2022 WWBA Workout Showcase (July 6)
Ethan Lynch is a 2026 OF/SS with a 5-6 155 lb. frame from Stafford, VA who attends Colonial Forge. Young athlete with a lot of growth ahead of him, good projection to his frame with a lot of time to fill out. Primary position OF, sitting back on his routes and using choppy footwork to get in position to make throws back to infield . Presents glove out front and transfers well to the midline as he gets shoulders inline to target. Inverted arm action working through an over the top path, getting on top of ball to fairly accurate throws. RHH working with very quiet mechanics, high hand set and high back elbow in his initial setup. Uses a narrow and slightly closed stance and a knee to knee inward turn to load before launch. Keeps hands tight to body with full turn. Best contact was in the middle of the field with backspin line drives while inside the ball. Very early in his career and a lot to look forward to as the foundation is there.