All Tournament Team - WWBA Freshman National Championship

All Tournament Team
MVP – Michael Main P/OF East Cobb Aztecs
MV Pitcher – Brett Reitter P Nor Cal and Thomas Hickman P So Cal Bulldogs
Jared Jordan C/UT So Cal Bulldogs
AJ Wirnsberger C/OF Perfect Game Strikers
Breyon Canez 1B Nor Cal
Ryan Kulinsky IF South FL Xtreme
Clae Carganilla IF So Cal Bulldogs
John Tolisano IF/P East Cobb Aztecs
Charlie Culberson IF East Cobb Aztecs
Michael Main OF/P East Cobb Aztecs
Eric Heath OF East Cobb Patriots
Donnie Amos OF/SS South Florida Rattlers
Corey Jones OF So Cal Bulldogs
Thomas Hickman P/OF So Cal Bulldogs
Bret Reitter P Nor Cal
Bret Ringer P Nor Cal
Patrick Johnson P East Cobb Aztecs
Darryl Shaffer P/OF Louisiana Wildcats
Jordan Knight P Perfect Game Strikers
Honorable Mention:
Chase Wilson P Perfect Game Strikers
Andy Oros 1B/P Nor Cal
Miguel Motlongo C/OF South Florida Rattlers
Chris Correggio IF South Florida Rattlers
Tyler Binger P/IF South Florida Rattlers
Billy Tobey OF So Cal Bulldogs
Chris Armstrong P Perfect Game Strikers
Chris Evans OF East Cobb Patriots
Tyler Alton P East Cobb Patriots
Steven Detwiler OF Nor Cal
Tyler Slocum P/SS Louisiana Wildcats
Shane Doyle SS/OF Georgia Cobras
James Wiley P Georgia Cobras
Chris Gutschenritter P Georgia Cobras
Hunter Morris P East Cobb Aztecs
Chris Kay C East Cobb Aztecs
Killian OF East Cobb Trojans
McDowell P East Cobb Trojans
Dustin Javins OF South FL Xtreme
Thomas Crews P South FL Xtreme



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