 17
51 Hunter Wolfe 16 3 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/24/2021
Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy)
27 Andrew Basaldua 59 9 Pride 14u 9/12/2021
30 3 Texas Generals 14u 9/26/2021
Total 89 12
29 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/17/2021
Total 118 15
44 4 Texas Generals 14u 10/24/2021
Total 162 19
48 7 Texas Generals 14u 10/31/2021
Total 210 26
25 Logan Brace 4 1 BVR 14U 9/12/2021
12 1 Texas Stars 9/26/2021
Total 16 2
57 6 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/17/2021
Total 73 8
4 Brody Engum 33 2 Texas Generals 14u 9/26/2021
53 6 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/24/2021
Total 86 8
55 11 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/31/2021
Total 141 19
5 Garrett Harmon 37 4 Texas Stars 9/26/2021
20 2 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/24/2021
Total 57 6
44 2 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/31/2021
Total 101 8
2 Josh Jacobson 24 5 Texas Generals 14u 10/24/2021
23 Juan Lopez 31 4 BVR 14U 9/12/2021
39 3 Texas Stars 9/26/2021
Total 70 7
20 3 Texas Generals 14u 9/26/2021
Total 90 10
0 0 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/17/2021
Total 90 10
60 9 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/17/2021
Total 150 19
47 8 Texas Generals 14u 10/31/2021
Total 197 27
0 Danny Shanley 59 5 BVR 14U 9/12/2021
16 3 Texas Generals 14u 9/26/2021
Total 75 8
9 Drew Tureau 39 5 Pride 14u 9/12/2021
Texas Generals 14u
9 Aiden Barrientes 19 1 Fb Spartans 14u 10/17/2021
15 Dan Bartlett Jr 25 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/12/2021
39 4 Pride 14u 10/17/2021
Total 64 7
47 2 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
Total 111 9
Parker Bradford 34 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/24/2021
24 Brendan Error 14 2 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/12/2021
22 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/12/2021
Total 36 5
26 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 62 8
74 6 Fb Spartans 14u 10/17/2021
Total 136 14
18 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/24/2021
Total 154 20
53 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Total 207 26
16 Jacob Gunn 0 0 Lone Star Express 9/26/2021
10 Noah Gunn 36 3 Pride 14u 10/17/2021
0 0 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Total 36 3
25 Jose Jaime 41 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/12/2021
43 9 Lone Star Express 9/26/2021
Total 84 14
8 Kade Kerr 9 1 Lone Star Express 9/26/2021
29 2 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
Total 38 3
68 Landon Lotz 8 2 Pride 14u 10/17/2021
12 Evan Meyer 13 5 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/12/2021
26 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 39 10
14 0 Lone Star Express 9/26/2021
Total 53 10
26 2 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/24/2021
Total 79 12
30 Henderson Rives 16 1 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/12/2021
27 Gabe Sanford 37 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Nolan Setliff 5 1 Fb Spartans 14u 10/17/2021
99 Christopher Soto 32 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/12/2021
53 4 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 85 10
23 Juan Urdaneta 3 0 Lone Star Express 9/26/2021
21 4 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/24/2021
Total 24 4
Texas Stars
4 Jesse Ayala 33 1 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
27 Juan Ayala 18 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/12/2021
35 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 53 6
56 9 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/17/2021
Total 109 15
19 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Total 128 18
42 6 Pride 14u 10/31/2021
Total 170 24
15 Alex Batiste 24 6 Fb Spartans 14u 9/12/2021
41 5 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 65 11
0 0 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/17/2021
Total 65 11
25 6 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/17/2021
Total 90 17
12 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Total 102 20
72 15 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/31/2021
Total 174 35
0 0 Pride 14u 10/31/2021
Total 174 35
10 Joe Bazan 29 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/12/2021
32 2 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
Total 61 5
17 3 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/17/2021
Total 78 8
21 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Total 99 11
26 3 Pride 14u 10/31/2021
Total 125 14
0 Isaiah Gaytan 37 6 Fb Spartans 14u 9/12/2021
5 1 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 42 7
42 7 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 84 14
Justyn Nolan 9 3 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
9 3 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/17/2021
Total 18 6
27 2 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 45 8
9 Christian Perez 18 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 10/24/2021
0 0 Timbergrove Thunder 14U 10/31/2021
Total 18 3
77 Yerlian Sainz 15 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Green) 9/12/2021
32 5 BVR 14U 9/26/2021
Total 47 8
17 3 Mustangs Baseball 14u 10/17/2021
Total 64 11
14 3 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 10/24/2021
Total 78 14
14 Xarius Valdez 21 3 Fb Spartans 14u 9/12/2021
Timbergrove Thunder 14U
Matthew Garcia 22 3 Lone Star Express 9/12/2021
25 1 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/26/2021
Total 47 4
Matthew Manis 58 6 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
0 0 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 58 6
61 6 Texas Stars 10/17/2021
Total 119 12
60 6 Pride 14u 10/24/2021
Total 179 18
64 12 Texas Stars 10/31/2021
Total 243 30
Luke Orr 46 6 Lone Star Express 9/12/2021
46 6 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 92 12
27 6 Pride 14u 10/24/2021
Total 119 18
19 3 Texas Stars 10/31/2021
Total 138 21
Charlie Pesek 35 6 Mustangs Baseball 14u 9/12/2021
21 3 Texas Generals 14u 10/24/2021
Total 56 9
Connor Romero 18 4 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/26/2021
27 3 Texas Dawgs 14u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 45 7
Nate Tidwell 35 5 Expos Baseball 14U Blue 9/26/2021
40 6 Texas Stars 10/17/2021
Total 75 11
24 6 Texas Generals 14u 10/24/2021
Total 99 17