Pool seeding tie breaker
PG regular seeding rules
Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules.
- Pool play overall record (winning percentage)
- If two teams are tied -Head to Head winner
- If three teams are tied – If one team has defeated both other teams, that team advances. If not go to #4.
- Total runs allowed in pool play.
- If still tied – Total runs scored in pool play
- If still tied – Total runs allowed subtracting game with most runs allowed in pool play
- If still tied – Total runs allowed minus two games with most runs allowed in pool play
- If still tied – Runs scored inning by inning starting with first game until one team has more runs after a complete inning starting with pool games
- Second place teams will always be taken ahead of 3rd place teams for wild cards, 3rd place ahead of 4th place, etc.
Run Differential seeding rules
Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules.
- Pool play overall record (winning percentage)
- If two teams are tied -Head to Head winner
- If more than two teams are tied and they did not all play each other, then Head to Head does not apply. Go to #4 tie breaker.
- Run differential (Sum of run differential in pool play) (Max of 7 runs per game)
- Total runs allowed in pool play.
- Total runs scored in pool play
- Total runs allowed subtracting game with most runs allowed in pool play
- Total runs allowed minus two games with most runs allowed in pool play
- Runs scored inning by inning starting with first game until one team has more runs after a complete inning starting with pool games
- Second place teams will always be taken ahead of 3rd place teams for wild cards, 3rd place ahead of 4th place, etc.
Average Run Differential seeding rules
Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules.
- Pool play overall record (winning percentage)
- If winning percentage tied - team with most wins or team with less losses
- If two teams are tied - Head to Head winner
- If three teams are tied – If one team has defeated both other teams, that team advances. If not go to #5.
- Average runs allowed in pool play.
- If still tied – Average runs scored in pool play
- If still tied – Runs scored inning by inning starting with first game until one team has more runs after a complete inning starting with pool games
- Second place teams will always be taken ahead of 3rd place teams for wild cards, 3rd place ahead of 4th place, etc.
Standings are subject to be overridden by event director if other tie breaker proceedings are needed.
Pool O
Pool P