2004 Southeast Top Prospect Showcase
Aaron Berg is a 6'0", 165 lb. right handed pitcher from Mechanicsville, Virginia, with a lean athletic frame. He throws from a standard 3/4 release point with a full arm circle that generates very good arm speed. Aaron has a hesitation at the top of his delivery to let his arm catch up and does a good job staying on line to the plate. He has some effort in his delivery and a slight head jerk on release, but does a good job repeating his mechanics and he showed the ability to throw strikes with all his pitches. Aaron's fastball was 84-86 mph, and he would get some cutting action at the lower velocities, and some run at the higher end. Both his curveball and change up were quality pitches. His curveball topped at 72 mph and his 74 mph change up had occasional above average fade and sink to it. He also runs well and he can hit.