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14U AA - GAMES AT KOC BEING MOVED TO LEGACY HS - 2727 Spring Creek Dr, Spring, TX 77373
Mar 25 - 26 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

Gold Bracket

#8 Batter'S Box 5  #1 Katy Scrappers Baseball 4      
GM: 24 | 3/26 | 8:00 AM
1 @ Pep Mueller Park
  GM: 28 | 3/26 | 2:00 PM
1 @ Pep Mueller Park
#9 Lone Star Outlaws 0  #8 Batter'S Box 0  #1 Katy Scrappers Baseball 3   
     GM: 32 | 3/26 | 4:00 PM
1 @ Pep Mueller Park
#5 Texas Elite Lobos - Allen 2  #4 Texas Legends 2  #4 Texas Legends 1   
GM: 25 | 3/26 | 10:00 AM
1 @ Pep Mueller Park
  GM: 29 | 3/26 | 12:00 PM
1 @ Pep Mueller Park
#12 Td Edge 14u - Cobb 1  #5 Texas Elite Lobos - Allen 0     #1 Katy Scrappers Baseball 5
        GM: 34 | 3/26 | 6:00 PM
1 @ Pep Mueller Park
#7 Crush Bsbl Blue 4  #2 Brazos Valley Bucks 9      #3 Premier Tx 9
GM: 26 | 3/26 | 8:00 AM
3 @ Pep Mueller Park
  GM: 30 | 3/26 | 2:00 PM
3 @ Pep Mueller Park
#10 HTB Black 14u 11  #10 HTB Black 14u 3  #2 Brazos Valley Bucks 3   
     GM: 33 | 3/26 | 4:00 PM
3 @ Pep Mueller Park
#6 Team Houston Blue- Lucky 2  #3 Premier Tx 22  #3 Premier Tx 6   
GM: 27 | 3/26 | 10:00 AM
3 @ Pep Mueller Park
  GM: 31 | 3/26 | 12:00 PM
3 @ Pep Mueller Park
#11 Showtime - East 1  #6 Team Houston Blue- Lucky 5      
Silver Bracket

#8 Usa Prime Blacksox 1  #1 Just Dawgs Grey 12      
GM: 35 | 3/26 | 8:00 AM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 38 | 3/26 | 12:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#9 643 14u Red 4  #9 643 14u Red 7  #1 Just Dawgs Grey 16   
     GM: 42 | 3/26 | 4:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #4 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 11  #4 Texas Twelve Black - The Woodlands 5   
  GM: 39 | 3/26 | 10:00 AM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
  #5 Lynx 14u Gracey 0      #1 Just Dawgs Grey 12
        GM: 44 | 3/26 | 8:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#7 Prospect United Houston Gold 10  #2 Opa Jays 8     #7 Prospect United Houston Gold 2
GM: 36 | 3/26 | 8:00 AM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 40 | 3/26 | 12:00 PM
Field 13 @ Lindsey Lyons
#10 Scorpions Team Easton (Texas) 9  #7 Prospect United Houston Gold 11  #3 Texas Tigers 3   
     GM: 43 | 3/26 | 6:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#6 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 9  #3 Texas Tigers 12  #7 Prospect United Houston Gold 8   
GM: 37 | 3/26 | 10:00 AM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
  GM: 41 | 3/26 | 2:00 PM
Field 12 @ Lindsey Lyons
#11 Hjba 14u 6  #6 BASEBALL STARZ 14U SILVER 2