2006 National Showcase
Jace Brown is a 2007 right hand hitting infielder from Cardinal Mooney HS, residing in Sarasota, FL. He has a very strong and athletically proportioned build on his 6'3" 185 lb. frame and would be characterized as a "good body" guy. Brown has some strong offensive abilities and should hit plenty of home runs in college, if he goes to school. He hits from a square stance and is clearly anxious to hit, with a lot of pre-pitch movement in the box. He makes an aggressive move into the pitch and his aggressivess can and will be an asset, though he will also get himself out sometimes on pitches he can handle with that approach. There clearly is some good life in his swing and he showed good pull side power. Brown is a timing hitter and will hunt pitches in certain zones and counts, a high reward approach that also comes with some downside. He does work to get behind the ball so when he makes good barrel contact he generally hits the ball quite hard. In the infield Brown showed pretty good actions and good hands with a near average arm. All his tools project best for 3B, though he did make some plays in the middle, showing particularly well on the double play turn. His arm works easy, it is just a matter of how much range he has up the middle when the game moves at a faster pace. Brown ran 4.65 home/1st and posted a laser timed 7.24 60. He is a good D1 prospect and it would not be surprising to see him get draft interest this spring, if he puts up big power numbers.