2023 Sunshine East Showcase
Walker Hudson is a 2026 C/1B, 3B with a 6-1 210 lb. frame from Blackshear, GA who attends Ware County. A medium build and frame with some strength present. Ran a 7.31 60-yard dash. Primary catcher with an even base to start. Jumps into a slightly open setup before the throw. Has a shorter release with some quickness to the arm action. The throws were uphill to start the round and kept them lower as the round went on. Threw 75 mph down to second and produced a 2.03 pop time. A right-handed hitter with a wider base and high set hands. He gets the back elbow up and works uphill through the zone and through contact. He wraps the barrel as he starts and shows strength at impact. He's able to get the barrel out front and lift it. Showed carry to the gaps during his round of BP with load contact. Hit one off the scoreboard as well. Produced a 91 mph exit velocity during PG Tech testing. Excellent student. Named to 2023 Sunshine East TP List.