2004 Southeast Top Prospect Showcase
Chris Codemo is a 6'1", 185 lb. left handed pitcher from Richmond, Virginia. Chris has a strong body and has 7.13 sixty speed with a good, solid athletic pitcher's frame. He has good arm speed and a late hand break. Codemo has a slight cross body delivery that does help with deception. He throws from a mid 3/4 arm slot with good glove side help, and a clean balanced finish. Codemo's body and delivery add up to durability. Chris showed a 79-82 mph fastball, 66-67 mph curveball, 72 mph change up, and a 73-74 mph slider. Chris as very good life on all of his pitches. We have seen his velocity in the mid 80's in the past. His ball rarely stays straight, and he can mix speeds on all his pitches with command on both sides of the plate. Chris is a right handed hitter with a narrow stance and no load approach. He has good balance in his swing with above average bat speed, and above average hand strength. Chris is a sleeper who can help many programs in a big way. He is a very good student.