2007 National Showcase
Casey Dykes is a 2008 C/3B with a 5'11'', 196 lb. frame from Franklin, TN who attends Franklin HS. He has a strong, compact build with good body life and quickness. Dykes is a 7.06 runner. He threw 76 mph in drills with a best pop time of 2.02 and was in the same area for pop times in between innings and in games. His feet are quicker than his release and transfers at this point. Dykes is a high energy type catcher who is going to help his team with his leadership and hustle behind the plate. Offensively, Dykes is a very aggressive hitter who attacks the ball with a hard, rotational swing that creates very good bat speed. He basically overpowers the ball with his strength and quickness, there isn't the long and smooth levers that you see on some hitters. Dykes showed the ability to make adjustments to different pitches and hit the ball squarely on the barrell and hit it hard. He hits mostly line drives but showed a hit of some lift in his swing as well. Dykes is an aggressive offensive player at a premium defensive position and those type of talents play. He is also a good student.